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if ksp was finished and sqaud made ksp 2 would you buy it?


if ksp was finished and sqaud made ksp 2 would you buy it?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. if ksp was finished and sqaud made ksp 2 would you buy it?

    • Yes i would buy it
    • no its a waste of money

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I chose instead to answer the question: "When KSP is released/finished, if Squad were to announce KSP2, would you buy it?"

Yes, I would. I've got my $23 worth out of KSP long ago. I think that Squad would have benefited greatly from the lessons of KSP and would produce a much more polished game were they to start over. I would expect it to have a better physics engine, as my first wish.

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For me there isn't an appropriate poll option, maybe yes I would by KSP2 but it would depend a lot on what the game was about / content / improvements over KSP1 and other such factors. I'd certainly be interested in finding out more about it though and give it the consideration I think it would deserve based on my enjoyment of KSP1, hypothetically speaking of course :).

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  spikeyhat09 said:
what could they possibly add to KSP that would warrant an entire sequel rather than an update?

They could remake it with a new, high-tech engine that can take full advantage of modern computing and make much biggerships with more accurate physics.

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  razark said:
It doesn't matter what it is. Would you buy it or not?

KSP doesn't sell well >> SQUAD files Bankruptcy >> EA buys SQUAD >> EA announces that KSP 2 will be a sims like game in witch you pick from 3 prebuild craft and 3 Kerbals. You have to watch Kerbals interact with the spacecraft, buy them pets to keep them happy , and make sure their bladder is functioning properly. The game is developed for the rating E (everyone) and can be safely played by 3+ year old.

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Poll is a little too black and white imo. Its just not that simple.

Squad needs to make a lot of changes to how it does features and updates before I'd consider buying another game from them, to be honest. I'm not saying any of the work they do is bad, they certainly aren't EA, and their mod support is fantastic. but the ammount of unfinished features in the game and the slightly ropey community servers are a little irratating.

And as someone already mentioned, I think KSP 2 would have to be on a whole new engine if it ever happens. But then what would this even do for modding support, I wonder.

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  maro said:
Very short: YES

Comparing the time i spend with playing KSP its a cheap game well worth ist money.

From that perspective I would say yes, I'm sure KSP2 would be great, but have you thought about the moral perspective? If they did that now, it would be clear they are just abusing you as a customer, they promised to give you updates to the completed game for what you paid and then they just stop in a clearly unfinished state to make a sequel which costs you more money.

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  Whackjob said:
Gritty reboot. The Kerbals would have care-worn facial features and detailed emo backstories. Jebediah is the overachiever he is because he never measured up in his father's eyes before he died. Bob Kerman is a multi-relapsing pickled ginger addict, and Bill Kerman is the loving brother who puts up with the abuse in the fruitless hope he can turn his brother's life around.

Together, they must team up to recover Jeb's father's casket, and bury him on Duna per his wishes. It's Jeb's last hope to gain the approval from his father in death that he never did in life.

Oh, and Werner Von Kerman? He's the one grabbing lady Kerbal arse and pitching out the zany one-liners. He is the KSP2's Jar Jar Binks.

I lol'd...

About the question, you're asking if I would by a game because it has a certain name attached to it and the answer is no, because it's never a good idea to do that.

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Yeah the main thing I'd want from a KSP2 would be an engine change, allowing them to build it for 64bit from the ground up, and multi-core usage. But it's a long way off, so it's moot. In any case, am considering buying a third copy of KSP just to support the devs, which I'll be happy to keep doing as long as everything remains DRM free.

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  Whackjob said:
Gritty reboot. The Kerbals would have care-worn facial features and detailed emo backstories. Jebediah is the overachiever he is because he never measured up in his father's eyes before he died. Bob Kerman is a multi-relapsing pickled ginger addict, and Bill Kerman is the loving brother who puts up with the abuse in the fruitless hope he can turn his brother's life around.

Together, they must team up to recover Jeb's father's casket, and bury him on Duna per his wishes. It's Jeb's last hope to gain the approval from his father in death that he never did in life.

Oh, and Werner Von Kerman? He's the one grabbing lady Kerbal arse and pitching out the zany one-liners. He is the KSP2's Jar Jar Binks.

You could do that in regular KSP. I really don't know why people are saying yes...it could turn out to be awful. You can't judge something without seeing it.

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  Katve said:
I always thought that KSP is one of the games that is just updated and doesn't have new versions. ( I know game is still alpha.)

It is, we're only talking about in the distant future once it's been released and out for a while. At some point sales would inevitably drop off, and then they'd need to do paid expansions if they want to keep supporting it, or release a '2' version which would have to be significantly updated to make it worthwhile. If they do it at all I'd hope not until at least 6 years from now, and by then they'd be tech around to make that unigine demo look old hat :P

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Normally I'm not the pessimist dick, but this is kind of a pointless thought experiment that we have here. I mean, really, KSP is still in alpha and isn't going to go for a retail release anytime soon. That being said, a KSP 2? Come on man. Yeah, it's spitballing but still, something about this thread just bugs the hell out of me everytime I see it...

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