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Jeb, Bob, Bill & Halnie


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Bill: Hair is too long, People in the military/space program have to have relatively short hair, and his mouth also looks kind of feminine, perhaps because it's so small compared to most Kerbal mouths.

Why do I read this as the typical "machismo / homophobia" nonsense?

Boys can have long hair, they can have small mouths, they can look somewhat female... there is nothing really wrong with her Bill. (Actually, he looks somewhat like me :S)

*On topic, I exceedingly readily recognized Halnie as feminine before reading the post; so good job there :)

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  • 8 months later...
Yes, Halnie's suit should probably be white.

The only thing I can think of that would be read as feminine in Bill is that I gave him long hair. I specifically set out trying to avoid culturally constructed gender signifiers and as such did not want Halnie to have the longest hair of the four. I did give her the roundest facial features (so far as Kerbals have facial features) and broad hips vs broad shoulders, but I wanted to avoid pink girl vs blue boy syndrome.

I imagined Bob as modest and friendly, likes people to underestimate him and is actually smarter than he looks. Bill is meek and analytical and generally more of a planner than a doer. Sort of an anti-Jeb.

I imagine Bob is a nerd. He's my favorite, and he has a wife Vall-entine named Desley. they died a horrible, horrible death, but Bob, being able to respawn, misses her so much. Deslong is his daughter, and Bob is extremely protective of her, for he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. Also, Bill is more dumb but tries to keep Jebediah in check.

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I imagine Bob is a nerd. He's my favorite, and he has a wife Vall-entine named Desley. they died a horrible, horrible death, but Bob, being able to respawn, misses her so much. Deslong is his daughter, and Bob is extremely protective of her, for he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. Also, Bill is more dumb but tries to keep Jebediah in check.

Funny how these things work. I definitely picture Bill and Bob more as Holo and Promii have described them. Bob is an understated, loyal to his friends, 'just roll with it' kinda guy but he's a more than competent deputy to Jeb and has a solid core of the Right Stuff if you look deep enough. Bill - quieter, more introspective, fond of good wines but again has definitely got the Right Stuff when required. Jeb might be all about the speed and the engineering and the thrill of flight but Bill is the guy who would bring a camera along to take a snap of sunrise from orbit.

Incidentally - I'm glad that boys can have long hair too. :D

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  • 11 months later...
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