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[0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd. 2.0 Dev STOPPED


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  girka2k said:
I'll join Alewx - additional information would have been relevant.

And may I ask you to mention which version of mod you used?

This mod is err... temporarily abandoned by it's author for now but is being supported by some volunteers. You'll find link to latest build in my signature.

The problem there is that it isn't just 1 craft or a specific build. Everything seems to be off axis or puts part in odd ways that the original UbioZur didn't seem to do and nothing I've tried seems to fix it.

Using the version for .24.2

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  sprocketdrox said:
The problem there is that it isn't just 1 craft or a specific build. Everything seems to be off axis or puts part in odd ways that the original UbioZur didn't seem to do and nothing I've tried seems to fix it.

Using the version for .24.2

Does this mean you are playing 0.24.2? Is there a particular reason, why you are playing the old version?

We changed, fixed and improved a lot of stuff in the 0.25 build. It might be that the problem is already solved but in another version.

Now as 0.9 is out we will begin to get the tool ready for that version.

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  Alewx said:
Does this mean you are playing 0.24.2? Is there a particular reason, why you are playing the old version?

We changed, fixed and improved a lot of stuff in the 0.25 build. It might be that the problem is already solved but in another version.

Now as 0.9 is out we will begin to get the tool ready for that version.

Yes, I get that.

I haven't and probably won't make the switch to .25 because a lot of modders locked me out from using their mods with .25. Not to mention .25 in itself changed a lot of things about the game that I feel are still being tweaked and I don't think I could go back to 32 bit from 64. I get that a lot of people said 64 bit was unstable and shouldn't have been released, but for me personally, I have never had one single issue with 64 bit with .24.2. No random crashing, no right click errors. Runs perfectly fine. Then .25 comes along and suddenly everything is screwy with 64 bit. .24.2 for me is by far the best KSP experience I have had yet, and .25 feels like they backtracked and tried to revise a lot of things that, to me, are not all that stable yet.

So if you have no suggestions for it, please just say we are no longer supporting old versions. The reason I asked is because some modders tend to keep compatible with a previous version or two for people like me that don't want to make the jump to the next version until a lot of issues get ironed out.

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  sprocketdrox said:

So if you have no suggestions for it, please just say we are no longer supporting old versions. The reason I asked is because some modders tend to keep compatible with a previous version or two for people like me that don't want to make the jump to the next version until a lot of issues get ironed out.

Indeed, we should say it aloud: we no longer support versions older than 0.25

Anyway, I personally have no such plans.

Sadly 0.25 introduced some changes, which are incompatible with 0.24.2 from the point of view of this mod.

Additionally 0.90 seems even more incompatible and it will require a lot of work to adapt mod for it. As a result 0.25 also will be put aside in near future, most probably.

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  girka2k said:
Indeed, we should say it aloud: we no longer support versions older than 0.25

Anyway, I personally have no such plans.

Sadly 0.25 introduced some changes, which are incompatible with 0.24.2 from the point of view of this mod.

Additionally 0.90 seems even more incompatible and it will require a lot of work to adapt mod for it. As a result 0.25 also will be put aside in near future, most probably.

Yep Girka2k is totally right.

0.24.x is no longer supported, and supporting 0.25 and 0.9 looks fairly unrealistic. I already begun changes for a working 0.9 version but there are things changed, that leave big gabs behind.

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Alright thank you. I don't suppose either of you have a link or download for the last version(s) to support .24.2 do you? I can just play around with different orientations but if there is one that works a little better than the one I have, might be worth it or I'll have to go back. The odd offset makes everything look so odd, even if the database updater is amazing. If I could just get the original to do the database update in game, I'd be in Heaven haha.

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  sprocketdrox said:
Alright thank you. I don't suppose either of you have a link or download for the last version(s) to support .24.2 do you? I can just play around with different orientations but if there is one that works a little better than the one I have, might be worth it or I'll have to go back. The odd offset makes everything look so odd, even if the database updater is amazing. If I could just get the original to do the database update in game, I'd be in Heaven haha.

The Link for the 24.x version is quite easy, but I believe that is the version you are already using.

If you are willing to try, you can make a Github fork and see what you can do.

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  Alewx said:
I already begun changes for a working 0.9 version

Alewx, girka2k, Malkuth, et al, I cannot thank you enough for continuing to maintain this mod. It makes things work! Here are some of my recent projects that a working 0.25 welding program has allowed: my space station, Mun-base, and stockalike MKS-compatible bases are full of welded parts, thanks to you!


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  larkvi said:
Alewx, girka2k, Malkuth, et al, I cannot thank you enough for continuing to maintain this mod. It makes things work! Here are some of my recent projects that a working 0.25 welding program has allowed: my space station, Mun-base, and stockalike MKS-compatible bases are full of welded parts, thanks to you!


Hi Larkvi, thanks for sharing your crafts, looks intressting.

Are the IR parts also welded?

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  larkvi said:
No, the legs, engines, solar panels, and the IR parts are not welded, nor are the KAS bays. Most of the others in those two modules are.

Ok just the way it has to be to work properly :)

Really nice Base and Station, included some cool partmods close to 32bit limitations?

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anyone testing welded parts with ferram aerospace? im not noticing any severe problems and a large segment of my aeroplane is welded steel plates. while yes it is generating a litting bit of crazy lift, it's overridden by the larger value from the wings.

what i really want to try is completely welded steel plates as a lifting body. it that can work then anything is possible.

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AlewX do you have a release for 0.90? Or an ETA for a release? :) I might be a bit impatient but i'd really like to have this mod for my space station! :) Also wouldnt it be a good idea to start a new thread so you can change the title with new releases? dont know if you need permission from ubioZur for that though...

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  Alewx said:
Really nice Base and Station, included some cool partmods close to 32bit limitations?

With OpenGL and DDS Loader and ATM, I have been having no problems on Windows with all the mods I want (I have removed some parts; the Mac version is not as stable). I was going to reply earlier, but my Minmus base I was working on unexpectedly caught fire.

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  praise the suuun said:
anyone testing welded parts with ferram aerospace? im not noticing any severe problems and a large segment of my aeroplane is welded steel plates. while yes it is generating a litting bit of crazy lift, it's overridden by the larger value from the wings.

what i really want to try is completely welded steel plates as a lifting body. it that can work then anything is possible.

Well FAR is having its own lifting mechanic, and the module for the Lifting of wings is pretty complicated if you are not an engineer of somekind. So welding them for the shape will work but for generating the correct lift you would have to edit the FAR module in the part ifself by Hand to get the correct values.

  0phoff said:
AlewX do you have a release for 0.90? Or an ETA for a release? :) I might be a bit impatient but i'd really like to have this mod for my space station! :) Also wouldnt it be a good idea to start a new thread so you can change the title with new releases? dont know if you need permission from ubioZur for that though...

Sorry mate we are working on it but, can't give you an ETA for it, it is just really a pain for some things SQUAD changed with 0.9 to work around.

  larkvi said:
With OpenGL and DDS Loader and ATM, I have been having no problems on Windows with all the mods I want (I have removed some parts; the Mac version is not as stable). I was going to reply earlier, but my Minmus base I was working on unexpectedly caught fire.

WOW, what the hell is going on there, reentry on minmus, impossible, but extremly funny :D

  Kaiz0r said:
PS: I'm also at an point where welding would come in handy again. But better take your time and make a proper functioning tool than rushing a semiworking one.

We are working on but, uunfortunately 0.90 did some drastic changes, so that it is not as easy as before to get it working corret again.

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I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the mod developers for continuing this mod. I have used it extensively since its conception and I must say, for me; it enriches the KSP experience ten-fold in both creativity and gameplay.

Look forward to the 0.90 compatibility release and perhaps a new Forum Thread to bring in the new version? This I believe would increase its circulation so that others can see the light, so to speak!

Cheers and boy do you guys have a mammoth task ahead.

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Because UbioZur has kindly allowed to update his work, Girka2k and I have released the next update for this great mod.


Latest changes:

  • Compatibility with KSP 0.90
  • Added Partselection
  • Fixed problems with Config laoding
  • Added <MaximizedModuleAttributes> for values where only the highest is wanted like the new SAS Level
  • Added <ModulesToMultiply> for Modules that shall be added mutliple times
  • Fixed problems with Modulemerging where sometimes modules would not be added correctly

2014-12-31 (ver2.1.0)

  • Compatibility with KSP 0.90
  • Added Partselection
  • Fixed problems with Config laoding
  • Added <MaximizedModuleAttributes> for values where only the highest is wanted like the new SAS Level
  • Added <ModulesToMultiply> for Modules that shall be added mutliple times
  • Fixed problems with Modulemerging where sometimes modules would not be added correctly

2014-12-03 (ver.05)

  • Fixed wrong rescaling of some models in KSP 0.25
  • Improved database reloading with ModuleManager installed
  • Updated <ModulesToIgnore> list
  • Dropped compatibility with KSP 0.24.

2014-11-01 (ver.04)

  • Fixed wrong rotation of models in some cases (especially in SHP)
  • Now topmost and lowest nodes are placed to the end of list for fix impossibility to attach welded part to other in VAB/SHP. (It is assumed that the topmost and lowest nodes, most likely, are stack nodes)
  • Most floating-point values (excluding amount of resources) of welded part are rounded to 5 fractional digits
  • Some other minor fixes


  • KSP 0.25 compatibility
  • Stock Toolbar integration.
  • Added the GUI to change most settings.
  • Added ability for change requiredTech from GUI.
  • Improved naming of the partfiles - now welded part can be saved in file named like folder (for example "WeldedPod.cfg", not "part.cfg").
  • Tweakscale integration. Now it reads scale from scene part to include tweakscale.
  • Added the correct addition of entryCosts.
  • The ModuleAttributeList.xml gives you the ability to edit how the tool will process the merging of certain modules and their attributes. For details, see comments in the ModuleAttributeLists.xml file.

    • <Vector2CurveModules> section is the list of modules that have to be read as vector2 curves, as an example the ISP of an RCS thruster.
    • In <Vector4CurveModules> list are modules that will be read as vector4Curves that means they will create curves from floatpoints and tangents. There is a thread in the forum just about the magic of floatpoint tangents.
    • <SubModules> list contains the Submodules that otherwise would be ignored and not merged, Adding an entry here will give the tool the ability to merge the attributes in it.
    • Modules in <ModulesToIgnore> list will be completly ignored from the tool and not get added to the new part.
    • Entries in <AveragedModuleAttributes> will make sure that the tool will not simply add the values of this attribute from the different parts and modules up, but will calculate it as aritmetric mean (average).
    • Entries in <UnchangedModuleAttributes> list will give the tool the order to not merge the values for this attribute.
    • <BreakingModuleAttributes> might be the most important list of Attributes, the entries here will give the tool the order to check if the values of these attributes are equal, and only allow then the merging or the module, otherwise a new module would be added.

    [*] Fixed crashTolerance, breakingForce and breakingTorque calculation. Improved MaxTemp calculation.

    • Now there is three methods of calculation crashTolerance, breakingForce and breakingTorque values:
      • legacy (UbioZur variant)
      • arithmetic mean value of the values of parts
      • weighted average by mass (now it's default)

      [*] Also it presents new ways of calculation of MaxTemp:

      • arithmetic mean value of the values of parts (UbioZur variant)
      • weighted average by mass
      • lowest between values of parts (now it's default)

    [*] Changed config file format (and name).

    [*] Fixed miscalculation in case of resources which have not equal amount and maxAmount values.


  • Fixes incorrect rescaling of parts, containing "scale" in MODEL description.


  • Fixed incorrect calculation of COM offset.


  • KSP 0.24 compatibility.
  • Changed massless parts processing behavior.


Please note that this version is incompatible with KSP 0.25!

The latest version for 0.25

The latest version for 0.24.2

Legal stuff:

This work based on Malkuth's update for UbioZur's original code.


We will open a new thread the moment we change from maintaining this tool to releasing our own tool for this mod.

Please note this is not an official release from UbioZur!!!

Thank you UbioZur for kind permission to continue your work!

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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