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Mech Jeb


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Am I the only one not using the newest MJ? I tried it and found it overly compliciated. I used it for probably three launches before reverting back to the previous version. Admittedly I do use it to launch and achieve orbit, though I CAN do it by hand. I also use the smart ASS features for aiming at nodes etc and I use it to circularize orbits after an encounter. Any features outside of that, I don't mess with personally. What's everyone's take on this?

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I love the new one. The custom window editor is great as well as the auto docking. It just takes all the tediousness out of it but also teaches you how to do it. Id give it another shot if I were you.

Yeah, I think the Rover Autopilot is the only feature I don't use.

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As for the the new one, the info panels are great, I stay away from the translatron though (just cant make it work for me). I mainly use the Ascent Guidance for repetitive launches but the first launch of a design I take a personal responsibility to launch by hand (sort of like back in the Roman Empire where the architect stood under the arch as the keystone was put in and the scaffolding was removed), and I can not be bothered to dock by hand, though I can do it if I need too.

Edited by KasperVld
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I wouldn't ever consider going back to the older version. MJ2 has a wealth of informational features all in one plugin, and that's valuable to me.

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Actually, mechjeb and some Scott Manley tutorials teached me how to play this game. Althou i just mostly use it for stuff i already know how to do, and now when im a little more comfortable with the game, focus on learning new stuff by hand myself. I mostly use it for launches and other tedious stuff. But learning all new things by hand. I.e now im working on rendevous. Looking how mechjeb does it, Quickload, and try myself over and over untill i get it.

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One thing I find is it tends to be too obsessed with precision. I'd rather be a few mm/s of the target speed than have it drain the batteries on my solar powered rover.

I love the new landing guidance though. I wish that panel was the one that kept its functions on.

It's very useful for landing things manually, but accurately.

The new ascent guidance, which often seems of but still auto-stages, etc, is many accidents waiting to happen.

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No, your not the only one. Maybe I've not given the new one enough time but initially I'm not a fan off it. Yes the window editor is great but there are somethings that just don't work for me.

I never use the auto pilot features, but I make heavy use of the smartASS and particularly the SURF function. One of the things I liked about the previous implementation was being able to work with MJ. So I'd set a heading and a pitch in SURF and then I could use Q and E to make slight manual adjustments to roll. That doesn't work anymore you need to enter a specific roll value. So I tried that and a rocket that used to go up straight and true while doing a roll now deviated a whole load from its course. It seems that while straight up changing the heading achieved the roll I wanted, but once pitched over a little I needed to quickly reset the heading and then set the roll. I'm prob just not using it right and have some re-learning to do.

This may seem overly picky, but now to go from SURF to say Prograde or TGT+ now requires an extra click, I prefered the tall slim layout of the old SmartASS which showed all actions at once. Just seems less elegant (in terms of use-flow, not appearance, I'm not really fussed about appearance, its a rocket not a sports car).

I used to use the landing autopilot as a way of picking out a location on the map. Ie I'd read co-ordinates from the kethane detector and then mouse over the map in "select target on map mode" to find those co-ordinates. But now if I accidentally click on the map while doing that it plants a massive marker and I'm yet to figure out how to tell that marker to go away. Anyone know how to dismiss it?

Also can't have windows partly off the screen anymore. There are some windows that are too wide, like rendezvous info window that I always pushed slightly off the screen so it just showed me what I needed. MechJeb says no now and tbh that just seems a little too bossy for my tastes.

But as I've said, I' prob just need to re-adjust and re-learn. The ability to define custom windows and change what is shown in them is very cool and that might get round a lot of my woes with it. I will give it another test drive but for now I'm sticking with good ol' 1.9.5.

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MechJeb 1 did everything I wanted. I use 2.0 now because I want the mod to stay up to date, but I don't really use anything more than Smart A.S.S and sometimes the launch countdown timer to rendezvous with something in orbit. I have no need for all these new-fangled autopilots and RCS balancers :D

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Question for the MechJeb users:

I recall reading that MechJeb had a manual maneuver node entry system. Does this system show the ejection angle of the maneuver node in relation to the orbited body?

There are a few mods out there that can show me my current ejection angle but I want one that shows future ejection angle.

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I love MechJeb personally. Use it for every launch and I love the maneuver planner, beats having to sit there and try to fine tune a node.

EDIT: Smooth throttle and orbit info...love that too.

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  regex said:
Question for the MechJeb users:

I recall reading that MechJeb had a manual maneuver node entry system. Does this system show the ejection angle of the maneuver node in relation to the orbited body?

There are a few mods out there that can show me my current ejection angle but I want one that shows future ejection angle.

I could have miss read your question very easily, but I believe the answer is no at this time
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