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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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I am brand new to KSP and discovered this add-on.... I installed etc etc , but when I start up KSP it gets stuck at NP_175SRBhalf...

Someone help me please? :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

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It can take a while on that engine; If it just wont finish after 5 minutes, close it and remove that part (it should be in the \'NP_3mOmniBerthaEngine\' folder) and let KSP finish loading, then close it and put the folder back in so it has to \'build\' by itself. Should work.

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I\'m having a problem with this pack once i download it and drag the folders to the correct areas i launch the game but once it gets to any NovaPunch ship parts it\'s stuck on the loading screen forever, I then have to alt + F4 to shut the game down :C if i remove the parts it works fine with no problem also tired redownloading it but it still messed up.

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Ok , so I raged at alpha and decided to get beta , so I downloaded etc etc , and then tried to install this mod again! Once again, waited five minutes on 'NP_175SRBhalf' and it just won\'t load. I tried the earlier tip but it did\'nt work either... Help? ???

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Any plans for a more powerful 2 meter engine


Currently this rocket, the Luna-FIV, uses 3 KW-MLR Hercules X (from Kyle & Winston) engines in the primary stage, cause the TD-0120 4X engine breaks under the weight.

The second stage uses the Bearcat Tri-Nozzle engine, still my biggest problem has been landing on mun without tilting over and breaking the decoupler between the lander and comand pod


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I would appreciate it if you used a slightly less sketchy file hosting site. I blocked two popups trying to download the pack, and a third one slipped through. This isn\'t that big a deal, but it would be nice if you could host it on DropBox instead, or something.

That being said, I haven\'t used this pack in a while and I look forward to trying it out again!

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Mediafire has the same ads that this does, including the random popup ads and the dumb [download] buttons. I tried Xenolith when it was new and the download was too big to upload (times out) and NP has only grown since (the author was gonna let me know if he ever upgraded his tech)

And honestly, he probably doesn\'t want to host NovaPunch. It gets a vigorous amount of downloads and will chew through his bandwidth; my downloads have used several terrabytes of bandwidth since I moved to Zippyshare.

I promise you, Zippyshare is safe, and was on the recommended list of 'free file hosting' (at CNet I think)

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I don\'t know if this is particularly known, but the lunar rocket that came with the examples is impressively versatile. With some fudging of the stages (...like keeping the S-IVB equivalent up until final descent) it\'s even pretty easy to reach Minmus, if pretty time consuming. I had problems syncing planes and aligning inclinations, but I managed to make it there. Fancy picture time. Click to enlarge.


To return, I just gave it a few dozen m/s of ?V to enter a highly eccentric orbit and went around another time to lower the perigee to 10km.

They made it home safe and sound, too, even with me ????ing up the landing and overshooting the ocean.


Fun fact: the lander\'s RCS is alone sufficient to overcome the weak gravity of Minmus. It was challenging to land on that slope, too.

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Resender: Those tanks are from the KW pack too. Sadly, their parts are super-massive and its hard to make the parts between packs; so if you use their heavy tanks like that you\'ll likely need to use their engines which are tuned to lift them. The 2m quad engine is about as strong as the 3m engines, so there\'s not much room to make a bigger one that is balanced.

qaza: the needed fuel to go to Minmus is barely different from the fuel needed for a Mun shot, so its not surprising that it makes it easily.

My example craft are a little overbuilt to make them easier for beginners to pick up and learn with; you can make a more efficient rocket for sure.

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Resender: Those tanks are from the KW pack too. Sadly, their parts are super-massive and its hard to make the parts between packs; so if you use their heavy tanks like that you\'ll likely need to use their engines which are tuned to lift them. The 2m quad engine is about as strong as the 3m engines, so there\'s not much room to make a bigger one that is balanced.

OK, I made a version comprising of your tanks and engines




Still need to add rcs to the main to allow me better course corrections

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Hehe,Those buttons do get a bit confusing. Tiberion would you be able to reintroduce the Lateral tricoupler to the next version you release. It\'s an extremely handy bit of gear and heaps of people want to copy this ship, but can\'t find this part. Thanks heaps.

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Hmm, I just checked the zip file and my local install of it; the laterial coupler and tricouplers are still there in 'NP_lateral tricoupler' and 'NP_lateral coupler'

Previous versions had a clone copy of each of these, rotated 90 degrees, but they were not needed anymore since you can rotate the normal parts.

So doublecheck to make sure those folders are there, and grab em out of the zip if they\'re missing.

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Yep,once again you\'re correct. I hadn\'t DL\'d the latest vers, but everyone was saying it\'s not there when they DL\'d my craft file. Maybe i had used the one in my craft that was deleted. I\'ll make a fresh one. Thanks man ;)

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Not working how? What browser are you using? Does the file, Save As... dialog never popup?

Try a different browser, or make sure it doesn\'t have one of those buttons at the top asking you if you want to allow this file to be downloaded.

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