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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 668; you stop to wonder why it was so easy to get through floor 666 despite the fact that it was burning hotter than a mainsail. Then you decide to inspect the nearby vending machine; unfortunately, it literally consumes your wallet and gives you nothing in return. Guessing the demons decided to inhabit a confectionery dispenser two floors up from their regular posting, you quickly move up to floor 669.

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Floor 669: the door to the floor 670 stairwell is locked, you try to kick down the door and find out that something is blocking it, so you shimmy up the elevator cable and pry the door open and step onto floor 670(it never said that there were no elevator shafts, just no elevators themselves :confused:)

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Floor 670. It turns out that the same thing that was blocking the door on the previous floor is, in fact, all over the place. Jelly. Jelly everywhere. And not what the Americans call Jelly, either. No, we're talking about what the Americans call Jello. It's everywhere, even in the plug sockets and the ventilation shafts. If it could, it would wobble, but unfortunately it hasn't left any space for itself to do so. Horror-stricken, you resort to eating your way through this curious, unnatural, and strawberry-flavoured phenomenon to the next floor.

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Floor 673: You see zombies. not slow moving zombies, fast moving zombies. And they attack you. They break your legs while you are in the elevator. You begin to severely bleed from their attacks and are knocked unconscious by them as the elevator begins rising again.

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  noname117 said:
Floor 673: ...They break your legs while you are in the elevator. You begin to severely bleed from their attacks and are knocked unconscious by them as the elevator begins rising again.

Floor 673 (??): Either fortunately or unfortunately (probably the former...), you hallucinated the entire experience of floor 673; zombies, lifts/elevators and all, and wake up to find yourself dangling through the doorway of the empty lift/elevator shaft. Slowly backing out of what could have been your imminent demise, you try to make sense of what just happened. As it turns out, the overwhelming experience of discovering the truth of the Mystery Goo on floor 672 combined with all that jelly/jello you ate before was just too much for your brain to take. After you've clumsily clambered to your feet, you decide to leap to the service ladder in the lift/elevator shaft and climb to the next floor.

(Sorry noname, I couldn't help it :rolleyes:)

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Floor 673/674. Your hands become sweaty when climbing the ladder and you start to lose your grip. You frantically panic and climb up the ladder faster, but that only makes it worse. One of your hands eventually slip from the ladder and your feet lose grip too. You are now dangling from a ladder with only ONE hand!

Edited by The Spacemonkey
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