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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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A prototype of kOS integration has been made, so that is something that is actually coming. Since Sirkut decided to rewrite the code, so we will have to wait a bit. But it will come.

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Got a mental issue that's been bugging me for a while now.

How many people actually use the right hand button (instead of the left) for anything but rotatrons?

I'd like to ask for a control code change for most of the parts, just to see how well it goes over.

Lets say you have a hinge, (not the door hinge, the powered block hinge). Could we get the left button so it goes up (with respect to the logo on the hinge face) the right arrow button so it goes down (again with respect to the logo) and the middle button so that goes to the midpoint?

Perhaps get that kind of functionality on all parts that aren't rotatrons (having the circle button return them to the original 0deg position is pretty intuitive).

This includes the 90deg hinges. As it is, the circle button moves the 90deg hinge back to it's start point... when I'd like it to move to the midpoint. Getting the 90deg hinge back to it's start point is easy enough with the correct arrow button, so the circle button is redundant now. However, if it went to the midpoint like standard hinge, it'd be much more useful.

Of course, if there's something in the works that supersedes this functionality, by all means continue.

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I'm having a strange issue with IR. The in-flight window for part manipulation doesn't show up. I also don't get the option to show it's button on the tool bar. In VAB/SPH I have all the parts and I get the assignment window when I place parts. Assignments from the IR window or the assignment tab do not work while in flight. I've deleted and reinstalled both IR and toolbar and it has had no effect. Is there a key I need to press?

Edited by docroe
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I'm having a strange issue with IR. The in-flight window for part manipulation doesn't show up. I also don't get the option to show it's button on the tool bar. In VAB/SPH I have all the parts and I get the assignment window when I place parts. Assignments from the IR window or the assignment tab do not work while in flight. I've deleted and reinstalled both IR and toolbar and it has had no effect. Is there a key I need to press?

I have the exact same problem. I have all the parts. Everything works except the servo control panel never shows up for me in VAB. In flight however i can still use the servos only its all in one group which i can not add to or edit.

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Hey guys its been a while sense ive played KSP. Sense .21 or .22 i dont remember. Anyway trying to get everything to work again, can someone point me to the post that explains why the parts are not showing up. Maybe a conflict with another plugin or something. There have been many post sense ive played. so please forgive the question if its been answered 100 times. And glad to see your still going sirkut.

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Did you research them in the R&D center? In career mode they don't show up without researching them first. If yes, then you probably installed it wrong.

i started in sandbox so they should be unlocked. not unless that has been changed. i pretty sure its installed correctly, i installed it the same way as all the other mods. gamedata/MSI and all the other mods.

although i downloaded it twice, im going to try one more time and see. maybe both times my download was corrupted or i have another mod conflicting.

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@sirkut (or anyone who have an answer or some clues): could you tell me how I can manage to connect parts on the animated area of a part with your plugin please ?

I have a part that is designed to extend and I would like to attach other parts on both side (bottom and top), like the piston for example.

For now, it connect well but when extended, it go through the connected parts sadely.


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Is there any tutorials for using this plugin? I just installed it because I've seen some really neat stuff done with it, but there's so many parts and I'm lost on where to start and how to use it.

You really just have to fiddle around with it a bit to get the hang of it - its not hard. The only thing you need to know is that parts sometimes have two versions (like gantries), as you can not attach stuff to the base part (or vice versa, I am not sure).

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@sirkut (or anyone who have an answer or some clues): could you tell me how I can manage to connect parts on the animated area of a part with your plugin please ?

I have a part that is designed to extend and I would like to attach other parts on both side (bottom and top), like the piston for example.

For now, it connect well but when extended, it go through the connected parts sadely.


That's not really how it works. The plugin is designed to attach things to the IR parts, no other parts. The problem is as you know you can't attach anything to a moving part and have it move with it without some trickery, and IR is the solution to that, pretty much why I started using DR int he first place and made parts for IR, as I need things to move on other moving things.

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That's not really how it works. The plugin is designed to attach things to the IR parts, no other parts. The problem is as you know you can't attach anything to a moving part and have it move with it without some trickery, and IR is the solution to that, pretty much why I started using DR int he first place and made parts for IR, as I need things to move on other moving things.

I understand. The part I'm working on can become an IR part itself (from the plug-in point of view).

another point: there is a new upload of IR on spaceport, what's its purpose ?

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I can't be the first person to try this... right?


but... seemingly for no reason, the rotatrons break, and the wheels come "detached" from the main module, but are still "attached", as in, they still rotate with control, and provide friction with the ground, and move the main module.

Quite curious.

Not asking it to be fixed, I can assume the rotatrons were never designed to be wheel motors, but...

(in this one, I broke the front 2 wheels by jumping it off the launchpad, but the hinges broke long after that (I was busy doing wheelies))



the "wheels" also don't have collision boxes once they fall off, and are affected by gravity, but can still rotate under control




I'm thinking about making huge roving bases out of these... I'm trying to figure out what makes the hinges go flop, but it just happens whenever it feels like.

"uuuh... Eve-rover to base... we seem to have a problem. We just lost all 16 of our wheels..."


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There was a discussion about this some time ago where constantly rotating joint/parts would fail after some period of constant use

I think it was something to do with the quaternion accumulation errors because the MSI code doesn't (currently) periodically renormalize the vectors, I would imagine this is something Sirkut would be addressing in the Plugin re-write they're currently undertaking

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I have recently installed this mod and was frustrated when I tested it. It didn't work. I checked the install and there is nothing wrong with it. What, you may ask, is exactly wrong? Well, when I try to move the parts, they make sounds, but they don't move! I recognize it is nothing wrong with the mod so it must be something I have done. Are there any mods that this one conflicts with? By the way, the list of mods I have installed follow closely to Scott Manley's interstellar quest Help would be greatly appreciated!

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You cannot articulate joints while holding other buttons, in case that might be an issue.

I kept getting frustrated that the parts on my rover weren't moving, but it's because I was holding B for brakes...

I toggled brakes in the top menu and everything worked fine.

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Interesting.... I'm playing on a different computer and it works fine. By the way, I tried activating the brakes to see if that were the issue; whether or not they are activated does not make a difference. I'm also using an exact copy of the GameData folder from the other computer. So maybe I will try re-installing KSP on it.

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any chance of 2 new parts.... or maybe a way to do them already.

1) I want a rotatron and/or docking washer that is toggle on/off so I can turn it on and it will then rotate forever until I turn it off. to make spinning station parts that will just sit and rotate for ever...

2) the gantry rail... you have 2 version where the front or back part of the center is the stationary part. what I want is one where both the front and back parts remain stationary but the rail will move. thus your front and back connection points remain stationary but anything you have attached to the ends of the rails will move leaving your other parts "inline" with the rest if the rig.

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1) I want a rotatron and/or docking washer that is toggle on/off so I can turn it on and it will then rotate forever until I turn it off. to make spinning station parts that will just sit and rotate for ever...

This can be achieved by assigning the Move+ action to an action group. It acts as a toggle, so pressing the action group once activates the rotatron, and pressing again deactivates it. Note your ship WILL explode if you time warp without stopping any spinning parts first.

2) the gantry rail... you have 2 version where the front or back part of the center is the stationary part. what I want is one where both the front and back parts remain stationary but the rail will move. thus your front and back connection points remain stationary but anything you have attached to the ends of the rails will move leaving your other parts "inline" with the rest if the rig.

I think I understand what you mean. Could you give an example of how you would use such a part, or maybe some concept image from an existing machine?


dodo create free Powered Hinge?
A free hinge is planned for the model rework. If you want to create your own, make a copy of the tall-hinge, rename it, and set the jointSpring value to 0.0000001. Note that the hinge will be able to rotate beyond its 90 degree range, so expect part clipping.
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A free hinge is planned for the model rework. If you want to create your own, make a copy of the tall-hinge, rename it, and set the jointSpring value to 0.0000001. Note that the hinge will be able to rotate beyond its 90 degree range, so expect part clipping.

Anybody ever figure out how to get symmetry working properly for those hinges? Whenever I try to use them, the symmetrical version shows up rotated instead of mirrored horizontally, so the hinge is right-side-up on the placing side, but upside-down on the other side. :/

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Anybody ever figure out how to get symmetry working properly for those hinges? Whenever I try to use them, the symmetrical version shows up rotated instead of mirrored horizontally, so the hinge is right-side-up on the placing side, but upside-down on the other side. :/

Try adding the hinges in the SPH. Your rocket will load in laying down but symmetry is done differently.

One thing to note in the VAB is symmetry of IR parts is done differently with 2 and 3 or more. If you set it to 2 and add the VTOL rotatron (which needs a major de-uglying and otherwise total rework plus additional sizes) to the side of a rocket, they'll rotate opposite so that whatever is attached will turn to the same side of the rocket. Great if you want to build a vertically launched vehicle which will rotate horizontally and hover. But if you set symmetry to 3 or more, they'll all turn the same direction.

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