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What else can be done in this game


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so i just got the game and wondering of the incentive of landing on a planet.

so if i get to the mun or another planet i can get out and drive around on a rover.

is there anything you can find or collect to bring back to home planet or is just getting there and exploring what we do?

is there other stuff you can do in this game?

i know you can put satellite into orbit, but are there other things you can do and interact with once out oin space or is it just launching and landing then doing another launch?

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dont get me wrong, i know it's in alpha or beta.. just wondering if theres other things i dont know about .

my first time playing went...

build rocket

got to space

woo hoo!

whats this EVA button do?

Oh crap i'm not in space

Kerbal crash landed to planet

Love this game

2nd mission

sent kerbal to mun.. no fuel to get home.

time to build a new vessel to bring him home

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  Whackjob said:
I am sorely tempted to post a picture of my giant wheel of mainsail death.

Please do. This is a piece of art.

And yeah andyMak, this is the awesome of the game. The possibilities are endless, because for now, everything is in your head. You can think about anything and do it. It fails? Doesn't matter, build something to go rescue those Kerbals. Sending little green men to a frozen wasteland called Eeloo for no particular reason? WHY NOT. It's awesome.

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  Sir Nahme said:
You should have, I clicked on this thread just to see which monster you had responded with XD lol

That's reason enough for me to go ahead with it! Let's do something different, though... hrms. Quad rover carrier clutch landing?


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Episode 7 of From the Earth to the Moon

(crew is in lunar orbit prepping to head home)

Al Bean: Ya know, feels sorta like that song...

Pete Conrad: Al Bean... I was just thinking the exact same thing.

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At this point, it's basically a somewhat cartoony physics and engineering simulator. That leads to most of the fun, getting it to do things that aren't technically related to space.

Make boats, make airplanes and explore Kerbin itself with them. Download mods that add resource gathering & remote construction if you like. Download mods that will let you generate topography maps, map out planets and find interesting locations, try for targeted landings at the interesting spots.

Some of the other things I've done: add the Ioncross mod so that I have to keep my Kerbals supplied with oxygen until they get back to Kerbin (or Laythe.) land a probe with temp, gravity, etc. sensors on every planet and moon, and check the readings. put a probe in a circular orbit 5 km above the surface of the Sun (that was a long, long flight with ion engines.)

Build death traps that fail in entertaining ways. See how small a craft you can get to orbit and back safely; see how big a craft you can manage to send to the Mun.

Look through the challenges section of the forums. Pick one that interests you; Don't look through the thread for how someone else did it, try to figure out a best way on your own.

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Each planet/moon has it's own challenges when it comes to reaching, landing on, and returning from. I think this is what keeps most people busy.

Others go nuts with the build system making impressive/crazy rockets, stations, and outposts.

Some mods like Kethane and ISAMapsat give a little more to do on top of all that.

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i would like to see:

1) multiplayer.. go to space and other peoples ships are orbiting around or heading to the mun with you.. land with your friends and explore together

2) searching the planets and coming across aliens.. not aliens that will attach you or anything but use the rover and discover a species on the planet and take a photo and bring it back home to show everyone

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This is a game in which there is nothing to do, but which has kept me extremely busy doing stuff for around a year! It's just fun with loosely defined physics.

Imagine something daft and attempt to make it work, or attempt to mimic a real world mission (a lot of Apollo style missions happening currently). You don't even have to leave kerbin to have fun, planes are a tricky challenge (SSTO's even more so). You don't even have to make 'rockets' or 'planes' in the traditional sense to have a barrel of laughs, here's a couple of my more daft (not-very-rockety) creations;

A lazer assault bot and a catapult for flinging kerbals down the runway.


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  andyMak said:
i would like to see:

1) multiplayer.. go to space and other peoples ships are orbiting around or heading to the mun with you.. land with your friends and explore together

2) searching the planets and coming across aliens.. not aliens that will attach you or anything but use the rover and discover a species on the planet and take a photo and bring it back home to show everyone

Just to let you know, here is a sticky thread from the "Suggestions" forum posted by KSP's Consultant.

[Official] What not to suggest?

The first thing under "Major Features" is "Multiplayer" marked with a star which means it will not be in the game...

The first thing under "Miscellaneous" is "Aliens" also marked with a star which means it will not be in the game...

Sorry. :(

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  andyMak said:
i would like to see:

1) multiplayer.. go to space and other peoples ships are orbiting around or heading to the mun with you.. land with your friends and explore together

2) searching the planets and coming across aliens.. not aliens that will attach you or anything but use the rover and discover a species on the planet and take a photo and bring it back home to show everyone

Multiplayer has no plans for it as of right now, and discussions on it often turn into hellpits, better not start here. All I can tell you is don't hope too hard for it, it's really not likely to happen (not as a stock feature though).

And aliens are a... risky topic I'D say, intelligent life forms sure won't be there, and animals or other things are probably near sure not to be in the game. Maybe microbial life forms, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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  CoriW said:
Just to let you know, here is a sticky thread from the "Suggestions" forum posted by KSP's Consultant.

[Official] What not to suggest?

The first thing under "Major Features" is "Multiplayer" marked with a star which means it will not be in the game...

The first thing under "Miscellaneous" is "Aliens" also marked with a star which means it will not be in the game...

Sorry. :(

yeah i know that both those are not being implemented, it was more of a i'd like it more than a suggestion to please put them in.

not to say someone could mod them ;)

but no not suggesting they put it in

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Pretty much anything you imagine can be done in stock. See stock propeller plane in last nights stream with iPope on KerbalTV twitch. If not with stock it definitely can be done with mods. Also there is a small thing called...imagination. You don't actually have to really do anything you can pretend to take samples pretend to upkeep a station. Make up tech trees and a story line. Make a base or station the options are near infinite.

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  regex said:
*buys sandbox game, asks what there is to do*

Stuff. You can do stuff. Set some goals and achieve them.

it's not so much a question of what to do but more of what is there to do that i don't know about.

wasn't sure of such things like.. landing on planets, do you just roam or do you take photos or collect stuff and bring back

space stations, if you put on into orbit are they intractable such as i can enter them and walk around in them?

can you get to ships to dock on each other or dock on the stations and swap kerbals around

when you put satellites out can you do anything with them or do they just sit in orbit and thats it

if there's a ship in space out of fuel, can i get another ship and attach to it and bring it back home.

these sorts of questions :)

im looking through the wiki and tutorials and stuff now to find everything, but as i said don't get me wrong i LOVE this game such a nice change of pace from other games i play.

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Well to answer the OP, there is none. There is absolutely nothing to do besides land on the planets, and roleplay. It is the single largest fault in the game, and all we can do is hope that it gets fixed. In the meantime there is plenty to do, the ships are the stars of this game at the moment!

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  andyMak said:
it's not so much a question of what to do but more of what is there to do that i don't know about.

wasn't sure of such things like.. landing on planets, do you just roam or do you take photos or collect stuff and bring back

space stations, if you put on into orbit are they intractable such as i can enter them and walk around in them?

can you get to ships to dock on each other or dock on the stations and swap kerbals around

when you put satellites out can you do anything with them or do they just sit in orbit and thats it

if there's a ship in space out of fuel, can i get another ship and attach to it and bring it back home.

these sorts of questions :)

im looking through the wiki and tutorials and stuff now to find everything, but as i said don't get me wrong i LOVE this game such a nice change of pace from other games i play.

1.roam yes collect not yet photos yes



4.Sit there


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  andyMak said:
it's not so much a question of what to do but more of what is there to do that i don't know about.

Build a space station around Eeloo, that'll keep you busy for a while.

Edited by regex
dumbass phone
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