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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Exactly, and this also reduce part joints hence less wobble to huge/long rockets, then this also reduced no. of struts used per joint.

Nice work, could you send me a sample craft file? I read some of the tutorials that where mentioned. But i would like to actually see it.

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could you send me a sample craft file?

The welding is done via part.cfg edit. All you need to do is create a new folder in Gamedata with whatever name that is meaningful to yourself :D Then put "part.cfg" in it.

Here is the part.cfg of my welded 5m x 18m (12m + 6m) tank:



// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// HH-500-C Insulated Fuel Tank


// --- general parameters ---

name = NP_lft_500m_18m

module = Part

author = Frizzank

// --- asset parameters ---

//mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1.0



model = NovaPunch/NP_LFT_5_0mx6_0m/model

position = 0, 0 ,0

scale = 1, 1, 1

rotation = 0, 0 , 0




model = NovaPunch/NP_LFT_5_0mx12_0m/model

position = 0, -9 ,0

scale = 1, 1, 1

rotation = 0, 0 , 0


// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 800

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = HH-500-C++ Insulated Fuel Tank (5.0m X 18.0m)

manufacturer = NovaPunch Launch Alliance

description = A very long and heavy tank from the HH series of liquid fuel tanks (12+6m).

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 38.4

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 160

breakingForce = 10000

breakingTorque = 10000

maxTemp = 3500.0



name = LiquidFuel

amount = 27648

maxAmount = 27648




name = Oxidizer

amount = 33792

maxAmount = 33792



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  • 2 weeks later...

Aww it was just taking a nap.

Got some more work to do on the shuttle mod (there's a test version out) before I do anymore NP work, and I know frizzank is still working on FASA, but soon enough we'll get some updates done. I want to at least release a bugfix update.

Also, I might have been distracted by some big game where you steal cars or something. Shhhh.

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Just OT abit, pc version is out??? :D we should move on the make mod for that so we can steal ROCKETS!

Looks like end of Nov for the PC release.

I noticed NP2 had a change in SP on sept 23? was that a bug fix? or nothing

Edited by viperwolf
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No I bought the Xbox version, first Xbox game I have bought in over 2 years (Another rockstar game, LA Noire)

I would have definitely bought it on PC first, but its not due for release for a while (almost definitely not November)

The change on spaceport was updating the thread URL in the description. ANY edit of the mod page bumps the date and sends it to the top. I always keep the last file upload date in the post if I remember, and it usually matches the one in this thread's title.

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Any chance you would let me do a re-balance pass on some of the parts, particularly the bearcat engines, to bring them in line with KSP values and throw it in with your next update? I'd love for this pack not to go to waste, but using the engines makes me feel dirty so it stays un-installed.

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Any chance you would let me do a re-balance pass on some of the parts, particularly the bearcat engines, to bring them in line with KSP values and throw it in with your next update? I'd love for this pack not to go to waste, but using the engines makes me feel dirty so it stays un-installed.

someone made a chart comparing the engines, both stock and NP have advantages and disadvantages. they were making the same argument. after everything was said and done. The engines where fine the way they were. Im not an expert by any means, im just going by what i read. I would say if you feel they are over powered, change it to make it more to your liking. But i doubt everyone wants the same. i use both stock and NP to get the job done.

EDIT: I hope my post did not sound rude, i apologize if it did. That was not my intention

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someone made a chart comparing the engines, both stock and NP have advantages and disadvantages. they were making the same argument. after everything was said and done. The engines where fine the way they were. Im not an expert by any means, im just going by what i read. I would say if you feel they are over powered, change it to make it more to your liking. But i doubt everyone wants the same. i use both stock and NP to get the job done.

Viperwolf, I remember the chart you're talking about (where it is exactly I don't know, and I'm not hunting it down). And yes, the NP engines are already well balanced against stock. They fill an important number of niches, including engines necessary for building efficient heavy-lift launchers. I certainly don't want to see this set of parts weakened in any way.

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They fill an important number of niches, including engines necessary for building efficient heavy-lift launchers. I certainly don't want to see this set of parts weakened in any way.

I second that. Their values are just nice at the moment. Could have abit more variety may be, like 4x BearCat for 5m tanks would be nice :D other than that, the thrust of NP engines are fine.

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I am pretty happy with the current balance, we did a review during the testing of the last version and fixed some outliers.

That said, there could be people out there who want a more restrictive setup, and alternate configs are easy to setup, and I have no issue with them being linked for people to use (I'll even add them to the 1st post) and I am interested in seeing how someone else would balance the parts.

Even a simple spreadsheet comparison would be good, I'd certainly review them to see if any of them would be good tweaks for the official configs too.

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Here's your outliers...those three Bearcats are some orders of statistical magnitude off from everything else.


"score" is my own arbitrary derivatives with weighted values for each aspect, feel free to ignore. TWR is straight-forward. MDTWR is mean deviation from TWR average, with the average of all non-nuke engines listed being 205.

Normally it they'd just be deleted out, but then you aren't left with a lot of choices for the larger engine size range (especially 5m).

Here are suggested fixes, which would still keep these engines pretty OP, but knock them down to sane levels while still retaining usefulness.


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Actually the Bearcat Single and the Tri-Nozzle have already been fixed in the hotfix download 'patch' from around August 1st, though the main download hasn't been updated.

They were adjusted to 5.25 and 8.5. I also adjusted the Little Mother and Bronco's weight down to 8 and 10 respectively to also bring them in line with the TWR setup.

Not really sure why the 5x wasn't tweaked. The same issue seems to apply to it that affected the other engines, it was upscaled in size and power but not mass.

I'll definitely tweak it back in line, I'll need to do some testing to make sure it can still lift the core stages properly at that TWR, but it shouldn't be a huge change.

Edit: I just checked and the 5x was changed in my local spreadsheet and in the dev folder, but it never got applied to the actual game folder I publish from. So I guess that explains that. I had it set to a mass of 28

Edited by Tiberion
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