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Space Ark Kerbanautics [New Release: KubLab Modular!]


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  • 1 month later...

That ARCA plane is a silly design. I can\'t believe any real engineers thought that up! Why do you need a stealth airframe design (stolen from the F23)? If you are planning for high altitude, it is more efficient to go for U2 wings. And why the SpaceShipOne portholes instead of a real cockpit?

This is not a criticism of your work, but the Romanian space agency\'s design looks like it was designed to look cool, by ripping off two designs that look cool, with no regard for function. Do they really believe that a sea-launched supersonic stealth carrier aircraft is easier to develop than a conventional 1st stage rocket?

Any armchair rocket scientist could also tell that their previous solar-balloon-launched-pendular-rocket design was also bound to prompt failure:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be very interested in assembling the KER-111 for ya. I am very interested in testing it as means of counter-sattelite strikes, utilising railgun technologies. It also makes sense as a launsch base for small sattelites.

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How\'s the config going, need a hand? This latest video makes it look awesome!

Are those Mig-21s?! Why are they using out-dated fighters to escort the most advanced spaceplane ever?

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I\'m getting a little concerned about this one,,Cymae hasn\'t been active for 3 weeks.What a real shame.It would have been great to see it up and flying.

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Yes I\'m still here. Unfortunately I\'m still waiting on the config files to be finished. The model has been done for some time, and is just waiting to be assembled as parts :)

As for an ISS... It\'s huge, and I\'m pretty sure there\'s already options for it. Perhaps when and if Docking is properly introduced, it might be cool to make a modular ISS that you can then assemble in parts.

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Yes I\'m still here. Unfortunately I\'m still waiting on the config files to be finished. The model has been done for some time, and is just waiting to be assembled as parts :)

Have you thought about using the PowerTech plugin for your solar panels?


It supports an animation for unfolding the panels, and keeps the panels rotated towards the sun (Kerbol), plus other features.



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