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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Awesome! Thanks Sirkut, we are back in action.

Installed the wrong tablet driver last week and the cursor would sometimes fly off the screen. That was it!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<rect name="editorWinPos">






<rect name="tweakWinPos">






<rect name="controlWinPos">






<rect name="groupEditorWinPos">






<bool name="useEC">1</bool>


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New to the forums and I couldn't find an answer through the search box.

Looking to find some workaround for the issue I’m having with IR. I have KSP on Mac, I’ve updated to .25 and I’ve lost my mun base (and tons of gathered science collected in the lab there). I don’t have a lot of free time to play KSP so I don’t want to have to start over.

I receive the message that I’m missing a part because of the recent update removing half sized parts. I have a backup from May that has KSP 23.5.464 and I’ve tried to edit my persistant.sfs save to 23.5.464 instead of .25 but even then when I try to select the ship from the tracking station, it isn’t there.

Is there something else I can do or is it a lost cause? I have multiple ships docked to it via KAS pipe connections for fuel transfer, could I edit the craft file to only have the mobile science lab and send a rescue mission to retrieve it? 4 kerbals within the command pod attached to the lab are missing in action as well. Thank you in advance.

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New to the forums and I couldn't find an answer through the search box.

Looking to find some workaround for the issue I’m having with IR. I have KSP on Mac, I’ve updated to .25 and I’ve lost my mun base (and tons of gathered science collected in the lab there). I don’t have a lot of free time to play KSP so I don’t want to have to start over.

I receive the message that I’m missing a part because of the recent update removing half sized parts. I have a backup from May that has KSP 23.5.464 and I’ve tried to edit my persistant.sfs save to 23.5.464 instead of .25 but even then when I try to select the ship from the tracking station, it isn’t there.

Is there something else I can do or is it a lost cause? I have multiple ships docked to it via KAS pipe connections for fuel transfer, could I edit the craft file to only have the mobile science lab and send a rescue mission to retrieve it? 4 kerbals within the command pod attached to the lab are missing in action as well. Thank you in advance.

I need to see a log file but what it could be is when I implemented tweakscale the small and half sizes were removed in favor of tweakscale.

One option is to keep your old version of IR and update everything but the CFG files. Only caveat is you won't be able to tweak the sizes from the editor.

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Please don't replace the KSPAPIExtensions.dll anymore. That was a dirty hack from when KSP 0.24 broke KAE's version check function and before TweakScale was compatible with KSP 0.25. KAE will now only run the latest version of the plugin that's installed. That version is included with both TweakScale 1.44+ and InfernalRobotics 0.19.2.

You might try downgrading to TweakScale 1.44, instead. That version is compatible with KSP 0.25 on it's own and doesn't have the issues resulting from the new features.

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I need to see a log file but what it could be is when I implemented tweakscale the small and half sizes were removed in favor of tweakscale.

One option is to keep your old version of IR and update everything but the CFG files. Only caveat is you won't be able to tweak the sizes from the editor.

Edit: I was able to get it to work using your advise. Rescue complete Thanks!

Edited by tachildr
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Looking at the tall 90 degree hinge, 0 degrees appears to actually be -1 degree. ie, it seems to push slightly beyond the 90 degree limit when at its extent. The setting of 1 degree is perpendicular to the attachment axis.

This is most obvious when using long girder segments, as they stick into the side of the craft over their length.

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Hm. I didn't think so, because it was a newly-loaded craft, however if the issue persists in the craft save file, then it is possible. If i start with a "new" hinge, I'm able to reproduce your demonstration in the video quickly. Either way, it is probably the same issue. Thanks!

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With IR 0.19.2 and Tweakscale 1.47 installed, I can't scale IR parts down. The option is there, and it appears to work, but it causes my framerate in the VAB to immediately tank and locks the rotation limits. Launching like that just doesn't work. Debug spams the following:

[Log]: [TweakScale] Updating field mass on type Single

[Exception]: ArgumentException: Object type System.Double cannot be converted to target type: System.Single

Parameter name: val

Scaling the part back to normal immediately fixes the problem and stops the spam. I haven't had this conflict with any other parts. Any tips?

Edited by Deckard
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With IR 0.19.2 and Tweakscale 1.47 installed, I can't scale IR parts down. The option is there, and it appears to work, but it causes my framerate in the VAB to immediately tank and locks the rotation limits. Launching like that just doesn't work. Debug spams the following:

[Log]: [TweakScale] Updating field mass on type Single

[Exception]: ArgumentException: Object type System.Double cannot be converted to target type: System.Single

Parameter name: val

Scaling the part back to normal immediately fixes the problem and stops the spam. I haven't had this conflict with any other parts. Any tips?

Make sure you don't have any other versions of tweakscale running. Update to the latest and if it does the same thing you can downgrade to tweakscale to 1.44 and report it in the tweakscale thread. It should have been fixed already.

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So if I attach an M-beam 200 to a small powered hinge and launch it. It works as intended, however if I leave the rocket in space or on ground and go to space center, when I go back the parts shake them-self apart. All I have are 1x6 solar panels attached to the beam. If I un-attach the solar panels from the beam and try to replicate, no issue. Any Ideas?

EDIT: I managed to capture this image before the acceleration kept me from time warping. As soon as I focused on this probe i went to x5 time warp and you can see that the panels on the beams are misaligned. This did not seem to happen without the hinge in my tests. I can see now that the hinge looks boogered when I loaded. This is not what it looked like when I left it.

Running IR 19.2 and tweakscale 1.44, as the latest gave me issues. I did not replace the extensions dll as previously instructed by another user but against the instruction of post #1 here.


Edited by UAL002
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I believe it's a stock issue that happens to be exacerbated by IR. You'll get similar effects with the craft here.

You should be able to work around by making sure the solar panels don't clip at all. That means spacing them out along the arm, but also using thicker arm pieces (modular girders work well).

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i got the same effect with girders, weren't clipping anything either.

Another shot, it seems like the panels are not in the exact place I placed them before load. its like they moved enough to cause phantom forces. In this picture the craft wobbled itself apart until those 3 panels on the left ripped loose. One of the bases is straight gone. But notice how inexact the placement is now. They were EXACT when I launched it. Annoying as this is. Researching this issue is like doing real science. :)


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BUG In the VAB hinges rotate in relation to the item they are attached to instead of on their own rotation axis.

To duplicate: attach a hinge to any currently attached node, use the position editor to change the angle of the part so it is not at min or max, set the max/min angle to something other than default values but keeping the current position valid, use the position editor to run against the min or max limiter, use the position editor to reverse the previous action, repeat the last two steps several times and the part will no longer be at the angle you attached it. It seems like it might be one degree permanent offset each time you bump the limiter.

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Feature Request: Disengage motor

Hinges used to free-rotate, that functionality is missed. It could be added as another context button "Disengage Motor" or "Free Rotate". Likewise part count could be reduced (rotatron/washer).

Is missed? It was never available. Part count reduced by one, not sure if that is worth the savings alone. Last time I attempted this it would require a destroy/recreate the actual joint for the setting to be done and that caused issues. I'll revisit again but I offer no guarantees.

As for the rotational issue I'm aware of it, for now just don't keep going back and forth that many times. Save and save often so it doesn't creep much. :)

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I've installed IR for the first time and I'm getting this showing up in the ksp.log

[ERR 23:22:59.170] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'InfernalRobotics': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.MuMechToggle' from assembly 'InfernalRobotics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

I couldn't see anything in the threat that looks applicable...any ideas on how I can diagnose it (I suspect its a mod incompatability)

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