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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Fair enough on not redistributing. I don't redistribute code anyway without permission simply out of respect for the authors. I hadn't thought about the support aspect very much but now that I think about it, I'll try to step up more when somebody on the forum puts in a request for help and maybe that will help take some of the load off you guys.

Anything I do to the code stays with me unless it might be useful for somebody else, in which case, it's submitted back to the original authors for inclusion into the primary codebase IF they think it's a good idea as well. At no point should forked code be generally available unless no other choice is given (MIA author, etc). It's up to them whether or not it's useful enough to include.

Fair is fair and the credit belongs to the authors because what ever I'd do to it is derivative at best anyway.

Besides, when I write something, I'm not looking for fame, I'm looking for a feature and it's generally because I couldn't get it any other way. I don't care whose name is on the final product as long as I get to play with it :)

Edited by jsalexan
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taniwha: I have been trying to get a rather low-part ship to be constructed by the launchpad, mostly made of LLL parts, and it keeps exploding.

I am slowly removing mods and switching some out, to see if it is a deisgn flaw or a mod issue, but I think it's a mod issue.

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Mekan1k: I have many mods installed (including IR), and I generally have no trouble now when using v3.2. The only time I've had trouble recently is when my throttle was up a little (I have no engines on my base, so it can be difficult to notice) and KSP refused to switch focus to the newly spawned ship. This is fixed in my private dev tree (KSP still refuses to switch under such circumstances, but I've made it a non-issue).

My suggestions: get the latest version (3.2-hotfix: I posted a link last night) and double check your throttle before building.

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ZodiusInfuser : that is great. check out the docking port alignment viewer by NavyFish. that 'should' allow for faster / easier alignment when using docking collars like that. Can you 'share' your .cfg edit that is allowing the gantry to work like that..????... Also, if possible, the .craft file would be a real time saver if you dont mind.

again, very nice and give the that alignment viewer a go....

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im still having the parts getting gaps with each other after time warp. seems the problem for me is that when i spped up time the parts snap back to there original position super hard with enough force they can shake the entier ship.

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ZodiusInfuser : that is great. check out the docking port alignment viewer by NavyFish. that 'should' allow for faster / easier alignment when using docking collars like that.

That mod is indeed good. I've used it for quite a number of "interesting" dockings in the past:




Can you 'share' your .cfg edit that is allowing the gantry to work like that..????... Also, if possible, the .craft file would be a real time saver if you dont mind.

I believe the instructions for how to create it were back a number of pages ago (I forget where). From what I recall Sirkut gave out the instructions for those (like me) too impatient to wait for an official release. Hopefully he'll include it to the mod soon, as both versions have their uses.

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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I'll be releasing the fix for the gantry including the 90 degree hinges in a pack possibly later today. ZodiosInfuser. How are you keeping the other craft hovering while you control another craft?

My guess would be MechJeb or kOS.

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Mechjeb :). Far too much to think about otherwise. How the game let me switch craft whilst in flight I have no idea.

The craft I was controlling used mechjeb too for altitude control. I then controlled the pitch of the engines via docking washers (12 in total) to "manually" align the two craft. It was almost the same as orbital docking :P It got a bit hairy on my first attempt as the downforce from the target craft caused the mine to veer off course and nearly crash! Hence the second attempt shown in the last two images having a 45 degree offset.

I'll be releasing the fix for the gantry including the 90 degree hinges in a pack possibly later today.

I presume you'll be keeping the current gantry version too? Both have their uses depending on what side of the root part they are wanted, that is until there is a real fix for the problem.

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Mechjeb :). Far too much to think about otherwise. How the game let me switch craft whilst in flight I have no idea.

The craft I was controlling used mechjeb too for altitude control. I then controlled the pitch of the engines via docking washers (12 in total) to "manually" align the two craft. It was almost the same as orbital docking :P It got a bit hairy on my first attempt as the downforce from the target craft caused the mine to veer off course and nearly crash! Hence the second attempt shown in the last two images having a 45 degree offset.

I presume you'll be keeping the current gantry version too? Both have their uses depending on what side of the root part they are wanted, that is until there is a real fix for the problem.

Ah mechjeb.

Fixin I meant release the other version as well. Hectic day at work.

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Mechjeb :). Far too much to think about otherwise. How the game let me switch craft whilst in flight I have no idea.

The craft I was controlling used mechjeb too for altitude control. I then controlled the pitch of the engines via docking washers (12 in total) to "manually" align the two craft. It was almost the same as orbital docking :P It got a bit hairy on my first attempt as the downforce from the target craft caused the mine to veer off course and nearly crash! Hence the second attempt shown in the last two images having a 45 degree offset.

I presume you'll be keeping the current gantry version too? Both have their uses depending on what side of the root part they are wanted, that is until there is a real fix for the problem.

The game will let you swap craft midflight sometimes, there's certain flags it looks for though, and I don't remember what they are. MechJeb will force the game to allow it if it's in an autopilot type mode though.

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So, I have been building rover to assemble a base on the Mun. Recently I have been having a problem with the Powered Hinge.

It works fine until I dock with something. In this case The FusTek Airlock, then it wants to rotate backwards. What can I do about this?

Below is an image of the rover The Artimus Assembler Mk VIII, driving the 2.1 km to the base. Followed by an image of the rover with the AirLock docked.

At the bottom is the Mark IV rover moving the Observation node to the base.




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