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Has Scott Manley helped you?


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Hes part of my daily routine, When i get in from work and have sorted all my stuff out and am ready for some KSP, i check youtube for any new vids he has uploaded and watch them first (same for Chickenkeeper, HOCgaming & Kurtjmac) Sometimes i find myself watching videos from these people instead of actually playing it myself.

His knowledge of Physics is extremely high and this shows in his videos.

Does anybody know what he does for a living?

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I've watched all of Scott Manley's Kerbal videos and many of the others. I find his videos to be both informative and funny. Scott works for a company that data mines twitter. Some how being a physicists helped him with that job. His astronomy focus is in asteroids.

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Absolutely yes! I've enjoyed many of Scott's videos and found his tutorials especially helpful, I have watched a few tutorials by others which were also helpful but I would say that Mr Manley is definitely my first port of call when seeking help with KSP related things.

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He certainley helped me a lot with rendezvous, docking,...

But the guys i am most impresed are Macey Dean, Pleborian..., some of them do amazing videos and some do a great job of entertaining.

But let's be honest it can't be all about Scott Manley, there are others who also deserves a like of two.

Edited by MK3424
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I didn't learn too much practical stuff from him. I got that from other youtubers I got to via google, I can't say they're better than he is though, but by the time I discovered him I knew a lot of stuff already.

He does make me laugh from time to time though and I do enjoy watching his Reusable space program.

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I owe my first Mun landing to him. His video was back in 0.13.3, the same version I was in, so that was useful for a start. When I actually learned how to go into an equatorial orbit (looking back on it now it is really rather obvious and I don't know how I missed that detail :P), that was essentially it, I was in the clear for Mun transfers. I think the lander for my Lunar Program was inspired by his lander too.

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Being his subscriber for quite some time, I've noticed a signs that Scott has got bored by KSP as most of his videos in the last month or so are just stupid explosions and some other "LULZ! EXPLOSIONZZZ!!!". And that's not the kind of videos I expect to see from real-life scientist. Hell, if I wanna see some explosions, I just go in and make them myself...

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Being his subscriber for quite some time, I've noticed a signs that Scott has got bored by KSP as most of his videos in the last month or so are just stupid explosions and some other "LULZ! EXPLOSIONZZZ!!!". And that's not the kind of videos I expect to see from real-life scientist. Hell, if I wanna see some explosions, I just go in and make them myself...

Scott's a PhD but he doesn't take himself to incredibly serious. As far as the gaming goes, he likes to play the game more than anything. He gets bothered when I want to use the map to make a node and he just wants to point and burn. I like the physics part a lot, but being his trade, it may not be as novel to him.

I want to do another one with him soon, but I don't know what to do in it. Perhaps a tour of .21 could work if it comes soon enough.

He's also real big on "Star Citizen" from Chris Roberts (of Origin.) I have a feeling he will be doing quite a few videos regarding that game when it is released.

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He's also real big on "Star Citizen" from Chris Roberts (of Origin.) I have a feeling he will be doing quite a few videos regarding that game when it is released.

Star Citizen and Kerbal Space Program...the rest of the space games can just give up and go home!

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Yes. Thanks to him I can be at a party and get into discussions about orbital mechanics, delta-V, and the US strategic reserve of helium.

Early on I learned a lot from trydiyongtolive (rocket design) and Stomp Thompson (orbital mechanics), but Scott is still making videos, and I'm still laughing.

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Scott's a PhD but he doesn't take himself to incredibly serious. As far as the gaming goes, he likes to play the game more than anything. He gets bothered when I want to use the map to make a node and he just wants to point and burn. I like the physics part a lot, but being his trade, it may not be as novel to him.

I want to do another one with him soon, but I don't know what to do in it. Perhaps a tour of .21 could work if it comes soon enough.

He's also real big on "Star Citizen" from Chris Roberts (of Origin.) I have a feeling he will be doing quite a few videos regarding that game when it is released.

I thought he never finished his PHD? That he started it and then life got in the way?

At any rate, his bi-eliptic sundive video helped me with a particularly tough NT mission that I was having trouble with. (You know the one)

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I was confused why Scott was talking about how to land on Eve so much, and now I know. He taught me that it would be suicide to send a manned mission there, and how to escape Eve's atmosphere using MechJeb2.

This knowledge is critical for my future unmanned rover mission to Eve. :)

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When there were still people who thought orbits weren't possible and I was still unaware of what an orbit was and just tried to get as high as possible (even spending an entire day waiting to see how high I would get, but having to quit, not knowing what escape velocity was), Scott Manley came along. That's when I started turning at 10km, and building rockets that were a little smarter. Since then, I've been able to sort of learn myself, but without that kick start from him, I wouldn't be as enthusiastic as I am about this great game, and I wouldn't be keen to learn about space and rockets in real life either. So thank you, Scott!

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