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How many kerbals have you lost so far


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Only one, because when something goes wrong, Esc, End Flight.

I can't remember exactly the reason. This was in 0.20. I had EVA'd a Kerbal with the rocket in the air, and he went splat into a cloud of smoke on the ground.

Crew Manifest was able to bring him back to life for me.

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I have lost many a kerbal but it was in the persuit of discovery. Trial and error on ship design led to a humbling journey to orbit the Planet and Mun. The Landing module is quite hard to figure out but more Kerbals are ready for the adventure. It's a awesome simulation and I hope they keep adding to it.

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5. 4 of them were all on the same mission, was meant to be a rescue to get Jeb, Bill, and some other kebal home (they ran out of fuel and were on a trajectory out of Kerbins SOI) so I had to rush to put together a rescue ship that would get to them and bring them home. As it turns out there is a side effect to having radial chutes on the bottom of a hitchhiker capsule which has stuff on top of it (including another command pod) that side effect being when they fully deploy it crushes the SAS module, destroys the hitchiker can, and leaves the command module falling without a chute...

Bill who was one of the 4 was also the 5th. I was testing my refueling rover, landed a a small lander that was low on fuel near it, had bill (the driver) run the line (KAS) out to the tanker and fueled it up. When it was full I grabbed the key, meant to release it and pull it back in with the winch but I guess I miss clicked. Switched back to my lander started to retract and took off... that is when I saw bill suddenly go zipping away from the rover. Distracted me just long enough that my rocket buzzed the VAB and slammed Bill into the side.

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I have no kerbals listed as losses in 0.21... However, I want to point out that before I started redesigning my spacecraft in 0.18 to avoid killing the crew as much as possible upon malfunction, I wound up with so many crew deaths that over a third of my entire persistence file was dedicated to keeping track of them. (It was in fact me trying to debug a problem with a ship that had null parts that made me notice that I'd... killed several dozen of the green guys...) So, while I am a saint when it comes to keeping my kerbals alive in 0.21, I am merely a reformed mass murderer if you take the longer view >D

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None in 0.21 thanks to extensive testing with probes- though one hell of a close call. Jeb almost ended up on the wall when his munar lander went a bit haywire and came so close to the mun on a high speed passby that it grazed the surface, ripped off an RCS tank and two RCS thrusters, and sent him spinning off into orbit again.

... Damn mountain. Also Damn Jeb trying to see how close he could get... :P

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I've been playing a long time, and I've done some tests that were not safe for Kerbals. At best, I've killed more than a thousand Kerbals. At worst, it's more like 2000.

Edit: In 0.21, I've haven't killed anyone yet.

Edited by TheDarkStar
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In v0.21, just one; SSTO ran short of fuel 80km west of KSC in the dead of night, tried to land the craft but either dug in a wing or bounced the landing gear too hard and had a firey cartwheel. Should've killed the pilot but Jersey didn't show KIA in the mission report and later returned to the active pilot roster. (Found out later that I had not implemented permadeath, so this was not a glitch.)

I've been careful with my pilots since astronaut training/recruitment was added, generally experimenting with probes and making sure there are abort procedures in place for crewed craft.

-- Steve

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