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What that 2nd Kerbal costs in DV

Rocket Farmer

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So I play totally stock. Without the fancy mod tools its meant I had to develop an excel worksheet to calculate my Delta V's, TWR, weight, etc. This now allows me to try various configurations quickly (ie swap engines, try asparagus, redesign staging etc).

One thing I recently looked at was the Delta V cost of multiple Kerbals.

Using my up to Eeloo return capable vessel I did some quick studies. Here is what I found.

For crewing using a

Lander can = 18,282 Delta V

2 man lander can = 17,042

Mk3 cockpit = 16,509

Mk1-2 Command = 16,267

Cupola = 16,037.

So basically using the Mk1-2 for me cuts my overall DV by 12.3%.

For me this has meant lonely 1 man eeloo trips as I am still learning and often need most of my fuel.

Do other people consider the weight of sending extra Kerbals?

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um... you've got the difference of DV of the capsules... not the Kerbals... The Cupola only holds one Kerbal... same as the lander can...

Launch the Mk3 but take a Kerbal out and compare the difference if any. Then you'll have the DV cost of a Kerbal.

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You can also use three 1-man cans for 1.8 tonnes, rather than the 3-man cockpit at 3.5 tonnes. Or sit them down on three seats for 0.15t.

It's not like they need to stretch out their legs on the multi-year trip.

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Actually, while in pods, Kerbals are totally massless. An empty pod weights the same empty and full.

However, seats weight more when kerbal is sitting in them.

Yes but the pods themselves have varying masses, and that's what the OP is talking about.

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Yes I talking about the cost of including different modules for carrying Kerbals. Deviating from a lander can has fairly high costs.

Also do you seriously strap Kerbals into exterior chairs from lift-off to eeloo and back? That seems a little extreme. Why not send him EVA back from eeloo....

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Yes I talking about the cost of including different modules for carrying Kerbals. Deviating from a lander can has fairly high costs.

Also do you seriously strap Kerbals into exterior chairs from lift-off to eeloo and back? That seems a little extreme. Why not send him EVA back from eeloo....

The EVA packs don't have enough delta V for that :P I'd do it if they did.

And to keep on with your logic, would you really send Kerbals on a 200 days trip to Eeloo, trapped in small metal cans? A hitchhiker habitat would be more proper to send Kerbals on big trips.

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You can use the large remote guidance unit + a hitchiker can to give you 4 crew at a weight of 3 tonnes. This is slightly more weight than the 2 man lander-can, but two more crewmembers. It is also less weight than the 3 man command pod, by a full tonne. And still gives you that 4th crew member. No internal views, though.

The Mk1 single-seat command pod plus the Mk1 single-seat lander pod is the lightest way to get 2 kerbals on a ship. You can (and I have) add an empty structural fuselage and called it a habitat module. It isn't exactly correct, but a little imagination goes a long way. This setup is still less than 2 tonnes, which is less weight than is required for the 2-man lander-can. However, it is taller and bulkier, requiring a little more thought in ship layout. It is easy to pretend that the connected tunnels are living spaces and/or useable space.

Needs crew manifest plugin to get most effective, but rumors are we should have this stock functionality in 0.21.

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um... you've got the difference of DV of the capsules... not the Kerbals... The Cupola only holds one Kerbal... same as the lander can...

Launch the Mk3 but take a Kerbal out and compare the difference if any. Then you'll have the DV cost of a Kerbal.

The Cupola might hold only one kerbal, but it's one of the heaviest command pods.

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