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The Planet Creator!


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So this is a little game I've seen on other fourms.

So there is a planet, and people keep adding on to the history and what happens on the planet.

This does not have to be realistic, at all!


Me: The planet is a earth-like planet with a Icy-Moon.

Nextguyonfourms: The planet is 2x the size of Earth, so the gravity is higher

Nextguy: The creatures on this planet are large pink squids with Jetpacks to help them deal with the higher gravity.

So the planet is a very small icy planet with a 2 Moons, Boop and Doop.

PS If people would occanconally do drawings of the planet every once that would be nice.

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Wait, are we talking about Boop or Ignus, because first you said Boop was a moon of the planet Ignus, then you said the planet Boop, then you were talking about a planet without making it clear if you meant Boop or Ignus.

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Ignus is the Icy planet (ironiclly, Ignus is latin for fire), with the human creatures, watermelons, and Fier trees. Boop is one of the moons.

Anyways, a strange space ship arrives near Ignus.

Edited by ninjakids
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hmm, if it has higher gravity it should be larger than earth, not smaller...

Given that the dominant life form is large squids, it's a water planet, with large shallow seas and small islands, mostly atols created by the very active volcanoes that also provide the thick cloud cover that covers the entire planet almost all the time.

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A large (16Km ) asteroid comes within ignus' SOI.

A squid ionship docks with it, and slows it until it becomes a third moon of Ignus.



Edited by Holo
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A squid ionship docks with it, and slows it until it becomes a third moon of Ignus.



Holy crap!

Anyways, the human like-creatures (now called Zerbals) come out of come out of the bunker to retake their planet. With the Zerbals now advanced Mech-suits, they reclaim the planet with ease.

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The Sestonion attack fleet moves in, going in to orbit of Boop. As they do not know the name boop, they name the system as this : Ignus : PLP-1098, Boop : WM-1 Doop : S-10986. They have not discovered other planets yet. It contains a squad of modified tanks named "Laythes" used for heavy fighting purposes in space (Instead of on the ground, as the main varient is for that.), and an hour later a colonization fleet, along with scientists come into orbit. After that, three "Sack", carriers named that because when in dire need, ground forces call them "Sacks of reainforcments" containing AAAPs, "Maggies" (It's an Amphibious-armored-anti-personnel vehicle), AAPCs (Amphibious-armored personnel carriers) "Magpies", a few de-orbit rockets for all of them, and small weapons to defend the carriers. All of the vehicles have state-of-the art armor, that has won many wars, and parachutes to drop into water. The Sacks and Laythes stay in orbit, as they have detected the Zerbals,

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The Zerbals decided to use 3-man paratroop teams of Zerbals with diets high in Fibre and Kauersraut which were codenamed Flatulent Airborne Reaction Teams. But, as the Zerbals find out, the Flatulent Airborne Reaction Teams, or F.A.R.T.'s are only effective towards breathing organisms and not machines. They even tested machines that use air, such as Internal Combustion Engines, but as it turns out, the F.A.R.T.'s only improved the effeciency of such machines.

Edited by Flymetothemun
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The Zerbals, after the defeat of the aliens, colonize a neighboring planet. The planet has 4 moons.
The Zebrals decide to name the new planet Zonopariscapilus after their great emperor Zonopariscapilus XXIII


Holy crap!

If you want to, you can add these to the OP. I'll make system diagrams for new planets or whenever a major change to an existing one occurs.

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As a result of the asteroid, chunks of rock are scattered in orbit, creating 14 new moons.

However, as a result of the giant bite mark in the planet, the Zerbals deside to travel to a new planet, a planet which is actally a star, with a giant planet crashed on it.

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  • 1 year later...

this planet was split into millions of small pyramidal chunks that now float in the upper stratosphere of the star, appropriately named by the Zerbals: "The Zerbol Skylands". as a result of the home world being destroyed by Zeus, many more islands were added in to the mix, along with the five floating continents that were the main of the planet. it was rather quite close to it's sun, you see.

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Suddenly, a Quasil ship starts scooping superheated gases from the stars corona for fuel. The quails make contact with the zerbols, and become friends. Quasils are rubbery feathered spheres with bird faces. They are completely immune to any sort of squish damage and sharp objects. They establish a permanent outpost on one of the continents and name it Zaonce.

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