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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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I just realized the K2-X 1m engine doesn\'t have a smoke trail ... since all the other engines, even with a lot less power, I guess you must have typoed when you put in the new fx :)

Oh, and another one for the list, the GG-M4 engine has no ... nice-looking attachment point in the 1m decouplers. The short decoupler is simply too short, and the medium one sits like a third into whatever you\'ve got the engine mounted into.

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Sunday Punch\'s 1m to 2m and 3m decouplers are still duplicated, as well as Silisko\'s decouplers between 1.75m, 2m, and 1m (One for each combination, I think the hollow ones except for 2m to 3m).

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Not sure, it was actually 0.15.1 that was required to fix it, but we\'ve moved on. Some change I made didn\'t like 0.15.0.

I had it in 0.15.1 as well, didn\'t work until now. I remember taking the boosters from 1.1 alpha of the pack and putting them in to be able to use my old rockets.

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I very much like this pack, however I do have to wonder about the nuclear engine. In my latest ship that I detail here 'Advanced Kerbal Engineering' I make use of it and its pretty insane. If you get it to orbit it can make powered landing on both moons and back to kerbal again (even a powered landing if you play it right). While this is great I think its a little unbalanced, maybe reduce its thrust a bit more compared to its weight, fuel efficiency could stay the same since you would loss a great deal of delta-v to gravity loss.

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I\'ve been having problems with this pack crashing the game. It will let me build a rocket and sometimes let me launch it. Then, if the mission ends and I go back to the VAB, the game crashes when I try to go to the launch pad again.

I\'m going to attach zipped versions of the crash reports in hopes that it helps you guys iron out whatever bug might be happening.

There\'s also the chance that it\'s my computers fault. It is a pretty old computer and can\'t handle much so, if that\'s the case, I guess you should just disregard this message.

Hope this is helpful to the development of NovaPunch,


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The NovaPunch pack uses a lot of memory and KSP also has a bug where it quickly runs out of memory! :\'(

That is the problem, we\'ll have to wait for the developers to fix that memory bug.

It is not the fault of the NovaPuch pack though.

My best regards, Kodiak.

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I doubt it. You would have more memory but the memory leak would eventually fill it all up and then the program crashes or hangs.

It\'s better to wait \'till the devs fix this bug in the coming version(s)

My best regards, Kodiak.

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You need to patch KSP up to 0.15.2 to use the latest version of this pack, otherwise an unknown issue keeps some parts from loading.

Perhaps you could change the OP title to reflect the 0.15.2 requirement :P


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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I thought I should let everyone know that I have stopped working on Novapunch for the time being; there are some sweeping changes to the game scale happening in 0.16 which may make a lot of these parts worthless as 'real rocket' building blocks, which is their entire purpose in my eyes. As we get more information about what is happening in the engine, I\'ll know if it would even be possible to scale things up and make them work again, and how much work it would be. I can\'t promise anything at this point, I\'m sorry.

Here\'s one of the ongoing discussions about it: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15029.0

The same applies to Tiberdyne, sadly. Its going to be even harder to have a properly scaled shuttle system I think.

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I have to say you made an awesome pack, Tiberion! I\'ve been playing it since it was created and I have to say this is the best KSP add-on ever! I wouldn\'t get even 0.0000000001 of all the pleasure I received from KSP without it! Thank you very much for supporting and working on this wonderful extension that has no analogues in KSP modding community. It looks like I\'ll stay forever on 15.2 because I simply can\'t imagine KSP without NovaPunch! :)

And what about shuttles, your add-on allows to create some extremely good vessels. Again, thank you veeeeeeeeeery much! :)


Does NovaPunch have a logo?

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