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R-Universe Industries Life-Tech Set


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Development of version 0.05 has been cancelled. No further updates to this add-on are planned.

(See post at the top of page 4)

Version 0.04 - New features:

- There is now only one unit. (Update: There are now a couple of new parts).

- The unit now makes use of the in-game science system.

- Mod requires Science Tech technology to unlock in career mode (if you've already researched this, you will have to unlock it in the tech-tree).

- The unit is no longer a sampling unit, it is a "Surface Analysis Unit".

- Problems with new plugin have been sorted.

- Ambiguously-labeled "new stuff" is now finished.

- Screenshots of the new 0.04 update can be seen below.

Ever wanted to conduct research in the search for alien life in the kerbal universe? Well now you can, with the R-Universe Industries Life-Tech Set! The Life-Tech Set can be used to analyze the surface of celestial bodies across the Kerbol system for signs of life. It also includes futuristic bio-fuel technology, with a tank and an engine. Bio-fuel is renewable but bio-fuel engines don’t generate as much thrust as liquid fuel engines! Also, if you’re playing in career mode, once you unlock Science Tech, you can use this set to progress the research of your space program! Just try using the unit in different places!

Download the mod via MediaFire: http://www./download/aoo438o1a91c3xx/RUILifeTech_0.04.zip


How to install: Open or extract the zip file and find the folder called 'R-Universe Industries'. Copy and paste the folder in KSP_win/GameData (along with the Squad and NASAmission folders). If you're new to adding mods, you can find the location quickly by right clicking your KSP shortcut (assuming you have one) and clicking on "Open file location". (This may vary with operating systems).

I'm fairly proud of the progress I've made with this mod from its simple beginnings. I'm far from a coding expert, but (thanks to some great help from the KSP community) it's really grown and developed. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me out on the way with various questions I've had about plugin coding. I can't stress enough how great the KSP community is. :)

Screenshots (An example of an unmanned ship landed by the picturesque Kerbin mountains)

Note: These screenshots were taken in sandbox mode, so science experiment results don't reflect career mode.





Edited by Zyrac
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Man you need to upload pictures to show your stuff. I've seen this mod on the Spaceport a few times and I almost downloaded it, I really just lacked pictures of how it looks and works to get me to do it. Looks like you have something awesome, but I wanna see!!! :D

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I downloaded the life support hydroponics mod you have for .20.2 and I must say sadly it didn't do anything at all to any aspect of the game except add parts... I was dissapointed for I have had it back in .19 and loved it.

You might want to look into that.. Plus on the spaceport it has a 1 star rating I assume for the same reason.

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I think this mod has some great potential. The parts seem a bit unwieldy for their size and there are multiple copies of each part for different systems. I tacked a sample gathering and a sample analysis cores to opposite sides of a lander, took it to the Mun, gathered samples and then wasn't able to transfer it over, so I'm guessing fuel lines are necessary. I tested back on base and if the units are stacked, the analyzer will recognize the samples and process it. I found that the sample didn't drain into the analyzer and there was no way emptying the sample unit for a fresh sample. I've also noticed there are no differences in the large or small parts, other than mass and physical size.

Zyrac, I know it sounds like I'm highlighting a lot of rough spots, but I think this is a really neat mod and would love to see some more come from it. I like the RUI Database on the WikiPage you set up. That has a lot of promise as well.

Hope this helps, keep up the good work.


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I'm going to start work on all those issues. I don't know about the sample transfer though, as far as I can tell, there's no way around using fuel lines, but I may be wrong. :P I knew the hydroponics system had an ugly design but I've also just realised it's lacking the part it needs to give it purpose (a edited version of the crew cabin that uses up food). I'll get some screenshots up showing the parts in use. :P Thanks for the honest feedback. This add-on is still very young but it will improve :D

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Ok, I've already said I've started working on the issues that have been pointed out (am currently testing a change to the samples plugin to allow you to discard unwanted samples) and I've said I'm going to get some screenshots of the parts in action, so I'd appreciate it if people stopped pointing out that I need pictures. :P

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Screenshots are now added (if they are a bit on the large size). :P As you can see in the sampling unit pictures, I have now added the option to discard unwanted samples but I'm still working on the plugins to make a few changes so I haven't uploaded the latest version yet.

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Version 0.03 is now up on Spaceport but a few changes are still planned to it. Just wanted to give people a new version, even if it's a bit of a premature release.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  rpayne88 said:
I didn't get a plugin or resource folder with this. All I got were the parts, but without the plugins or resources, they are all useless dead weight.

When I read this, I thought "Oh no, I've made another stupid mistake with the download file." I then took a look at when you posted your comment and thought "and I've left it unattended for this long, most likely longer?" :P So, I'm sorry for the issues, can't believe I messed up the download file in such a big way, and sorry for leaving it unattended for so long. I'm working on it now, so hopefully by the time you see this, it should be fixed. :P

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  • 3 months later...

Well, I thought for some time that this mod had lost its charm and I was prepared to let it die. However, it's possible that I may create an update of it. This is assuming I have the time in my 1 week holiday. I'm in the last year of school, so as much as I would love to focus on KSP, studies sadly have to take priority.

Possible changes may include:

- The parts will make use of the science system.

- A single module for gathering samples from all planets/moons.

- I'm thinking about the analysis modules and whether there should be one module to analyze all samples or whether to make sampler and analyzer one unit.

- Maybe new textures?

- I'm considering removing the information module, particularly as KSP now has an in-game information archive on all bodies.

So, hopefully I can start working on this soon. :)

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  • 5 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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