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[1.12] HyperEdit [v1.5.8, July 10, 2018] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More


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I cannot open http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com/ , got error 500, is there a mirror for downloading?

Update: the server seems online now, please ignore this post.

Yea, sorry about that, ofan. The site's on a shared server, so there are times when it gets slow or goes down completely. Thankfully, those times are usually short lived. The up side is that it's cheap enough for me to afford.

Edited by Ezriilc
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Yea, sorry about that, ofan. The site's on a shared server, so there are times when it gets slow or goes down completely. Thankfully, those times are usually short lived. The up side is that it's cheap enough for me to afford.

Why not use Kerbal Stuff made by SirCmpwn ?

It's free :).

By the way, I get to your mod back to put asteroids (from FASA) into orbit and that's works well ;) (on 0.23.5 still).

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Why not use Kerbal Stuff made by SirCmpwn ?

It's free :).

By the way, I get to your mod back to put asteroids (from FASA) into orbit and that's works well ;) (on 0.23.5 still).

I'm not completely opposed to such an idea, but we definitely need much more than just a place to upload a file. We need an entire hosting environment with our own security, database, tracking, etc.. To some degree, I was hoping to actually "compete" (in a not-serious way, of course) with sites like Kerbal Stuff. But I do love the whole concept, and I will seriously consider it.

Also..., I'm a bit of a control freak :0.0:, and letting others host our mod has so far been... ahem... less than stellar :mad: [shudders at the memory]. I absolutely hate being at the mercy of whomever may hold the power, and wondering when they might decide to ignore, abuse, or simply abandon their users. I'm not saying that I'm a better administrator than anyone else, or that Kerbal Stuff is likely to go the way of the Spaceport, just that I personally don't trust anyone - and yes, that's on me.

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Hi Ezriilc,

I am having a problem with the ship lander function... it causes every ship I try to drop to exceed G's and explode. This was not happening in .23.5 but is now in .24.2 (32-bit). From what I can tell everything else is working but this. Any ideas?

I re-downloaded from your website just to make sure I had the latest and greatest but I got the same result.

EDIT: OK, I guess I forgot how to use it... if I kill orbital speed to zero before I try to drop it works fine. I don't remember having to do that before but I probably did.

Edited by maxrsp
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Hi Ezriilc,

I am having a problem with the ship lander function... it causes every ship I try to drop to exceed G's and explode. This was not happening in .23.5 but is now in .24.2 (32-bit). From what I can tell everything else is working but this. Any ideas?

I re-downloaded from your website just to make sure I had the latest and greatest but I got the same result.

EDIT: OK, I guess I forgot how to use it... if I kill orbital speed to zero before I try to drop it works fine. I don't remember having to do that before but I probably did.

Hi maxrsp. I'm sorry you're having trouble.

I just did a test on my Windows 8.1 64-bit system, using Kerbaltek's Surfex ship (small and simple), and the Ship Lander worked without any fireworks.

Can you send me a copy of your ship to test with? You can either upload to our Craft Kitchen, or use our Contact page.

Can you give some more detail about where you're teleporting to and from, and under what conditions?

Have you tried other ships?

Have you tried it with SAS/RCS/Brakes on and/or off?

EDIT: I didn't see your edit until now. Is it working reasonably? I don't recall having to do anything special to use Ship Lander either, so now I'm wondering... Velocity at the moment of teleport does seem to have some influence on the health of the ship, so there may be something here worth investigating. Any additional information you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Edited by sumghai
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Hi again, thanks for the quick response. I can replicate this with any ship - just drop a Sputnick probe on top of a small RCS tank - then Hyperedit it into a 100k Kerin orbit. So far so good. Then I close all the HyperEdit windows and reopen them to do a Ship Lander function to 5000m (over ocean). What happens next is a flash of red shock heating, a G force warning, and an unfortunate explosion.

I wonder if it could be related to DRE2 (v5.2)? That is the other mod I have new since my .23.5 game. This happens with all ships over Kerbin and both moons (haven't tested other planets yet) at all altitudes I've tested (100-5000m), but as I mentioned previously if I kill my orbital velocity first then the Ship Lander works as expected.

Hopefully this can help get to the bottom of the issue... assuming the issue isn't me :wink:

Edited by maxrsp
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Hi again, thanks for the quick response. I can replicate this with any ship - just drop a Sputnick probe on top of a small RCS tank - then Hyperedit it into a 100k Kerin orbit. So far so good. Then I close all the HyperEdit windows and reopen them to do a Ship Lander function to 5000m (over ocean). What happens next is a flash of red shock heating, a G force warning, and an unfortunate explosion.

I wonder if it could be related to DRE2 (v5.2)? That is the other mod I have new since my .23.5 game. This happens with all ships over Kerbin and both moons, but as I mentioned previously if I kill my orbital velocity first then the Ship Lander works as expected.

Hopefully this can help get to the bottom of the issue... assuming the issue isn't me :wink:

Thanks for all the details. I'm going to do some testing, but just FYI...

You can skip the Orbit Editor if you're already in the SOI you want to land in. Right from the pad or runway, you can use Ship Lander to teleport to any location in the current SOI.

Have you tried it with(out) the SAS/RCS/Brakes on? For some reason, I've sometimes found these to have some effect, and changing them seemed to help.

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Hi again, thanks for the quick response. I can replicate this with any ship - just drop a Sputnick probe on top of a small RCS tank - then Hyperedit it into a 100k Kerin orbit. So far so good. Then I close all the HyperEdit windows and reopen them to do a Ship Lander function to 5000m (over ocean). What happens next is a flash of red shock heating, a G force warning, and an unfortunate explosion.

I wonder if it could be related to DRE2 (v5.2)? That is the other mod I have new since my .23.5 game. This happens with all ships over Kerbin and both moons (haven't tested other planets yet) at all altitudes I've tested (100-5000m), but as I mentioned previously if I kill my orbital velocity first then the Ship Lander works as expected.

Hopefully this can help get to the bottom of the issue... assuming the issue isn't me :wink:

Upon using your example ship and HyperEdit's Ship Lander from a 100km circular orbit to 5000m over the KSC beach, I get a slight puff of white atmosphere effects, and that's it. The ship is fine, and slowly lowering to the surface like normal. I hate to say it, but the issue might be you :sealed: .

Have you tried all the normal tests like downloading and installing KSP fresh without any other mods?

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I can confirm it still happens even with everything off - SAS, RCS, Brakes, even lights and gears :(

Oh well, if you can't replicate it then it must be me. I'll remove mods and try again with clean install.

Thanks for looking into it.

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I can confirm it still happens even with everything off - SAS, RCS, Brakes, even lights and gears :(

Oh well, if you can't replicate it then it must be me. I'll remove mods and try again with clean install.

Thanks for looking into it.

Ok, thanks for sticking with it. Please tell us if you learn anything new.

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I honestly don't know of any, but perhaps someone else does. Sorry I can't help.

It has something to do with HyperEdit depending on flightglobals to do some stuff or something, I'm asking Oven to change the black hole's flightglobals to 999 or something.

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So I wanted to give this a try ... primarily for testing landers. I'm running Linux, KSP 64 bit. The log file indicates the HyperEdit mod is being installed ok. But I can't get hyper edit to come up. I've tried typing


right ....-h

ctl -h

windows key -h


grepping the log I see this ... which looks ok to me.

~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program$ grep -i hyperedit KSP.log

[LOG 16:44:54.680] Load(Assembly): Kerbaltek/HyperEdit

[LOG 16:44:54.680] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /home/badscientist/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit.dll

HyperEdit v1.2.4.1

[LOG 16:44:54.918] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:44:54.919] [ModuleManager] :FOR[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:44:54.920] [ModuleManager] :AFTER[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:45:58.642] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'HyperEditModule' from assembly 'HyperEdit'

[LOG 16:47:39.950] Assembly:HyperEdit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[LOG 16:47:55.279] RasterPropMonitorComputer: I know that HyperEdit ISLOADED_HYPEREDIT

I have the following mods installed:

Kerbal Engineer


NavyFish Docking Port Alignment


Alcor Lander Capsule



Kerbaltek HyperEdit

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Edited by BadScientist
cleaned up log file capture a bit
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So I wanted to give this a try ... primarily for testing landers. I'm running Linux, KSP 64 bit. The log file indicates the HyperEdit mod is being installed ok. But I can't get hyper edit to come up. I've tried typing


right ....-h

ctl -h

windows key -h


grepping the log I see this ... which looks ok to me.

~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program$ grep -i hyperedit KSP.log

[LOG 16:44:54.680] Load(Assembly): Kerbaltek/HyperEdit

[LOG 16:44:54.680] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /home/badscientist/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit.dll

HyperEdit v1.2.4.1

[LOG 16:44:54.918] [ModuleManager] :BEFORE[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:44:54.919] [ModuleManager] :FOR[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:44:54.920] [ModuleManager] :AFTER[HYPEREDIT] pass

[LOG 16:45:58.642] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'HyperEditModule' from assembly 'HyperEdit'

[LOG 16:47:39.950] Assembly:HyperEdit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[LOG 16:47:55.279] RasterPropMonitorComputer: I know that HyperEdit ISLOADED_HYPEREDIT

I have the following mods installed:

Kerbal Engineer


NavyFish Docking Port Alignment


Alcor Lander Capsule



Kerbaltek HyperEdit

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Standard procedures. Try it with fresh downloads and without any other mods.

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Greetings! First time poster, but please don't hold it against me. Too much. >_<

I *think* I have found a reliable way to reproduce the exploding rockets while using HyperEdit and the Ship Lander functionality. I would like some assistance to validate / invalidate my theory on the rocket exploding problem I'm experiencing with HyperEdit.

My test setup: Win7-64bit. Deleted KSP and redownloaded 0.24.2 from Steam. Copied the installation to a new location and installed only HyperEdit - KSP-0.21.1 (from Hyperedit.dll details). Files are from HyperEdit- (I doublechecked .. the dll says but the filename says

Reproduction Steps: (overly verbose, but wanted to be detailed to show exactly what I did)

1.) Start KSP (32bit) --> "C:\KSP 0242\KSP.exe" -popupwindow

2.) Start Game

3.) Start New

4.) Player Name (hetest2)

5.) Game Mode: Sandbox

6.) Start

7.) Click on VAB

8.) Load ship Orbiter 1A(Stock)

9.) Launch ship

10.) While on the Launchpad press ALT-H to bring up HyperEdit

11.) Click on Ship Lander button

12.) Click on Load button

13.) click on KSC Runway

14.) Ship Lander Settings change to -.0403 LAT -74.717 LON 50 ALT

15.) Click on Land/Drop

16.) While descending to the surface, deploy the landing gear (click the landing gear button twice) and float down to a safe landing with legs extended.

17.) Once landed wait approximately 30 seconds for the ship to settle down then click Land/Drop button in Ship Lander window again.

18.) KABOOM!!!

I've exited the game completely and restarted using the above steps 8 times now and every time the ship has exploded for me. No SAS or brakes are turned on.

My Current Theory is that the landing legs are getting stuck under the ground, which is screwing with however the velocity physics work. I'll admit freely that last time I even looked at any kind of programming was Turbo Pascal 2.0, so I have no idea what is causing this issue. I also admit to being clueless as to the cause. I'm a hardware / networking guy ... not a software guru. :-)

If I don't deploy the landing legs in step 16, I can bounce the ship up and down and all around the pre-loaded landing coordinates within Ship Lander all day long. Well ... honestly I only did it 10-15 times, but it did work as designed as long as I didn't deploy the landing legs.

I also tested this in career mode (I admit to cheating just a little ... well ... quite a lot to add the science and funds. Copied the ship design into the career mode save) and witnessed the same behavior.

I can provide a log if needed but I'm hoping that this is reproduced by others easily and logs won't be needed.




As a quick follow up experiment, I tried swapping out the landing struts. Ship still explodes with LT-1, LT-2, and LT-5 Micro struts.

I removed the struts entirely and put modular girder segement XL's under the engines and RCS fuel container. No ack-plosions! Even though the graphics seem to show parts of the girders "under the ground" just like the landing struts.



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Thanks man. I appreciate the response. I tried that ... re-downloaded the game fresh and added HyperEdit. No luck. There must be something else wrong with my setup.
You're most welcome. I'm sorry you're still having trouble.

That is weird for sure. Just to get this said out loud; you are in the flight scene, and holding down the "ALT" key while pressing the "H" key, correct?

Do you use any hotkey programs or keyboard/mouse remapping tools such as AutoHotKey or similar?

Do you have a fancy or non-standard keyboard? Can you try a different one?

Do you have any special drivers running for ANY kind of hardware?

Have you tried KSP 32 bit?

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is there a way to only fill up some resources instead of all of them? sometimes I may have angled my craft wrong so it gets no sunlight. I don't wont te refill the fuel, just give it a bit of power so I can turn it into the sun again.

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Greetings! First time poster, but please don't hold it against me. Too much. >_<

I *think* I have found a reliable way to reproduce the exploding rockets while using HyperEdit and the Ship Lander functionality. I would like some assistance to validate / invalidate my theory on the rocket exploding problem I'm experiencing with HyperEdit.



Welcome, Mynar Moonshadow! It's great to meet you. :) I'm honored to respond to your very first post, and I hope you have a great experience here and with KSP. Please contact me whenever you need anything at all - I love helping.

So, about exploding rockets. Thanks very much for the excellent report - I truly wish every report was that detailed. But the "funny" thing about reproducing ye olde 'splodin' ship condition, is that it's not much of a problem for me or most folks. In fact, keeping one's ship together during a HyperEdit teleport has emerged as one of the more nuanced aspects of KSP, and requires great skill and practice in "the Force".

However, in all seriousness, I'll do all I can to help. I'm going to do some testing with the ship and flight plan you recommend, to see if there's a way to change the outcome. What I usually try first is altering the configuration of the ship at the moment of teleport - turning on/off things like SAS, RCS, Lights, Gear, etc; trying different or stiffer ships (moar struts!), another location, etc..

EDIT: I re-read your post, and I agree that it seems like the landing gear is getting snagged in the ground. Is there some reason why you can't just raise the gear before you teleport? I mean, is this causing a problem for you?

Fair warning: we may never figure out how to fix this particular case, but we might also learn something useful, so it's worth looking into - especially since you have found a reliable way to reproduce it. Let's see what we find.

Please let us know here if you learn anything new, and I will do the same.

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is there a way to only fill up some resources instead of all of them? sometimes I may have angled my craft wrong so it gets no sunlight. I don't wont te refill the fuel, just give it a bit of power so I can turn it into the sun again.

I always put at least one nuke generator, or panels pointing every direction, on each ship to prevent that. Honestly, you don't want to rely on cheating too much.

EDIT: Sorry, the straight answer is "no". However, that's actually on our To-Do list - allowing the partial refill and dumping of certain resources by part. :wink:

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My Current Theory is that the landing legs are getting stuck under the ground, which is screwing with however the velocity physics work. I'll admit freely that last time I even looked at any kind of programming was Turbo Pascal 2.0, so I have no idea what is causing this issue. I also admit to being clueless as to the cause. I'm a hardware / networking guy ... not a software guru. :-)

If I don't deploy the landing legs in step 16, I can bounce the ship up and down and all around the pre-loaded landing coordinates within Ship Lander all day long. Well ... honestly I only did it 10-15 times, but it did work as designed as long as I didn't deploy the landing legs.

I re-read your post, and I agree that it seems like the landing gear is getting snagged in the ground. Is there some reason why you can't just raise the gear before you teleport or do without? I mean, is this causing a real problem for you?

BTW, we have something in common. I was a hardware/networking drone for decades, and hadn't touched coding since BASIC on my Commodore 64. Then I fell in love with PHP, which turned out to be a gateway-drug. Now I'm building everything from Android apps (nothing useful yet) to my own 3D FPS in Unity (in theory at least).

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Just had a little problem that popped up because I used way too much fuel on my initial Mun landing to get my lander back to RV with my orbiter. Anyway long story short I saved the game and jumped out to grab Hyperedit to help me with the fuel in the lander to get back into Mun orbit. Well anyway after placing in the gamedata folder I was unable to run the game at all. I would get the "Oops" message and would try to reload it again. Anyway with the Albert Einstein saying that Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I have pulled the plug on Hyperedit. It may be a X64 issue that I am coming across but at least now I am not getting error messages due to low available RAM in my rig. I will wait on a fix and will be glad to send an error log over that has the information in it for you guys to look through.

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Just had a little problem that popped up because I used way too much fuel on my initial Mun landing to get my lander back to RV with my orbiter. Anyway long story short I saved the game and jumped out to grab Hyperedit to help me with the fuel in the lander to get back into Mun orbit. Well anyway after placing in the gamedata folder I was unable to run the game at all. I would get the "Oops" message and would try to reload it again. Anyway with the Albert Einstein saying that Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I have pulled the plug on Hyperedit. It may be a X64 issue that I am coming across but at least now I am not getting error messages due to low available RAM in my rig. I will wait on a fix and will be glad to send an error log over that has the information in it for you guys to look through.
I'm not sure what issue you're having, but HyperEdit works just fine on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of KSP.

The HyperEdit download should be extracted to the root of your KSP install, NOT in the gamdata folder. You can find these instructions in the FAQ section of our HyperEdit page on our website.

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