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Come back old ASAS - all is forgiven!


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Question for those having trouble: Did you patch the game or do a clean install? I haven't downloaded it yet, and I wonder if it makes any difference.

Clean install.

I've tried the new (A)SAS on rockets and planes that 0.20 couldn't fly. Now they're rock–solid. I don't have any problems.

And yet planes that flew just fine in 0.20 are now exercises in advanced control wrestling.

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Thats odd. I have a spaceplane that became completely uncontrollable upon re-entry in 0.20, and now flies beatifully in 0.21.

It's odd, on the one hand, it seems to be easier now to fly somewhat un-balanced craft because the SAS "dampens" them enough to make them controllable. On the other hand, it does have a problem keeping a specific angle.

All in all, active flying does seem easier to me now.

I get the feeling that more than just the SAS has changed. Maybe aerodynamics were updated as well? That would explain the apparent divide between planes that can suddenly fly well and planes that suddenly don't fly anymore.

Also, the new reaction wheels are not additive? That means there is no use to put more than one on a craft to get more torque?

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Giggleplex, if you're talking about the avionics package, that also lacks a ModuleReactionWheel, so it might not actually be applying any torque.


This spaceship i built is absolutely rock solid, stops moving as soon as you let go of the keyboard and doesn't drift at all with RCS translation.

edit. No idea then PwnedDuck.

No, I don't need the torque. I just what the SAS to stop the roll with the probe's reaction wheels.

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This is a plane. It's got control surfaces and is a very stable aircraft. It also has reaction wheels because I pulled it over from 0.20 and its ASAS unit magically became reaction wheels.

It's doing something when I turn it on, but that something isn't doing the job of holding a heading.

ASAS in 0.21 doesn't have reaction wheels built in. At least according to the description in game. At least for me, my 0.20 ships don't get their ASAS converted to the new reaction wheels when I brought them into 0.21.

EDIT: I guess that depends on which ASAS you're using. The large one doesn't have reaction wheels it seems. The small one does have them.

Edited by Sardonyx
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The new SAS definitely has some issues yet to be resolved. A rocket needing reaction wheels, that I can see. Planes needing them? Not a lot of sense there. A perfectly symmetrical craft under stabilization in 0.20 will not run 90 degrees off the runway during take-off; running 90 degrees off the runway during take-off in 0.21 seems to happen 100% of the time under SAS. It might just be that we all have horrible techniques that were developed to compensate for the previous SAS system, but somehow I think that's not the only thing going on here.

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Are the people having problems using craft files copied from their old version or a fresh copy of the vehicles? Try removing asas part and re-adding it? Maybe copying the craft broke something?

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as far as AOA goes, I usually put some into the wings when I build as can be seen on this plane from .20 (currently my screenshots don't seem to be working anymore lol):

That helped immensely. The ASAS now holds it on heading:


My point still stands, though, that the ASAS needs to know when to get aggressive with the controls.

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The new SAS system on planes still makes the plane shake a lot under time-warp. It also doesn't do a good job holding it's heading when under even minor asymmetry (minor in my case being the new RCS tank on one side, with no counterweight, and I even had six winglets plus engine gimbal).

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Just to clarify I'm talking about my rockets... not planes. thrashing back and forth as the stupid new ASAS leans one way... gimbals flip full the opposite way... overshoots and flips back. I have a stack of 8 reaction wheels now on Munbug. Still unflyable.... its the 7 thousand (and rising) people who have downloaded my ship I feel sorry for as I certainly won't be able to make a working version under this awful system.

My Gemini is also wobbling like crazy. Haven't tested the rest as it's depressing watching hundreds of hours of development go down the tubes.

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I must say that the new ASAS needs a lot of improvement. Please let us have the option of using the old ASAS system until everything is fixed.

From what I recall, this new ASAS was supposed to have two features:

The ASAS will keep control of all axes not being manipulated by the user.

This doesn't seem to happen. I was flying one of my asymmetrical craft. It was settled into its nose-up attitude. When I decided to roll the craft, the ASAS set pitch and yaw to zero and didn't do a damn thing with them to keep the craft from rotating on those axes.

The ASAS will kill rotation.

Again, doesn't seem to happen. Craft will continue to rotate and the ASAS doesn't use enough effort to stop it.

Another gripe I have with the new ASAS is that it's way too sluggish. Also, the control axes reset to zero every time you make a control input. It seems they didn't do much testing with the new ASAS before they decided to replace the old system with it.

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Activating SAS now makes my satellite pitch over into an uncontrollable spin. 0.21.1 here we come!

Clean install, all new craft files, have since added Kethane and Procedural Fairings but problem predated those mods.

A 3 man pod seems to work fine, the flat and box probe cores spin out of control.

Edited by naloxone
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Hmmmmm.... Strange. Just started up the game again and went back to my station core that I launched earlier and had trouble with. ASAS seems to be working.... kind of. I can put it into a spin and it will recover using the lander can's torque, but doesn't use RCS.

Also noticed something else. I wonder if there is some kind of conflict between my ASAS piece and the SAS equipped in the pod?

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I just built a brand new rocket, no mods, with a large probe core, a large advanced sas, 4 nukebatts, and 4 lv 45s. I then proceeded to turn on sas, and launch it straight up as high as it will go. It is now on its way back down, and still rocking back and forth slowly over 10 degrees like a bottle on the ocean.

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Just to clarify I'm talking about my rockets... not planes. thrashing back and forth as the stupid new ASAS leans one way... gimbals flip full the opposite way... overshoots and flips back. I have a stack of 8 reaction wheels now on Munbug. Still unflyable.... its the 7 thousand (and rising) people who have downloaded my ship I feel sorry for as I certainly won't be able to make a working version under this awful system.

My Gemini is also wobbling like crazy. Haven't tested the rest as it's depressing watching hundreds of hours of development go down the tubes.

I feel you bro.

Gravity turning is a pain in the butt now.

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I just built a new basic craft to dock in LKO and so far the new SAS/ASAS is working beautifully. I'm really loving it.

no mods, no saved files..

Absolutely fresh and clean.


This launch and docking was the easiest I have ever completed..

Edited by Amphiprion
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I have to say to the community this: when you are on easy level its normal to be ashemed to switch to an harder one. This ASAS is giving a punch to the ssto and im really happy of it. Now i have to fly my sstos. But everything is fine (once you have rebalanced all due to the weight increase). The real bad thing is to see viecles inside your hangar.

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The SAS IS working, but its on using like 1% of rotational torque. The result: Ship spins 100 times until SAS sloooooooooowly stops it.

Actually the new system has a crap load of torque, it just only applies the torque when the operator input tells it too. THEN it shifts to doing the 1% thing.

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