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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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I've install this mod on 0.21.1 and I can see the bases and faring in the aero list, however when I try and use them I do not see the wireframe around my payload. Any thoughts?

There's no wireframe when there's no payload above the base part.

Otherwise, check that you have DLL in the same folder, and check whether the fairings reshape when you attach them to the base (won't work without payload as well).

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Is it possible to get some hollow baseplates so that we can make hollow fuselages with stuff inside (such as a hollow fuselage containing a rover or lander that can be extracted ala Saturn V third stage)?
I'm going to add an interstage fairing adapter. You'll be able to place interstage payload inside it, like Saturn V.

This made my day - I've been working on a Saturn program in my save and this section of the rocket has been the biggest challenge. The first part was finding or making an authentic lander that would fit in a 3.75m cylinder (Lionhead's MEM wins that contest) and the next part was to find fairings to make a reliable interstage that would not only cover the paylod, but properly support the CSM above it. Ph34rb0t's Kerturn came with fairings but the top of that rocket is only steady when using the truss instead of a payload. It sounds like your work will solve my floppy rocket problem while remaining authentic.

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This might've been asked before, but 48 pages are hard to poke through. Is there any chance of a 'slimmer' fairing base, vertically? I'd intended to make a lander with them, and use this to adapt 3m (lander) to 2m (Return), but the fairing bases are so large they unbalance the craft... and even when trying to cover a 2m section at top and bottom, it bowls out some and looks... strange.

Edited by Tassyr
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Love the mod!

Can you add an option whereby the payload is not at the top of the rocket? That is, at the top would be the command module (with fuel tanks, RCS thrusters, etc), next would be the payload (surrounded by the Procedural Fairings), followed by the booster(s).

Upon achieving intermediate orbit, the command module would decouple, reverse to grab the payload, then proceed to final orbit or docking with a station. In other words, just like the Apollo missions.

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Is there any chance of a 'slimmer' fairing base, vertically?

That can be modded in the cfg:



model = Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/baseRingModel

scale = 2.3, 1.15, 2.3

// scale = 2.3, 2.3, 2.3



// node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.46, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.23, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0


mass = 0.1

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There's no wireframe when there's no payload above the base part.

Otherwise, check that you have DLL in the same folder, and check whether the fairings reshape when you attach them to the base (won't work without payload as well).

Payload on top, fairings attached and all I get is the single fairing attachment it doesn't create the whole fairing. Before attaching the fairings I don't see the blue wireframe, even with a payload.

.dll is in GameData\Keramzit\ProceduralFairings\

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Payload on top, fairings attached and all I get is the single fairing attachment it doesn't create the whole fairing. Before attaching the fairings I don't see the blue wireframe, even with a payload.

.dll is in GameData\Keramzit\ProceduralFairings\

Did you turn on symmetry?
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This might've been asked before, but 48 pages are hard to poke through. Is there any chance of a 'slimmer' fairing base, vertically? I'd intended to make a lander with them, and use this to adapt 3m (lander) to 2m (Return), but the fairing bases are so large they unbalance the craft... and even when trying to cover a 2m section at top and bottom, it bowls out some and looks... strange.

+1 this

The fairing base rings need to be slimmer. Especially if we're going to use them as interstages and they're forming the base for some engines.

Also, I'm still noticing some situations where fairings get broken when reloading the craft, or when returning from the launchpad.

It seems like it happens when you have mismatched bottom/top parts. Either different sized parts or the versions I made with builtin decouplers. If I stick one of those in the bottom and a normal one on the top, it works ONCE. Then if I have to reload the craft I then have to replace all the fairings that are broken.

Also, I made an absolutely GIMUNGOUS fairing... On the bottom we have ring fairing that has a quad adapter attached and four nuclear engines. The top is a ring fairing facing down and a clamp Sr. on top because this is supposed to be a drive section for a Duna mission. Next I attached the procedural fuselage because I didn't want this being jettisoned. That's it for the inside. Everything else is attached to the fairing. Four lift units - 3.5m KW tanks, Griffon XX. I think I filled them with LH2 + LO2 to keep them light. Or it might be Liquid Fuel + LO2. Two feed into the others and I jettison those after about 1 minute, 5km up.

This was built in a single session with no testing and made it all the way to apoapsis (80km) on the first try. There were however issues with control up in space and I was not able to orient it for its first orbital burn. Ultimately I ended up abandoning the giant fairing idea. I may revisit it however as Duna Voyager drive section mk2 is being a colossal PITA to get into orbit right now. Now that I think I have a handle on the control issues I might just come back to this...

Oh, right, so inside this is just a stack of 3x2.5m tanks filled with pure H2 (for the Modular Fuel Tanks Real Fuels mod) then six identical stacks attached radially to the center tank. Other goodies like control units, antennas (for Remote Tech 1) In fact it's carrying a LOT less fuel than you'd think looking at that giant thing in the middle.


Edited by Starwaster
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I just had an Idea as to what these things would be really useful for, though it would kill performance

Imagine if fuel tanks were more complicated and fragile.. with coolant systems and other such things on them.

Now imagine if you could use said fuel tanks, (which would be a sort of single-color low-res texture, while bearing some resemblance to the "spherical tank" pack in terms of shape, (though having cylinders as well)), to build what we think of as a fuel tank presently.

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I just had an Idea as to what these things would be really useful for, though it would kill performance

Imagine if fuel tanks were more complicated and fragile.. with coolant systems and other such things on them.

Now imagine if you could use said fuel tanks, (which would be a sort of single-color low-res texture, while bearing some resemblance to the "spherical tank" pack in terms of shape, (though having cylinders as well)), to build what we think of as a fuel tank presently. However though I said it would be a performance killer, one could make it so each individual tank is a "part", thus one could be lead to believe that it wouldn't effect performance to nearly as great of a degree. It would allow for a lot of the complications (aesthetically) caused by the mismatching different tanks, and in the game with the "wobble" of rockets.

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Starwaster: Thanks for posting that image an explanation. Along with Taniwah, that answers my question.

Hey great! I didn't even mean to.

Yeah, you can abuse the hell out of this mod.

If I ever get around to trying out Deadly Re-Entry I'm going to use it to make heat shields with too..... be nice if I can do it by making a part that I can retexture. I forget if you can specify new textures just in a part config file or not... anyone know if that's possible?

I just had an Idea as to what these things would be really useful for, though it would kill performance

Imagine if fuel tanks were more complicated and fragile.. with coolant systems and other such things on them.

Now imagine if you could use said fuel tanks, (which would be a sort of single-color low-res texture, while bearing some resemblance to the "spherical tank" pack in terms of shape, (though having cylinders as well)), to build what we think of as a fuel tank presently. However though I said it would be a performance killer, one could make it so each individual tank is a "part", thus one could be lead to believe that it wouldn't effect performance to nearly as great of a degree. It would allow for a lot of the complications (aesthetically) caused by the mismatching different tanks, and in the game with the "wobble" of rockets.

betaking, see my previous post / image. That giant tank in the middle has 21 2.5m tanks, a bunch of struts and girder, control stuff, + solar panels on the outside. During launch I would definitely say that it is laggy. Once in orbit I don't *THINK* that performance is being impacted very greatly but I'll take another look at that next time I get in the game and tell you what I think.

That said, there is a spherical fuel tank mod out there filled with all sizes of spherical tanks....

Edited by Starwaster
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Payload on top, fairings attached and all I get is the single fairing attachment it doesn't create the whole fairing. Before attaching the fairings I don't see the blue wireframe, even with a payload.

.dll is in GameData\Keramzit\ProceduralFairings\

Post a picture to illustrate the problem, please.

And check your debug log for errors (Alt-F2, errors are red/orange).

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I tried putting top and bottom plates for fairings. Failed to create fairings around payload.


You missed a step. You placed your bases properly as far as I can tell but you didn't attach any fairing PIECES. There are three different kinds. Grab one and attach it to one of the attachment nodes on the fairing base. It will automagically shape itself to the payload. Be sure to activate symmetry to close the fairing. The differences between pieces are: Conical has sharp angles. 'egg shaped' is more rounded. Fuselage is like egg shaped but it has NO decouplers and it cannot be jettisoned from your craft. Like the name says it makes a fuselage and you can put stuff inside it or attach things on the outside. (see my picture I posted above. That giant thing between the rockets used the fuselage fairing. It has RCS and solar panels attached directly to the outside. Can you mount things on the inside? I'm not sure... have to try that. I think you can...

Also press 'R' when on top of the fairing base and drag the mouse to resize it. You can get different shapes by resizing the top or the bottom and attaching the fairing piece to the ring you resized on. (works best if the fairing is on so you can see the changes in real time)

If the fairing base is between an engine and a fuel tank be sure to put the mouse over the base and press 'G' to allow fuel to pass through the fairing base. Otherwise you will have an ignition failure event during launch. And you will not go to space.

Edited by Starwaster
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