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Courage/Stupidity Affect anything??


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It's amazing how much character these little guys have. :)

You really get attached to them! The new Astronaut Complex is really letting me have fun with mixing and matching kerbals--I may try the Russian tradition of having at least one experienced kerbonaut with several recruits per mission.

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I doesn't seem to have any affect for me. I sent my bravest crew into space, and EVERY single one was screaming their heads off :P

If they had low 'stupidity', they won't know what to be afraid of and what not to be, so they'll panic at things they shouldn't, even with higher brave Stats.

Example: Bill and Bob. Bill has 'Stupidity' 0.8, bob is 0.1. Their 'Courage' ratings are 0.3 for Bill and 0.5 for Bob. Despite being braver, Bob screams more and almost always looks worried, because he's so bloody dumb that he doesn't know what's going on. Bill has a pretty good idea what's going on and so doesn't scream nearly as much, but he's so cowardly that ANY potential danger at all sets him off.

For less screaming, you'd want high on both.

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They always said that the reason for Jebs permanent happpiness is his perfect mixture of high courage and stupidity ...

if Kerbal mimics are de facto connected to these 2 stats, I would expect brighter and less brave Kerbonauts to freak out faster :D

No, Jeb is actually coded to be always happy specifically: He has a trait, "badass", that does the same when added to any other Kerbal...

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What I would expect is that a full Courage bar = courageous, an empty Courage bar = cowardly; a full Stupidity bar = stupid, an empty Stupidity bar = smart.

Is this not the way it works? Are Courage and Stupidity backwards from what I'd assume? Is only one of them backwards? (Is neither of them, and I've just misunderstood the posts above?)

Is this intended behavior?

(P.S. I was also expecting a definitive verdict on whether our brave Kerbals are Kerbalnauts or Kerbonauts or something else entirely...but here we've got a building labeled "Astronaut Complex" instead? That was unexpected...at least by me.)

Edited by KevinTMC
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While we're on this subject, is there any way for me to fire hired Kerbonauts? Because according to this thread all of mine, who were picked for having a high courage bar and a low stupidity bar, which I assumed meant they were brave and smart, are apparently the opposite.

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While we're on this subject, is there any way for me to fire hired Kerbonauts?




I thought only stupidity was backwards.. And if you have one that's very brave, and very stupid (bar empty) they'd be not very scared, but not that exited either, as they don't know what's going on.

I'd like to see the stats change a bit, so they learn and get smarter, but only within a limit, so they retain distinct personalities.

Edited by Tw1
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Courage determines chances of smiling

Stupidity determines chances of frowning.

"bads" determines chances of laughing histerically

That could be it! I hired a Kerbal specifically for an experiment. He had a full courage bar, and an empty stupidity bar. I had another with both bars almost empty. Both of them had similar frowny expressions, wiggling their tongues the whole trip.

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I think I just got it. The two bars just represent how likely a Kerbal is to Smile vs. Frown.

Courage determines chances of smiling

Stupidity determines chances of frowning.

"bads" determines chances of laughing histerically

Slight problem with that theory: I have a Kerbal with 0 stupidity and near-max bravery, and he pretty much only smiles when he's not moving. Even then it's a bit of a rarity unless he's on EVA (and I find just about every Kerbal is excited to be on EVA). The rest of the time he screams his head off in terror.

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Why does everyone say that a high stupidity bar actually means they're smart? What is that based off of? The way it is now, it sounds like someone just made it up.

Based on their Behavior. Bill and Bob in particular. Bob's got a reputation (deserved) for being dumb as a box of rocks, and if you watch him in flight he freaks out CONSTANTLY, and looks worried the rest of the time. Bill on the other hand will occasionally grin if nothing even remotely dangerous is going on, and mostly only freaks out if something that's actually somewhat dangerous is going on.

Bob's Dumb Stat is 0.1, Bill's is 0.8. This shows up in game as a very low stupidity bar for bob, a high one for bill, which do YOU think is dumb?

And yeah, the courage bar is right.

I reckon that Kerbals are so dumb they think of being Smart as being Stupid. Because they're less...well Kerbal-y. Or something.

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I don't think the stupid/smart order is wrong at all, actually. I mean let's be realistic: how smart can you really be said to be if the idea of being strapped to the top of a device designed specifically to explode constantly for several minutes in order to send you so far out of the part of space you can survive in that you need more life support equipment than your entire body weight just to keep you alive up there makes you gleefully excited?

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Interesting! Wonder if these will be the only stats in the final game and if they'll have any effect on missions in future?

If more Kerbal stats are added what would you like to see?

I would like to see 3 classes that kerbals can choose to be and slowly they improve with those stats. pilot, mechanic, scientist.

pilot-more skilled means easier control of a spaceship and you also wouldn't need as much reaction wheels for a ship

mechanic-as you improve the craft your Kerbal pilots becomes more structurally stable and fuel efficient.

scientist-more effiecnt use of electricity and resource gathering when it gets implemented.

I think having 3 separate stats you can only choose one of would be great since than that gives a reason to have more Kerbals on a spaceship and build bigger rockets/spaceplanes for the MK3 cockpit/capsul

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I don't think the stupid/smart order is wrong at all, actually. I mean let's be realistic: how smart can you really be said to be if the idea of being strapped to the top of a device designed specifically to explode constantly for several minutes in order to send you so far out of the part of space you can survive in that you need more life support equipment than your entire body weight just to keep you alive up there makes you gleefully excited?

That's the trick, the smart ones are better able to track if they SHOULD be worried or not. Bob freaks out about just about everything, Bill freaks out when something actually dangerous is going on (like most of the time when he's on an orbit with an underground periapsis and not under a deployed parachute).

I can just imagine a KSP meeting going like this:

Bob: "Uhh...I...Uhh...think we should add more boosters, and some struts."

<General murmurs of agreement from the crowd>

Bill: "No, see, we need to take some boosters OFF, we've already got more than enough Delta-V, it's crashing because there's too much thrust and it's flexing the rocket..."

<Angry Murmurs starting at 'take boosters off'>

Important Upper Manager: "Take boosters OFF? You're so (@%( stupid, Bill."

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I would like to see 3 classes that kerbals can choose to be and slowly they improve with those stats. pilot, mechanic, scientist.

I think this is the way to go.

Also needed is a Health stat, so Kerbals can be injured without being killed.

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