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How Did You Name Your Space Company/Corporation/Industry?


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I had to make mine a terrible joke.

I started with the Idea of using the Aperture Science Logo... This led to the Motto... which meant I just had to reverse-engineer a name to fit CAN. or rather, K.A.N. ...


Still cleaning this up, hope to have a better version for .21 :)

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Currently it's Decho Industrial Concerns - DIC. I'll be starting a new save with a new space agency name and flag once 0.21 hits, largely to get away from the unfortunate acronym.

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Grave Aerospace. Has a certain dark irony to it, but at the same time sounds quite good in my opinion. All of my designs are realistic and safe, with the core visions being that we should explore the universe, while at the same time becoming the shepherds of our home planet. I use some scandinavian-themed names such as my valhalla research station, along with rockets such as the guardian or defender series. My most advanced orbiter is the Nomad, carried to space on a guardian reusable two-stage lifter (spacex styled).

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My main is Asgard Enterprises, to go with the whole Norse mythology thing ( which is what I name alot of my stuff after). I have a second, Called New Phoenix Defense Horizons, that is essential a Space PAramilitary thing, which I use to design and operate all of my Military type crafts.

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My company's name is "Asparagus Rocketry" because of the way many of my rockets wobble like asparaguses. I don't have a flag yet thought, and if anyone could direct me to a program other than paint or Photoshop that is good for making flags, I would be grateful.

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  bobert577 said:
My company's name is "Asparagus Rocketry" because of the way many of my rockets wobble like asparaguses. I don't have a flag yet thought, and if anyone could direct me to a program other than paint or Photoshop that is good for making flags, I would be grateful.

Paint.net is nice, its pretty much a free Photoshop.

I've also thought about doing requests, I'm fairly good with Photoshop.

Anything I can help you with?

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I'm a Medic...Versed is a drug we use...it sounded cool...it was a good acronym. Although now I'm trying to come up with a better more realistic name.

EDIT: Whoops didn't realize I just posted lol...wow...blonde moment...sorry for DP.

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I was going to go with "Rama Aerospace", after the three-kerbal capsule and the final line of Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama, which he did not actually intend at the time to be a sequel hook:

"The Ramans do everything in threes."

It's since become a theme of my (technically nameless) space program; while the craft themselves use all the kinds of symmetry, missions tend to get planned in groups of three, etc.

Clarke also explains that Rama is named what it is - back when it was still thought to be an asteroid or comet, not an alien spacecraft - because by the time the story takes place, astronomers had long since worked their way through the Greco-Roman pantheon and started on others. Me, I thought it would be an interesting chance of pace from all the Zeuses and Titans and whatnot. So in addition to the purely functional names, like Kerbin Station 1 (previously just "the Station"), I have Krishna, Rama, Sita, Vishnu...

As noted above, my program doesn't really have a name, nor do I have a personal aerospace company. Right now it mostly uses parts by Rockomax, the Zenith family of boosters by Temstar, etc. No inspiration yet to add to that.

Edited by Commander Zoom
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Mine will be called KRASH - Kerbal Rocketry and Space Headquarters.© ™

I'll have to work on designing a flag for it. As to the "how I got the name", I hope it's obvious to anyone who's played. The logo/flag makes it even more apparent, and is a clever homage to NASA... I just want to get permission from the creator of the basic Kerbin image I used before sharing my work.

Edited by HeadHunter67
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  • 3 years later...

I named mine C.R Corp.

A.K.A .      Cog Rim Corporations 

because "Cogitantium" in Latin means thoughtful and "Rimor" in Latin means explorer so it's "thoughtful explorer" I picked it because it sounds like me if I were Jebediah Kerman...


or maybe nothing goes on behind that grin ;.; (or frown :D) in his skull.

from what I heard Jeb isn't the smartest  kerbonaut  

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Generally, I just name my space program Kerbal Space Program, because, in a singleplayer world, I have no qualms about guiding the true Kerbal Space Program in its space endeavors. I've named them personally before, but I always tend to just go for good ol' KSP.

I do have different "brands" that I use for particular series of vehicles, most notably Kerbolet, which I've released several vehicles under.

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