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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Regular SAS like you use basically 'holds' a craft on course when turned on, and does nothing when turned off; if the craft weight exceeds what a single SAS module can hold, it will fail and still lose control; so you might need more.

ASAS modules are different, and act as a control computer to automatically use other parts on the rocket to maintain a heading; these includes winglets (in the atmosphere only) RCS thrusters (if RCS is turned on) and gimbal\'d engines; those liquid boosters in the 2nd menu are small and are intended to be used to add small control to big rockets (there are three sizes) - some of the other main engines are also gimbal\'d; the big engine you use on the bottom is very slightly gimbal\'d, which means it responds to your control inputs, and is used by ASAS modules to hold your path (both ASAS and normal SAS modules are toggled on and off by the SAS button)

Try to add some more SAS, or an ASAS module and some control pieces; if you can\'t get the big rocket stable, refine it on some smaller ones first and work your way up.

It is rocket science, its not supposed to be super-easy :)

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Alright I\'ll try to mess around some more.

Anyways I changed the mid part decoupler so it kind of looks like your pic, though since it\'s so 'closed' I have nothing to start building the shell on. Any suggestions? :(

Also those Retro boosters, do they do anything to add stability by just spinning around the rocket?

Also I updated the NovaPunch pack like you said so you should be able to take a look at my ship. Can you take a look and try to find out why my ship becomes uncontrollabel in space when at the third stage? I\'m not sure, maybe I need a bigger SAS module on that part.

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Did you rebuild the ship? Or try it load it after you deleted and reinstalled NP?

Because it has the old part names for the lander parts, not the new ones

The lander parts were in NP_Lander<partname> folders, now they\'re in NP_ThorLander<partname> so if you have the old NP_Lander folders.. they need to be deleted, they\'re still showing up in your save file.

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Did you rebuild the ship? Or try it load it after you deleted and reinstalled NP?

Because it has the old part names for the lander parts, not the new ones

The lander parts were in NP_Lander<partname> folders, now they\'re in NP_ThorLander<partname> so if you have the old NP_Lander folders.. they need to be deleted, they\'re still showing up in your save file.

Well what I did was basically just downloading the 1.1 Alpha and overwriting the old files in my folder then adding the Odin parts. I havn\'t rebuilt my ship, no.

- Will you be able to see the ship if I start over from scratch and send it?

- Did I do the installation correctly?

- My current rocket actually flies straight without SAS and it pulls abit towards the center but if I turn on SAS the top starts to wobble making my heading move like a circle on the gyroscope. I\'ve added 12 Winglets, two big SAS modules and I\'ve strut connected everything that is possible but it still wobbles?

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No, that wasn\'t right...

1: go into your current parts folder and delete all folders that start with NP_ (those are all Novapunch or Odin folders)

2: go into Ships and delete any craft files with Novapunch parts in them, they\'ll almosy certainly be invalid in the new version

3: Open the NovaPunch 1.1a zip file and copy the Parts folder over the KSP Parts folder, this will give you all new NP_ folders with the new names in the cfg files.

4: Repeat for the Odin zip file

5: Launch game (it might take a while the 1st time while the game builds some files)

6: Now when you build new ships and save them, people with the newest Novapunch can also load them. :D

This is the 'best' method for installing new versions of any mods; it ensures you don\'t have extra, un-needed or conflicting files in there; If folders or names in cfg files don\'t change you\'re usually okay with a simple overwrite, but doing a clean install can solve some problems. :)

The wobble thing seems to be caused by the ASAS module you have at the very top (the lander ASAS) - sometimes on long rockets, it can over-steer the wings and gimbals and cause it to flop around; you might have to fly manually until you drop the 1st stage, and struts can help stabilize the areas weak enough to wobble (also, poor-fitting stage decouplers can cause wobble on their own)

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Good news!

With some help from sarkun and his cool multijoint plugin, I have some telescoping legs working for the Odin:


Right now you can even retract the legs and set the pod down on the ground (if you don\'t have the docking cage on there;

Waiting on a small update to the plugin, plus some final touches on the model and some balance tweaks on Odin itself and I\'ll get the \'release\' version out there; it\'s going to come with the 1.25m fairings for now; we\'ll see how people like them and then determine if those get rolled into the main NP file.

Then I need to switch gears and work on Tiberdyne, its being neglected :P

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Wow those are some really neat legs, I never thought of those but they look really really fucking neat! Drifting away from the Apollo Moonar Landing style Moonar Landers with the moonar lander having the detachable bottom part and rocket ontop. Do you have any ideas for a more futuristic approach that doesn\'t leave the bottom part behind? Maybe even just normal landing and taking off could be used but I don\'t know how that would work with docking?

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for the thor command capsule, the first time you open the game after installing the parts pack its texture is all grey. the second time and all times after that it shows up with the normal texture. why? just curious.

edit: i retried it with a clean install and it still did the same thing and by normal texture i meant the texture you created. im suspecting its just my computer

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Decided to stay up and finish the Odin official release:



Download it url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/46506740/NP_OdinOTV1_0a.zip]HERE (v1.0a)

Changes from the 1st release:

Tweaked the engine power and efficiency, and RCS power to alter flight capabilities

Added lander legs using Sarkun\'s Multijoint framework. They\'re quite small! :)

Shrunk the structure around the docking port since it no longer doubles as a landing strut

I also included the 1.25meter payload fairings; Tell me what you think; what else might be useful, and so on.

Be sure to delete the old version of Odin, and don\'t forget to install the plugin DLL for the legs into the Plugins folder

Also included some craft files to get you started.

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very much awesome, sir! indeed quite awesome it is :thumbup:

now, as we\'re going down the plugins lane (which i enthusiastically applaud you for), i could move this thread into the plugin-powered section if you want...

or if you prefer otherwise, i just ask that you please add a little note about the demo version no-plugins issue by the DL link, or perhaps make the 'special' parts such as the Odin lander into a separate thread under plugin-powered, whatever suits you best ::)

again - very much awesome, sir! :cheers:

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I\'ll need to make a notice about how to strip out the few parts that aren\'t demo-proof (even the animated legs using the stock module don\'t work)

And any parts that require a plugin will probably be in a separate standalone release; I\'ll just make a subsection about them with the details; Since the focus isn\'t on adding plugin functionality, I don\'t think it needs to move.

Mostly I am waiting for the plugins to mature a little bit, anyway hopefully for a bit more elegant integration and such. I just couldn\'t make the legs work without one :)

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This is a great amalgam of some of the greatest mod packs in KSP history, and you are doing a fine job of revamping them. Also, thank you for redoing your thread OP. Personally, the original looked too 90\'s-ish.

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ok so the odin is not keeping the camera focused on itself. every time the g forces exceed 1 it immediately starts to focus further and further below the rockets

Are you using one of the included craft files? (odin launcher or Odin-Ares-I)

Typically, if the camera is panning by itself, its shifting because your rocket has broken and only the top part is still connected to the pod; Would need to know where its breaking to investigate the problem, though 1g is pretty easy to exceed....

Radion: thanks... the OP was had a little information overload going on, the old versions and changelogs are in the 2nd post.. though no one should really care about those anymore :P

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ok so the odin is not keeping the camera focused on itself. every time the g forces exceed 1 it immediately starts to focus further and further below the rockets

That\'s been happening to me too. I wondered what was going on. I was using the included Odin-Ares-I craft file rocket with a .5m MechJeb ASAS stuck on top

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Tibs, I would also check your CRAFT files. I\'ve made sure I\'ve got clean installs of the latest packages, and I get a 'Missing Parts' in the title and not even the whole Odin assembled when trying to load the ODIN - ARES I craft, and the ODIN NPHeavy launcher throws a glitch for missing the 'miniDecoupler'. On the latter, I checked, and sure enough, the CRAFT file still references 'miniDecoupler' instead of 'NP.miniDecoupler'.

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Are you sure you have a clean install of NP 1.1a (released a few days ago) and the 1.0a release of Odin?

I\'ll go back and doublecheck them all tomorrow and perhaps make a few more. I created them in a new install of 14.3 and a fresh copy of the mods though.

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