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What's your favorite not commonly known Kerbal?


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Gilrod Kerman has been taken to Eeloo, Pol and Duna and returned from every mission. Jeb has since been allocated a mission control position when a "serious" mission is required, it's been a long time since he bought a rocket home in one piece.

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Seangun Kerman, every time I go to test a design, he is always the pilot. So now, with the Crew Manifest plugin, I make sure he is my only test pilot. However, he is currently on vacation at my Minmus base while I test some of my bigger designs.

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Jonski Kerman always seems to pilot the prototypes for my various colony ships. He was also the first of my kerbals to reach Eve. Well, really the only one. All the other colonists passed away in a very unfortunate crash. o.0

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I've got Gus Kerman running my Mun base right now. He's pretty cool, but kinda dumb. My other favorite is Munford, currently testing an Ion propelled multipurpose spacecraft. He's going to Minmus. Only problem is, Ion engines are slow. I've raising my apoapsis once an orbit for a whole day and I'm still not even halfway to the Mun, much less to Minmus!

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Geofwise Kerman. In 0.17, he was my invincible test pilot. Or so I thought, he eventually died in one of many insanity-driven creations. A memorial is under construction, in the form of a droid named Jeff. It is to be attached to my station, once I get around to putting a habitat module on there.

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Thompbin Kerman is a pilot of my go-to nucler tug i have always at hand - he has like 70% Courage (brave, but not crazy) and 0% Stupidity. When we'll get some real science stuff, he will be designated as Science Officer to every serious exploration mission:cool:. My second favorite is Richgel Kerman - he's kinda dumb, but boy - does he enjoy space. No matter what's happening, Richie is looking around in awe and jumping in his seat in childlike excitement.

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In 0.18 I got Phillong Kerman before Bill, Bob, or Jeb, so he flew all the first test designs of that save. I honestly expected him to die after a while, and hoped that the Big Three might show up after that. After all, what Kerbal test pilots last particularly long anyway? But he never died. He always had enough spacecraft left to get safely back to Kerbin. All of his missions were classed as [success] or [Partial Success]. He tested my orbiters, my Mun & Minmus landers, my first SSTO prototypes, my earliest stations, everything. And when I decided to end that save and start fresh with 0.19, he still hadn't been lost or killed. With my 0.20 save, I've had him pop up recently. In honour of his abilities, he had his BadS tag changed to True.

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  Felsmak said:
I have yet to encounter him in-game, but I've heard of an interesting one named Enemy Kerman. I'm not sure if I'd let him inside my super-advanced spaceships, however.

I have Enemy Kerman in my game. Buthert is my favorite name. I suppose you could read it as B-You-Thert but I read it as butt hurt.

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One of the crew of my first Minmus exploration team, testing a primitive rover- a ship with a cart strapped to the bottom. Later and all round test pilot, then few many shuttles to Kerbo-synchronous transfer orbit to deploy many satellites. Was stationed on "Newstation" then jumped out as part of a parachute test. Became the first kerbal to (safely) land from orbit without a capsule. Was a test subject in the "To Orbit Via Cannon" project. (Which failed.)

He earned his place in my home for (temporarily) retired kerbalnuaghts.


Though some in my experiment save have been really enjoyable lately. If I like them enough, they get copied into my main save.

Like Milly and Sidtrey.


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