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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Hey Tiberion - further to the crashes described on the last two pages - i've removed folders and put them back in and am definitely finding their is an issue with the FuelTanks folder - crash on launch even when not using one of the parts of the FuelTank parts - seems just crashes even if they are loaded by the engine but not rendered

i'm gonna try to whittle down the parts to find which specific part is giving an issue, also going to look at the log as the resources are loaded in the debug menu - i'll keep you guys posted

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ok, testing results: haven't experienced the memory issues i just read about, nor any gaps in spacing when attaching boosters, in fact the only issue i came across was when placing struts once i placed them i couldnt click on them again, in order to adjust a strut id have to completely remove whatever part i had the strut on and redo whatever i had built, reminiscent of the problems i had with the decouplers from the 1.5B pack on a .21.2 KSP,

i might have the lack of memory issues from just having a crazy amount of RAM in my PC, idk i have 32Gb, i guess i could drop it down to a single 8gb stick and see but that would kind of be a pain:P

other than the strut issue, i havent had any major problems, all the engine and tanks render fine, no issues with fairings, actually had a 2k ton monstrosity get to orbit stress testing parts

Edited by hellion13
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  hellion13 said:

i might have the lack of memory issues from just having a crazy amount of RAM in my PC, idk i have 32Gb, i guess i could drop it down to a single 8gb stick and see but that would kind of be a pain:P

I almost guarantee that's not it. These memory limits (like the memory limits of most all programs) is a software limitation, not an actual hardware one. Mostly stems from limitations of legacy 32-bit code. With even the best coding, 32-bits can only allocate 3, maybe 4GB of RAM for any single process. Not exactly KSP's fault since they build on Unity (which is where the limit comes from). Once software developers can finally start transitioning to code that fully utilizes 64-bit OS, it will be an awesome day for everyone (except people using dinosaur 32-bit OS systems). Apparently it's quite difficult to maintain 32-bit and 64-bit versions of a software (no idea why).

Can't wait to start testing for you too!

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I experience crash to desk or stuck on loading when selecting one of your stock ships and going to the launch screen. I use lots of mods [KW, HOME, American, Soviet, Kosmos, Quantum Struts, Chatterer, MapSat, MechJeb2, Kerbal Eng]. I have Win7 64 bit with 12 Gig RAM. I understand that it's probably not due to limits on my hardware but a 3 or 4 gig limit from the Unity Engine. Will retry your mod when memory use is further optimized.

Thanks much.

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Been waiting for this one... currently running too many test installs to be able to get a clean one up and running... (RL is a bastard)

Thanking the mod gods ahead of time.


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I threw together a quick and dirty 4 stage rocket Large SRBs 3.7m main tank smaller 3.75m main tank interstage plate 2.75 lander tank utilised the 4 cluster bronco engine little mother and bearcat orbital engine odin pod and nosecone parachute it performed flawlessly no wobble no gaps no crash on launch made orbit and landed back at KSC with no issues at all.




Thankyou for all your efforts

(I have 32gig of ram I7 CPU and windows 7 KSP rarely crashes with the 32bit application)

Edited by Virtualgenius
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  XenonBlade said:


The AM-27 1.25m nosecone does not work as expected.

Haha, whoops. Its an error with the internal position in the .Mu file. Fixed here for the next release.

Chris: The plan is to get all new engine models, so they'll all be retired eventually. I might pack all the old engines up in a extras pack sometime.

Edited by Tiberion
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  Tiberion said:
which coupler? Sounds like it was clipping into the part - probably need to adjust its surface-attach node slightly due to the conversion from DAE->Mu

It was the H-300 2.5 Decoupler.

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Hedd: I just stacked a 4 of the medium sized tanks and an engine on top of the decoupler and another long tank, no ground clamps. it wobbles a bit but doesnt get worse or explode/fall over. I used some struts across the decoupler and it didn't wobble.

So I can't reproduce it; if you continue to have trouble with it, upload an example craft file so I can look at it.

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  Tiberion said:
The plan is to get all new engine models, so they'll all be retired eventually. I might pack all the old engines up in a extras pack sometime.

Well I had heard about this, but I thought you meant you were going to change the models of the engines, not replace them with new engines! :P But I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing so I'll let you do your stuff and enjoy what you come up with :D

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  Tiberion said:
Hedd: I just stacked a 4 of the medium sized tanks and an engine on top of the decoupler and another long tank, no ground clamps. it wobbles a bit but doesnt get worse or explode/fall over. I used some struts across the decoupler and it didn't wobble.

So I can't reproduce it; if you continue to have trouble with it, upload an example craft file so I can look at it.

So I went back myself and tried to retrace my steps. After I found where I was, I tried a few different things and found that the wobble happens when a smaller decoupler is attached to a larger unit (such as a 2.5 being used on a 5m tank). This didn't happen with the new NP tanks (I can only assume it's due to the dome shaped face), just anything larger with a flat face. I haven't had anything wobble to pieces yet but I got some vid of the wobble I'm seeing on a stock orange tank with a 1.25m coupler.


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  Virtualgenius said:
Please dont get rid of the Bearcat motors they are awesome I use them for everything

im sure whatever gets replaced will have a similar counterpart available, i used the 3m SLS motor from 1.5 religiously and its now a 5m motor, but the new 4x 3m motor has similar thrust and fuel consumption is a good replacement on the rockets i have saved that used the other motor

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  Designer225 said:
I wish I could help test the mod, but I can't do it because KSP gets very mad at part-heavy mods or longer-loading mods.

That's why I open KSP and then go make some coffee or something.

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