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Ever imitate today's space programs?


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What I mean is, do you ever work on some goal or design some craft and then "cancel" all work on it and move on to something else? Or, do you design and test craft but the launch gets postponed indefinitely? Some real world examples are NASA's Constellation program and the Soviet Buran.

I have several cancelled long-term projects, such as a Mun base when it was about half-way complete, a Minmus station, and maybe soon a Duna base. I feel I should make more realistic goals, but I always go overboard and make some goal that cannot be reached before I get bored of it. :(

Edited by rryy
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I recreated the Constellation program to go to the Mun with KW Rocketry and some other mods. I have an Ares V with Altair, an Ares I that works like the real thing, and even an automated Altair landing stage that can take ~25 Tons to the lunar surface... and then get on a suborbital trajectory to crash far away. I could take it to orbit and reuse it with docking ports, but I would have to adapt it with RCS fuel and thrusters and I don't have the patience to make my system reusable like Scott Manley does.

A lot of us Imitate real space programs, A perfect example of this are the Apollo and replicas we have on the Spacecraft Exchange. I think it is because we like the feeling of beeing there, landing an Apollo LEM on the Moon, then stepping out and planting a flag. I'm sure a lot of people even say Neil Amstrong's famous words as they drop from the ladder. :)

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I do this, it's my main purpose for playing ksp, although I mainly use real world rockets that I've added though mods(soviet and American packs,FASA gemini Kerbx, the ULA pack(of which I am a tester) the CS pack by blazingangel665, the ISS packand others.I use these mods to recreate historical missions and such. Except for a imaginary soviet mission to mars I made up here:


use pack two.

heres a pic of a rocket I made with the AIES pack and the ULA pack:

Its an Atlas V 581 carrying the Münar Satellite+ lander to its eventual destination of the Mün.


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I use Bobcat's American Pack that has Orion and Altair in it. They are truly freakin awesome. That guy has skills for sure. I've been doing a lot of missions using them recently. My next mission will be to use the asteroids mission to match up with an asteroid.

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I tried and tested a probe to send to Eve, but canned it.

Later delivered a different probe there. It was partially successful.

I developed a shuttle that could take satellites up to Kerbin-synchronous transfer orbits, then land at KSC2.

The parachute version worked ok. But the winged version wasn't very well balanced, and was hard to fly in space. Didn't land that well either.

It was canned.

I did have plans to send stations with lander and kethane miners to Duna and Dres, and make multiple visits to different sites, between the arrival and return Windows. But this was canned when I lost most of my craft in the 0.19 to 0.20 transition.

Then I decided to focus on probes for exploring the two outermost planets, and developing a manned one way Eve mission. With a possible Mun base as well.

Edited by Tw1
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I've never tried to imitate any specific real world program but in general I do thing as real space agency would do. First send probes , robotic landers and rovers, mapping sattelites (ISA Mapsat & Kethane).

Prepare all infrastructure for manned spaceflight: KEO space station, orbital assets over target planet etc. Test all crewed crafts in unmanned flights. Send backup vessel to target in case something fail.

And only then send in little green cosmonauts :)

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I built a station, just to show I could do it.

Generally, I just send missions to land a 3 man pod with a rover to a particular planet or moon and then try and return to Kerbin. I have a fairly standard design that can get such a ship to Duna, Ike, Gilly, Dres, Laythe, Bop, or Pol in a single launch. but it remains to be seen whether it can get back from Jool yet.

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