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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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  White Owl said:

Edit: Nope, it wasn't a problem with the KT version. It's a problem with launch clamps. Launch stability enhancers = explosion. Launching without the clamps works fine.

Yea... launch clamps are incredibly unstable


Something about their code is just really prone to exploding and breaking physics and destroying everything

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to get to Eve orbit, press Alt+H, then press Edit an Orbit, press select body and press Eve on the list, then choose the altitude you want, lets go with 200000 for 200km then press go (i think its a go button, dont recall)

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Railways mod is coming along. :)

A while back, the possibly of an improved placement system, with mouse placement, and possibly connection nodes was raised. Is this still on the cards?

Be useful to know, so I can plan ahead when it comes to making tracks.


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  White Owl said:
Know what would be cool? A small gravestone with customizable text, so I can memorialize my fallen kerbals.
If you give me a txt.file with all their names a can model you one! :) (non customizable :sticktongue: ) Edited by Mettwurst
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I've had some ideas about precision placement, for putting together large linear structures, like roads, fences, and railways.

Precision placement is currently the main issue with placing track for the railway mod, so it'd be great if you could consider these ideas.

It would be very useful, if you could add a feature where specially named GameObjects in one Kerbtown object, could be used to get position infor for another.

By getting both rotation and position info from these "snapping nodes" (or, whatever you want to call them), parts could be aligned with high precision, and speed.


Other features, that would be handy as well:

The ability have an object hold its position, and rotate to point towards one of these snapping points when a button is pressed, would be very useful. The plugin would need to calculate the angle between the two points, rotate the object accordingly.

Ideally, vertical and horizontal alignment could be done separately.


It would be awesome if we could have the ability rotate objects vertically with precision, in a way similar to how we can rotate them horizontally now. It would make creation of ramps much simpler, and it'd he helpful for the railways mod too. With small rotations, you could get the ends of two separate lines almost lined up, then use the alignment tool described above to finish the link like so:


Next time you're working on this, I hope you could add in some of these features. They'd be very helpful in building things with roads and railways. Thanks!

Edited by Tw1
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  Razchek said:
Thank you! I will have to send you a PM at some point to test that fuel tank out. :D

Answer: Placement does include height offset. Which is the problem I have encountered haha - I'm trying to translate the surface height position to a radial height offset at the moment for instantiating objects in view (rather than below surface).

You will definitely be able to bury part of the object in the ground.


The plugin is more or less ready, just need to fix the save/write function and there should be no more critical bugs at this point that I know of lol.

Hopefully I can push out the release when I wake up. :)

Until then.. here's an example of what the editor UI currently looks like:


Edit: there are text fields to specify values as well they're hidden in this screenshot lol.

Leave me some feedback on the visuals young Kerbals! :D

Improvements, questions, comments and all that..

Please remember, I will be eventually adding a 'click-to-place' control scheme so that the placement is a bit more intuitive.

But for a little while after release (while I get the core features implemented) you will be stuck with this UI. So make your suggestions now. :P

can you put out a download for those houses?

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I've been looking over the code to find the launch bug, but I can't see anything obvious. I had a similar issue with the FS water launch module (which is similar to the ID boat launch module), so I hoped it was related.

It seems Raz went a very different way to get the launches done (A better one as it happens). As it stands, we'll probably have to wait for him to fix that piece of code.

In the mean time, Extraplanetary Launchpads could serve you well.

If you have other bugs, these two recompiled dll files may solve it:



(But keep you old ones handy, cause it may also break stuff. Exciting times!)

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