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First time seriously using Mechjeb


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The difference is that Hyperedit removes the flight and the need to construct working crafts. And i'm not against using it i, just don't think it is needed.

To me, its just as much fun to design a working craft that can get off the ground, and into orbit and maybe to another planet. (I studied aeronautical engineering at Embry-Riddle, sadly I didn't finish to my long-standing regret). If MJ can get it there, then it can be done by hand. Just because I don't do it myself, doesn't detract one iota from my fun. I have done it by hand enough times to show myself that I know how to do it.

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I should try to fix that. The gravity turn start is so violent it tears my rockets up, and its insistence of stopping the roll distracts it from flying straight.

I've got a beast of a launcher that would wig out if I tried starting the turn too high. It's happiest with a 1.5 km start for the turn, and a 66 degree trajectory that flattens out at 70km. Nice, smooth ascent and no shredding itself.

How did I determine the best parameters? Manually flying it. So yes, I can do it, I simply choose to delegate the task.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Would like a word with you about your claims of automation systems being a form of "cheating".

It's only cheating when they use a script to drive the rover while they're asleep. tbh someone should be manning that thing 24/7.

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It depends, when you have how over many million dollars worth of spaceship up there, you don't want to end up being crashed into the ground by a human, but I digress, I think mechjeb in game is spoiling, seeing as it removes all the piloting and fun from the game.

For me piloting in the game is not fun but t e d i o u s.

- In atmosphere the flight model is nonexistent.

- In space it is: "drag the miniscule maneuver node with finicky controls until you are about where you want to go". Then wait until your rocket spins in the right direction then wait some minutes / hours while it executes the burn.

Sounds like fun! (not).

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I don't get why people always bring up this discussion. A human pilot is Of course better at flying. Do they have some inferior complex?

yes. They're obsessed with being "better" at a single player game than others, and they can't beat MechJeb.

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It's only cheating when they use a script to drive the rover while they're asleep. tbh someone should be manning that thing 24/7.

*ahem* it is scripted. All of Curiosity's exploration functions are performed via code that was developed earth-side and then radioed up to it. Do you honestly think they drive the thing around in real-time despite the roughly 24 minute round-time command/response cycle?

Curiosity has a team of folks who monitor what it's doing, (well, what it did about 12 or so minutes ago at least), but the actual exploration it's doing is done almost exclusively through programming updated and uploaded on a regular basis.

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No! Not Curiostity No, please! Noooooo!


Its plan is to take hi-def panoramic photos of your fingernails, before systematically (and automatically, I might add) removing them until you admit it's just as valid a system as any other.

(Afterward an in-depth analysis of your fingernails will be sent to NASA. You need more protein in your diet, apparently).

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You know what they say, opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one, and they all stink.

If you don't want to use MechJeb, don't use it. Quit your bitching about other people using it if they want to, please. It doesn't do anything that couldn't be done manually with enough quicksaves/quickloads. It doesn't fly absolutely optimally either, but it flies well enough and repeatably enough that it's useful for me and many others as a time-/tedium-/frustration-saver.

Different people enjoy different aspects of the game. Accept that and stop complaining, please.

Edited by tavert
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So NASA, SpaceX, Copenhagen Suborbitals, RFSA, Many KSP Users, and more are cheating?

of course. Unless you plot your manoeuvres using a protractor and slide rule and execute them by manually opening and closing fuel valves you're cheating.

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Being able to fly a spaceship in real-time at any distance beyond LKO is cheating! It's unrealistic and game-breaking! You're all dirty, filthy CHEATERS!!

I'll be joining the rest of you in the corner just as soon as I Post Quick Reply....

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*ahem* it is scripted. All of Curiosity's exploration functions are performed via code that was developed earth-side and then radioed up to it.

Well, that's cheating, then. NASA is clearly playing the game wrong.

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Well, that's cheating, then. NASA is clearly playing the game wrong.

In which case somebody should ban them from the game immediately!

Meanwhile, while you get right on that, I shall continue to enjoy the results of such deplorable buggery


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But hasn't this debate (and the previous 5000) gotten to the point of flogging the grease stain on the floor where a dead horse once lay..?

Clearly there is need to troll harder.

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Oh, and one more thing:

What's currently one of the popular kinds of crafts to build in this game again? Was it... SKYCRANES? Where did that come from, I wonder?


Oh yeah, that's right.... A dirty, cheating, AUTOMATED flight control system. I promise you: there was NO pilot, green or otherwise, behind a stick controlling that particular piece of baddassery. :D

Edited by Deadweasel
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Clearly there is need to troll harder.

What fun is there in not rising to the troll bait?

A dirty, cheating, AUTOMATED flight control system. I promise you: there was NO pilot, green or otherwise, behind a stick of that particular piece of baddassery. :D

I'm still amazed that that thing is not a smoking hole in the Martian surface. Rube-Goldberg, thy name is Curiosity. It's really an engineering masterpiece, IMHO.

Edited by DChurchill
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Dont forget the Saturn-V. I mean, they used computers to go the the moon! COMPUTERS! They should of done it by hand! I bet one of the many KSPers such as myself could do. And they took 2 weeks to do it! We can do it in 8 hours in game! Worthless NASA and their many discoveries...

Well, to be fair, they did do it with computers less powerful than even the cheapest and most basic throwaway cellphone on the market today...

I'll bet the crew of Apollo 13 were pretty on-board with cheating as they struggled just to get back home, too.

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MechJeb won't bring our crazy designs to the moon by itself I think. And apart from flying (not very well) the rocket MechJeb can give us many many useful information in flight. In my opinion its a very powerful assistance tool not a cheat :)

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But still, they used a computer! Right now I am typing this on my typewriter. Even that I find cheating, I may downgrade to paper soon anyways.

Nope, that's transmitting information by-proxy and therefore cheating as well! You get up off your lazy butt and visit the rest of us users in person to tell us your opinion!

I'm getting started on that right now. Unfortunately, I'm using a computer to buy the airline tickets but it's the last time I touch the keyboard, I swear!!

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