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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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So I just came back to KSP after quite a bit of inactivity (my last version was 0.21), and I was wondering how we could move old parts from this mod to the newer versions, mainly the swing-wing part.

I have this wonderful swing-wing VTOL plane that consists of *a lot* of stacked swing-wings for strength, and it would be a colossal pain to take apart and reassemble the plane with newer parts; is there any way we can somehow adjust older parts to fit in?

Many thanks.

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So I just came back to KSP after quite a bit of inactivity (my last version was 0.21), and I was wondering how we could move old parts from this mod to the newer versions, mainly the swing-wing part.

I have this wonderful swing-wing VTOL plane that consists of *a lot* of stacked swing-wings for strength, and it would be a colossal pain to take apart and reassemble the plane with newer parts; is there any way we can somehow adjust older parts to fit in?

Many thanks.

I have no idea what part you are referring to. Look at the configs of a similar part and run with it.

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The IR_HingeTall and IR_HingeTallND both have bad textures in the latest release (re-downloaded to check). They are TGA textures that are just a small black square when I open them in Paint.NET and hence the hinges load as black objects in the game. I replaced them with the MBM textures from an earlier version and now they show up fine

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The IR_HingeTall and IR_HingeTallND both have bad textures in the latest release (re-downloaded to check). They are TGA textures that are just a small black square when I open them in Paint.NET and hence the hinges load as black objects in the game. I replaced them with the MBM textures from an earlier version and now they show up fine

They are like that on purpose because I am using MODEL references. Did you do a clean install of IR? Files have changed to reflect that (ie the "bad textures" and the CFG files). In order for MODEL texture references to work you have to put a dummy image in its place then reference the real image elsewhere.

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They are like that on purpose because I am using MODEL references. Did you do a clean install of IR?

Yea, after I downloaded 0.25 I went around and downloaded all the various mod updates, so there was no overwriting going on or previous install at all in this case

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I hope people don't mind if I post this here. It's really about the kOS Scriptable Autopilot mod mostly, BUT it's about progress on making kOS interface with other mods, and the showcase mod it's interfacing with is Infernal Robotics:

(I posted this a few days ago but it was in the wrong thread by mistake.)

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Try this: go in to the SPH and place the large remote guidance unit and an orange tank. Then attach the robotics parts to the sides of the tank (NOT the ends with the green stack attach nodes). The end that attaches to the tank is the end you always want to attach first.

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I hope people don't mind if I post this here. It's really about the kOS Scriptable Autopilot mod mostly, BUT it's about progress on making kOS interface with other mods, and the showcase mod it's interfacing with is Infernal Robotics:

(I posted this a few days ago but it was in the wrong thread by mistake.)

I really liked the use of the IR gantries. I think this is going to open a lot of cool uses for IR parts in general :)

Edited by erendrake
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Two questions for you :

  • I've KSPAPI DLL installed in other mods, do I need to replace all the occurrences of this?
  • Using the hinge, I get an issue in the hangar. Using the position UI, if I go to the complete range multiple time, the hinge rotate slightly each time I do it, so it's off the right position after a few complete movement. Is it a known bug?
    Here is how I make it happens. I put the hinge on a strut part :
    I make it go up to the -90° limit and set limits of the movement :
    I run the movement to the limits a few times, here 20 times, and look at the position of the hinge and the struts after those movement... It's supposed to be 90° up, it show as it is but, the center of the movement shifted by 20° :
    Now let's move the hinge elsewhere, and look at the base angled position.
    My analysis of this issue is, each time you run the hinge to set limits in the hangar, it shift +1° each time... I didn't checked on the positive side yet.

Try this: go in to the SPH and place the large remote guidance unit and an orange tank. Then attach the robotics parts to the sides of the tank (NOT the ends with the green stack attach nodes). The end that attaches to the tank is the end you always want to attach first.

Thank you :)

EDIT// Seems the movement are inverted when you reload a ship from a saved state or from a subassembly.

Edited by FrancoisH
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I've KSPAPI DLL installed in other mods, do I need to replace all the occurrences of this?

You shouldn't need to – in fact, replacing them could break other mods. As long as all the mods that use it are working, don't replace KAE for any of them. It's designed to only run the latest version if you have multiple copies installed.

Using the hinge, I get an issue in the hangar. Using the position UI, if I go to the complete range multiple time, the hinge rotate slightly each time I do it, so it's off the right position after a few complete movement. Is it a known bug?

There's a video in this post. Is that what you're seeing?

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There's a video in this post. Is that what you're seeing?

Yes exactly... And this really mod breaking issue as I can't rely on it or make my parts fit correctly into the fairing as I would ;)... as well with movement being inverted on saved parts/ships.

And for the KSPAPI it's requested to replace the TweakScale one in the first post so I did it.

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Using the hinge, I get an issue in the hangar. Using the position UI, if I go to the complete range multiple time, the hinge rotate slightly each time I do it, so it's off the right position after a few complete movement. Is it a known bug?

There's a video in this post. Is that what you're seeing?

I'm seeing the same issue. Set the Min as 0, set the Max as 90, and then use the UI tools in the VAB to repeatedly open/close the hinge. Each time the Min seems to increase by 1 or so...exactly as shown in that video.

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Yes exactly... And this really mod breaking issue as I can't rely on it or make my parts fit correctly into the fairing as I would ;)... as well with movement being inverted on saved parts/ships.

And for the KSPAPI it's requested to replace the TweakScale one in the first post so I did it.

Mod breaking issue? Are you kidding me?! It was just 1 release ago that I released the ability to move parts in the VAB/SPH and you complain that it doesn't work fully? Look, simple solution until I figure out how to fix it. Save your craft and save often. Move the part with the tweak window open so you can watch the coordinates. When it gets to the point you like, remember that number. Reload your craft, set it to that limit. finis.

If you don't like it then just go to the launch pad, figure it out there then go back into the VAB/SPH.

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Sorry if I said something that harsh to make you react like this. Your mod is really great... But this drifting of parts, rotating after testing the system, make for me the design quite complicated. So for me it's a breaking mod issue.

I'll just wait you find a way to solve this issue, and I'm sure you will, and then I'll continue to use it.

Anyway, as I said, it still a great and unique mod. Especially with the future of kOS and the ability to control your parts with it.

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I think sirkut's point is that you can still do everything you could before he added that feature without issues. As long as you do your testing after launching, you won't run into any new issues, just like before.

I understood that, except for me, going from flight back to hangar is something quite long... so, for me, it's exactly what I said ;)

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I'm pretty sure I did something wrong with one of your parts, but I can't figure out what it was and can't undo it. After a search in this thread for problems with the Closed Powered Hinge, I seem to be the only one who messed up this way! I've included screenshots to show what happened in flight and a stripped-down .craft file (I think I got all the non-stock parts out).

Here's my situation: I have a space station with an experiment module that is finished and needs to come back home. I use docking ports on the experiment to send it up and bring it back (launched with a basic rocket, retrieved with a spaceplane). My retrieval design uses a cargo bay on a spaceplane, with your Closed Powered Hinge to bring out the docking port for attaching the experiment. The hinge is then supposed to close again, safely tucking the experiment into the cargo bay (because I like to use DeadlyReentry for the realism).

The problem: After designing my spaceplane (see .craft file below), I tested the hinge movement, set movement limits, and assigned action groups for easy operation. All systems were go, so I launched. When I got to the space station, grabbed the experiment, decoupled, and tried to retract the hinge...nothing moved! I hear the motor sound when I activate my action groups, but the hinge never retracted. Then I took a close look at my cargo bay and noticed the state of the hinge. Here are screenshots (a couple of views, and each view with and without the part menu in case there's any useful info there):





For anyone reading through posts like I did, what happened was the base of the hinge--the part that doesn't move in the VAB and is supposed to be fixed to a surface--decided to become the moving side! It's now closed again with the payload sticking out and doesn't move at all anymore. I thought maybe this was simply a graphical bug, because the "Rotation" value in the part menu does respond to the motion controls, and tried closing my cargo bay doors:


But the menu for the doors showed that only the same 3 parts were shielded as in the VAB (the hinge, docking port, and an RCS tank), as you can see from the .craft file:


What did I do wrong, so I can avoid it next time? Can this be fixed by editing the part in my save file? I'm cool with that, I just need to know which of the many values to change.

Thanks for any advice, and thanks for the mod!

P.S. I hope Squad recognizes this functionality of moving parts as fundamental and will incorporate your mod into the stock game by v1.0!

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