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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Delete the folder for that part and re-copy it from the zip file; if its loading slowly give it some time to finish, the 1st time takes a while. You can hit alt+f2 and see if there is any error (same thing turns the log back off)

The good news is that I can move a lot of the bigger parts to the new .Mu format and solve this problem in a future release (I\'ll try to do a few before the 1.2b release)

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I finished up the tasks I had planned for the 1.2b update, and its ready to go. I\'m not going to post the URL until Harv releases 0.15.1 (hopefully later today) simply because this version will work better after the patch.

Here\'s the changelog:

NovaPunch v1.2beta (0.15.1 bugfix release)


-Converted OdinTeleLeg to a standard landing leg. Should work in 0.15 or higher and requires no plugin.

-Tweaked Interstage shroud nodes for the Bertha engines (1.75m sleeve and 1.75-3m decoupler shroud)

-Removed the redudant 'rotated' parts since you can rotate the original piece with the WASDQE keys

-Increased long decouplerstrut ejectionforce

-Made the 2m and 3m SAS modules beefier and reduced their wobblyness.

-Tweaked configs of all Multi-engine adapter parts to fix fuel-siphoning issue in 0.15+

-Converted Bearcat5x, Energia4x, BearcatTriple, and Matriarch to .mu format to make them load better. (Will only work in 0.15+ now)

-Swapped out the flame colors on engines. Most 1st stage and SRB flames are yellow, orbital engines and thrusters are blue. :)

See you tomorrow for the release :)

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Oh bugger, I held off as long as i could for any updates, Hehe i knew it would happen. At least it\'s worth it. BTW what happened to the SEPTA LFE GLV-T 300*7,,I loved that engine and now i\'ve deleted it.

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Hm, all the fairing plates above 1.25 meters (1.75, 2, 3) don\'t seem to be showing up in the structures tab at all (even checked other pages for overflow), but the rest of the parts are there (the fairing walls/nose caps/etc) and all the 1.25m parts are there. I checked in the parts folder and all the part files are there too. So...I\'m not sure what\'s going on...

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Now that 0.15.1 is out (fire up your patcher!) I have released NovaPunch 1.2Beta. get it in the first page.

The new thing added in this KSP patch are new yellow flame trails and some SRB-style spark effects, all of the launcher engines have been updated to use the new flames, and all the SRBs in the pack have sparks, so things should look cool.

I had the sparks on the engines as well, but decided it was too much. You can turn them back on in the config by just removing the double-slashes in front of the new \'sparks\' entry and resaving each part.cfg you want to change.



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Hmmm... Game hangs when installuing the pack, it loads parts up to NP_1mBigLanderTank and then stalls :-(

havent tried reinstalling everything yet.

KSP 15.0, since 15.1 seems to be buggy when it comes to attachment points with planes

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Seems like this pack crashes my copy of the game, I can design a rocket, but the game crashes when I try to enter the launchpad.

If i delete the parts the game works fine again.

I\'ve no idea why or what to do, as I\'d really like to use this pack.

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Seems like this pack crashes my copy of the game, I can design a rocket, but the game crashes when I try to enter the launchpad.

If i delete the parts the game works fine again.

I\'ve no idea why or what to do, as I\'d really like to use this pack.

Are you using the latest version? Have you tried a fresh install? Have you tried using this as the only pack?

Please attach the output_log.txt file from the \KSP_Data folder so we can examine it for issues.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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I was using a fresh install, updated to 0.15.1

I had KW Challenger pack v0.5 installed

when I did a fresh install and update again, but didn\'t install the KW pack, it works.

Thank you for making me think about what should\'ve probably been obvious

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I\'m back with problems again, I tried the KW again just to be sure, and that made the game crash when going to launchpad, so I removed it.

Then I made a rocket, made a test flight, added stock struts to harden the construction, and then it crashed when I was going to test the modifications.

I\'ve attached the output_log.txt file from this latest crash.

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There\'s a problem with the 175SRBHalf. It hangs on the loading screen. Debug screen says it is unable to instantiate part - a null reference exception. I\'ll delete the part and carry on using the pack I guess :D

Edit: The same thing seems to happen with the 1.75m SRB full and NP_largeSRB. Maybe it\'s an SRB bug?

(no defecation, watson)

Confirmed. NP_medSolidBooster did the same thing.

Edit 2: On further thought, I AM trying to load up so that I can get to the patcher prompt. Is there an incompatibility in the loading stage between the solids and 0.15.2?

Uhh, yeah, that was it. For reference to anyone else having errors on SRBs, it\'s because you need 0.15.1/2 (not sure if it would work on 1)

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