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[1.12] HyperEdit [v1.5.8, July 10, 2018] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More


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  On 11/23/2018 at 6:39 AM, MaximumThrust said:

Can I edit the time a vessel was launched using HyperEdit? If not, any suggestions?

I placed a RTG wrong on a relay, want to make another craft with it right, put it in the same place, and adjust the time and delete the old one.




  On 11/23/2018 at 2:15 PM, JH4C said:

Build the ship as it should be, then edit your save to replace the wrong ship with the right one? I'm pretty sure Hyperedit just works on the ship as it is, rather than on any of the data about where it's been and when.


I think that will work, but if one is not up to editing a save file directly - which can be tricky - here's what I recommend.  However, I don't quite understand what your goal is regarding the time.

Build the ship as it should be, then HyperEdit the corrected ship into the position you want.

I hope this helps.  Please let us know how it goes!

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  On 11/23/2018 at 5:10 PM, Ezriilc said:


I think that will work, but if one is not up to editing a save file directly - which can be tricky - here's what I recommend.  However, I don't quite understand what your goal is regarding the time.

Build the ship as it should be, then HyperEdit the corrected ship into the position you want.

I hope this helps.  Please let us know how it goes!


Thanks! I'll switch the ships and try to adjust the time in the savegame file.

I want to match the time to remove any evidence of what I did, and to order the vessels correctly in the Tracking Station. It won't affect anything directly,  but if the time isn't right it will be a constantly reminder of what I did and that isn't the correct vessel. I play with only one savegame, Strategia and Final Frontier, the order the vessels were launched and new bodies reached are relevant for role-play. Maybe you'll understand, maybe not :sticktongue::)

I messed a little with the epoch time, but it seems to edit the time since I started the game.

Edited by MaximumThrust
Wrong link for Strategia.
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  On 11/23/2018 at 5:51 PM, MaximumThrust said:

Thanks! I'll switch the ships and try to adjust the time in the savegame file.

I want to match the time to remove any evidence of what I did, and to order the vessels correctly in the Tracking Station. It won't affect anything directly,  but if the time isn't right it will be a constantly reminder of what I did and that isn't the correct vessel. I play with only one savegame, Strategia and Final Frontier, the order the vessels were launched and new bodies reached are relevant for role-play. Maybe you'll understand, maybe not :sticktongue::)

I messed a little with the epoch time, but it seems to edit the time since I started the game.


I like how specifically strict you are being with yourself and your universe.  It adds a level of importance that I thoroughly enjoy.  :D

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  On 11/23/2018 at 5:10 PM, Ezriilc said:

Please let us know how it goes!


I tried editing the "lct" field, and it worked for the time, not for the position on the Tracking Station. I solved the problem changing the rotation of a part, but I'm still curious how to change the order the vessels are displayed in the Tracking Station. May need in the future :P



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  On 11/27/2018 at 8:17 PM, MaximumThrust said:

I tried editing the "lct" field, and it worked for the time, not for the position on the Tracking Station. I solved the problem changing the rotation of a part, but I'm still curious how to change the order the vessels are displayed in the Tracking Station. May need in the future :P


I suspect there may be some arbitrary serialization of the items showing in the Tracking Station.  Could it be the vessel's "pid" or "persistentId"?

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  On 11/27/2018 at 8:17 PM, MaximumThrust said:

I tried editing the "lct" field, and it worked for the time, not for the position on the Tracking Station. I solved the problem changing the rotation of a part, but I'm still curious how to change the order the vessels are displayed in the Tracking Station. May need in the future :P


Maybe you need Tracking Station Evolved ?

It lets you sort the vessel list in the tracking station by many criteria, and also manually.


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Hi all....

Is there a user manual that explains all the "ins & outs" for HyperEdit. I had a future contract that was utilizing a MK1 plane that was vortexed into my current contract (save) while I was about 300 km. I had to reload a previous save. On previous games, HE would stick me on the sun's surface with no way out and subsequently caused that particular save to crash the game all together. Nevertheless, I am trying to reposition a communication satellite (current contract) with an AP of 317.666 meters and PE at 299.494 meters, with a 0 degree inclination. Some might know what I am referring to when I also mention that the communication core has to be module 3 and frequency set to 21.5.... I can disregard HE all together and see if I can align everything manually, but hey ... just thought I would try HE despite the unusual bugs...  Then again, maybe someone out there might have a better way... 


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  On 12/1/2018 at 10:06 AM, FuzzyG said:

Hi all....

Is there a user manual that explains all the "ins & outs" for HyperEdit. I had a future contract that was utilizing a MK1 plane that was vortexed into my current contract (save) while I was about 300 km. I had to reload a previous save. On previous games, HE would stick me on the sun's surface with no way out and subsequently caused that particular save to crash the game all together. Nevertheless, I am trying to reposition a communication satellite (current contract) with an AP of 317.666 meters and PE at 299.494 meters, with a 0 degree inclination. Some might know what I am referring to when I also mention that the communication core has to be module 3 and frequency set to 21.5.... I can disregard HE all together and see if I can align everything manually, but hey ... just thought I would try HE despite the unusual bugs...  Then again, maybe someone out there might have a better way... 



No, I'm sorry.  There is no comprehensive manual for HyperEdit, but much of it is common sense - except the complex orbit settings that I suspect you need.  There is a help view and many things have pop-up info to help you.

I don't know what you mean by "vortexed" as vortex is not a verb as far as I know.  Also, HyperEdit will never stick you on the sun's surface unless you tell it specifically to do just that.  However, if you have other mods installed, then all manner of crazy can manifest.

As for repositioning a satellite in orbit, I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it with HyperEdit's Complex Orbit Editor, but I honestly don't know how to go about it.  I'm sure that someone here knows, and hopefully will jump in here to help you.

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  On 12/1/2018 at 5:55 PM, Ezriilc said:

I don't know what you mean by "vortexed" as vortex is not a verb as far as I know.  Also, HyperEdit will never stick you on the sun's surface unless you tell it specifically to do just that.  However, if you have other mods installed, then all manner of crazy can manifest.


Okay, you got me on 'vortexed'. What I mean is that the MK1 airplane suddenly appeared right next to my spacecraft that was trying to establish said AP & PE mentioned previously. Moreover, any maneuvers as such would also include said airplane. Reloading a previous save fixed it for the time being. Now, in terms of the sun's surface, you are also correct; however, it did move near the the sun to such a degree that it was impossible to view anything else. It would do this when i also had Physics Range Extended loaded. In either situation. I appreciate your reply. I did find a diagram that defines the necessary parameters accordingly. 

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.braeunig.us%2Fspace%2Fpics%2Ffig4-03.gif&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.braeunig.us%2Fspace%2Forbmech.htm&docid=bu4nm38VdM1DrM&tbnid=cMBT6Wi7YXor6M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjJhMnxu__eAhVV1IMKHRwtBdAQMwhvKCIwIg..i&w=610&h=235&bih=599&biw=677&q=orbit editor ksp%2C mean anomaly at epoch&ved=0ahUKEwjJhMnxu__eAhVV1IMKHRwtBdAQMwhvKCIwIg&iact=mrc&uact=8


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Thank you, THANK YOU! for keeping this mod up!
First time I´m going to try it but, for what I´ve seen around, it will completely help me to perform something like I would with Extraplanetary LAunchpads, without the entire "stuff", of course.
I mean, one could built at Kerbin and then Hyper-it to another ground base they have on another planet.


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  On 12/4/2018 at 5:18 PM, Cataclism said:

Thank you, THANK YOU! for keeping this mod up!
First time I´m going to try it but, for what I´ve seen around, it will completely help me to perform something like I would with Extraplanetary LAunchpads, without the entire "stuff", of course.
I mean, one could built at Kerbin and then Hyper-it to another ground base they have on another planet.



You are most welcome!  It is appreciation like yours that motivates me, and I assume others that help me, to do so - that, and the fact that I use it quite a bit myself. ;)  I am constantly reminded of how great this community is.

As always, @Cataclism, please feel free to contact us with any issues you may have.  I'm happy to hear from you. :D

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Hello, Ezriilc !
I´ve created a small video to show to some friend how to use Hyperedit to resupply some oversea base., just a small use, between so many options this mod allows!
If you think it can be useful, the link and explanation I wrote are hidden bellow.
If don´t, please feel free to discard and remove this post. :cool: 

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That's a fun video, and I quite like your base setup.  I can see how HyperEdit is useful in that situation.  Thanks for sharing!  :)

I wonder if you knew that HyperEdit also has the "Orbit Editor" function to put your vessel into orbit around any body in the game.  And that is the recommended method of landing on a body other than the one you're on.  First you put the vessel in orbit with "Orbit Editor", then use the "Ship Lander" to put down on the surface.  When you do it that way, you won't see the warning about landing on another body.  The "Orbit Editor" even has a "Rendezvous" option to put you near any other vessel already in orbit.

I'm glad to see you having fun with KSP and HyperEdit.  Your enthusiasm keeps the community alive!  :prograde:  Rock on!

Edited by Ezriilc
typo kraken
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone had this below issue:

I am on KSP 1.4.5 (holding out for certain mods to update before I update). Hyperedit was working fine but suddenly the "Ship Lander" option stopped working. I can click on the button and nothing. All of the other functions seem perfectly fine. I have even loaded older saved games where the "Ship Lander" function was fine but it does not change anything.

Am I missing a toggle or something that prevents the pop-up from loading or something? 

I am willing to give logs, although someone who have to help me with what they need and how to get it (if it is not found on Google or Youtube.).



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@Syrius No, I don't recall anyone reporting that particular problem.  I can only suggest that it could be a result of some other mods you're using.  Beyond that, I recommend that you try a fresh install with only HyperEdit installed to see if it's something else.  Sorry I'm not of much help.  :blush:

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 The odd thing is I have not added any new mods to my game in months. And until a couple of weeks ago everything was fine.

I uninstalled all mods except HyperEdit and Squad and the "Ship Lander" function is still not popping up. Is there a key that toggles the function?


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  On 12/28/2018 at 10:42 PM, Syrius said:

 The odd thing is I have not added any new mods to my game in months. And until a couple of weeks ago everything was fine.

I uninstalled all mods except HyperEdit and Squad and the "Ship Lander" function is still not popping up. Is there a key that toggles the function?



There is no toggle for that.  You just press the "Ship Lander" button, and that dialog should appear.

Here's a weird thing:  Do you have more than one monitor?  It may be popping up off-screen.  To reset window placement, shutdown KSP, find the file at: "./GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit/windowpos.cfg", delete it, then restart KSP.

I hope this helps!

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  On 12/29/2018 at 9:44 AM, Syrius said:

I do use 2 monitors, and after following your directions that fixed it immediately. I must have somehow dragged it off screen.

Thank you for your help and damn near immediate support.



Yaaaaay!  I helped fix a thing!  :0.0:

EDIT:  Thanks for the follow-up.

Edited by Ezriilc
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  • 1 month later...

hi, i need one explaination about the "planet editor"

i tested it with Mun...

add the atmosphere... done

add oxygen in the atmosphere... done

add oceans... this command not change nothing on Mun...

i cant add oceans on Mun but can do it on another planet or what?


i made another test on Duna... i cant add ocean by clicking the "ocean" button... and another strange thing adding oxygen in atmosphere i cant remove the helmet because the atmosphere have the air too rarefied....

this tool can really add breatheable atmosphere and oceans on every planet? i missing something? or it not work properly?

i know with Kopernicus i can make all i want, but is too colplicated.... hyperedit looks simple... but how i can make this things with it?

i hope someone can explain if is possible or not

Edited by Kerbinidiel
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