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List of working mods working/not working for 0.21.1


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I need to know about Damned Robotics. I read something about to use an alternative, but there was also a way to get this to work.

I have to have this mod to get BoatPartsR3 to work. I do know BoatPartsR3 hasn't been updated yet, as there's an issue trying to get craft to float.

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I need to know about Damned Robotics. I read something about to use an alternative, but there was also a way to get this to work.

I have to have this mod to get BoatPartsR3 to work. I do know BoatPartsR3 hasn't been updated yet, as there's an issue trying to get craft to float.

Go to my signature.

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When i loaded the game with the parts they didn't show up. With the plugin they didn't show up. After changing the cfg files all parts where missing except for the demv rover parts.

Everything else was gone including the stock parts. Then i tried the mod version i used for the 20.2 ksp version and everything was fine.

All i need now is a better isa mapsast mod so i don't run out of memory.

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First post. Kerbonaut for one month. This is a list of mods that I am currently running. I have not used every part, but every plugin seems to be working correctly. I have experienced NO CRASHES since installing a clean .21.1 and the list of mods below.

Crew Manifest- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-1-kerbal-crew-manifest/

Editor Extension- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/editor-extensions/

Escape Pod- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/st-space-tech-escape-pod-v1-0/- have not flown part yet.

Fustek station expansion- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/fustek-station-parts-expansion/

Fustek common berthing ports- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/common-berthing-mechanisms-2-5m-docking-ports-2/

Infernal Robotics- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-0-21-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics

Ion Cross- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ioncross-crew-support-plugin/

Kosmos- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft/

KSPX- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30472-0-21-x-KSPX-Kerbal-Stock-Part-eXpansion-mod-reposted

KW Rocketry- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kw-rocketry-overhauled/

Mechjeb 2- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/21mechjeb209/

Mobius- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39049-Mobius-RocketWorks-Engine-Mounts-and-Parts

Part Catalog- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35018-0-21-PartCatalog-2-0-Big-overhaul-get-your-dynamic-subgroups-now!

Procedural Fairings- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/procedural-fairings/

Quantum Struts- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/quantum-strut/

Remotech- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/remotetech-3/

Remotech probe compatability- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/remotetech-probe-compatability/

Subassembly Manager- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/subassembly-manager/

Tri Hexagonal Struts- http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-jarfr-tri-hexagonal-structural-strut/ - Parts load in VAB. Have not flown them yet. They look so cool.

Well I've been having an awesome time with these mods. It's been really great having no crashes after a week of fumbling around after the .21 release. Let me know if you have suggestions or additions to this list. Again, ALL THESE MODS ARE RUNNING CONCURRENTLY AFTER A CLEAN .21.1 INSTALL. Thanks. Enjoy.

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8. Kerbal Crew Manifest (but you don't need it in 0.21 anyway)-updated

39. CrewManifest: works

Just a comment that I'm assuming you mean the same Crew Manifest, and thus have it listed twice. And on not needing it in 0.21, yes the new version allows you to move crew around, just like Crew Manifest, but it doesn't allow you to create your own kerbal with custom name and attributes. This is the part my kids love doing. And while you can accomplish the same thing by editing your save file, I'm not going to turn my kids loose on that and have them accidently screw things up. So we're big fans of Crew Manifest and hope it keeps getting updated.

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yes the new version allows you to move crew around, just like Crew Manifest, but it doesn't allow you to create your own kerbal with custom name and attributes.

Actually, the moving is from Crew Manifest, as well - without it, you still need to EVA to relocate a Kerbal to another part of a station. So it's a very useful plugin for 0.21, indeed!

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I couldnt get Telemachus or High Visibility Pod mods to work....I'd install them separately on fresh KSP_win folders, and the game would just lock up in the loading screen...Couldnt even get to the main menu to get INTO the game...

EDIT: Nevermind on the Telemachus...I finally found an active thread on it, and it doesnt look like others are currently having issues with it...

Edited by Stone Blue
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does damned robotics work

yes it does but you have to adjust the config file first and instruction for that are on Infernal robotics

also on Space tech why does the IVAs on all my command parts get disabled whenever i download the Space tech landing program( does not include the escape pod) because i like IVAs anyway and this has happened since 20.2 for me

Edit: so does any one know how to fix this or is it something that i would have to deal with?

Edited by Helix935
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  • 3 weeks later...
So far, Mechjeb does not work...

Or works in parts. I can use the manouver node editor, but almost everything else is done for.

Autopilots seem to be broken, delta-V-calculation does not work, manouver planner does not work... and I can't attach the module in the VAB.

My most precious function does not work either... "Execute next node"... *cry*

(I usually plan the nodes myself, then execute them...)

Oh well... it seems the conclusion of my "Mission to Jool" will have to wait till it works again. Or I do it by hand.... possible. Well, I will see....

Works fine for me. Make sure to DELETE the old version before adding in a new one.

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Any news on Haystack? Fairly new to KSP, saw it recommended in a Scott Manley video, and it would be really handy in my game right at this moment. (I have 7 craft orbiting the Mun in VERY similar orbits :| ) Added the version from spaceport, but it seems to not exist in game at all.

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15. Unofficial 0.20 update for ISA MapSat (although Mun's new craters don't show up)-partly working

...Um...what? The 0.20 version is the dev version and completely official, and works fine (albeit with a bit of minor prodding to get the height scales correct.)


I sure see a darned lot of tiny craters on the map I got out of it too... I haven't been on the surface in quite some time and haven't examined it that closely but uh...I don't think I recall all those being there before.

Edited by Tiron
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