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[0.22] GatlingGun mod.


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so the bullets settings are included with the part config and most of it straight forward. but I don't see any hex code to represent the colour. and also not any number to represent the length of the bullet. those in kerbals at war 2 from the tanks looked longer. so if anyone knows how to modify those plz let me know. I am working on some orbital bombarding platform. only thing I found noting the bullet colour was in the source code and it said this. : public Color basetrail = new Color(1.0f, 0.56f, 0.0f, 0.5f);

but usually colour codes are like FFFFF for with in this example. I found that one partially resembled something to do with terrain.

Edited by alline1999
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  The Spacemonkey said:
I went to the part.cfg, changed the button to what I wanted but it didn't work. My button to shoot was tab and I don't see why this isn't working. Do you need ammo or something?

What did you use to represent Tab?

Simply typing Tab may not work, as Tab is a special key. Try something else, possibly? [0] isn't used anywhere in the base game, so it should be good.

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Ok, so I have folowed the instructions to the letter. I have it installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\DYJmisc, my part.cfg looks like this:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config





// --- general parameters ---

name = Gau 19

module = Part

author = DYJ

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.53289, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.15366, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 850

category = 0

subcategory = 0

title = Gau-19

manufacturer = Damned Industries

description = The GAU-19 is an electrically driven Gatling gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7×99mm) cartridge at 1000RPM. In other words: PEWPEWPEW!

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 1.0

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 50000

breakingTorque = 50000

maxTemp = 3400



name = DYJMachinegun

ProjectileType = bullet

//keyFire = joystick button 0

keyFire = p

BulletMass = 0.45

BulletDrag = 0.03

BulletPower = 120

RocketPower = 10

recoilreductionfactor = 0.01

fireRate = 0.08

lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1

rotationSpeed = 1200

isGatling = true

heatProduction = 800

ProjectileFileLoc = Parts/DYJgau19/Bullet/

CasingFileLoc = Parts/DYJgau19/Casing/




name = ModuleAnimateHeat

ThermalAnim = Thermalanim



I press "p" in game and it still will not fire. Any suggestions?

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  Melfice said:
What did you use to represent Tab?

Simply typing Tab may not work, as Tab is a special key. Try something else, possibly? [0] isn't used anywhere in the base game, so it should be good.

I've tried what you said but it still doesn't work. :( <-- Sad face. Just someone give me a full tutorial on this already!!
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name = DYJMachinegun

ProjectileType = bullet

//keyFire = z <<<<<

keyFire = z <<<<<

BulletMass = 0.45

BulletDrag = 0.03

BulletPower = 120

RocketPower = 10

recoilreductionfactor = 0.007

fireRate = 0.08

lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1

rotationSpeed = 1200

isGatling = true

heatProduction = 800

ProjectileFileLoc = Parts/DYJgau19/Bullet/

CasingFileLoc = Parts/DYJgau19/Casing/


it worked for me because both of the keyfires were set to the same key which worked for me ^

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Hasn't worked for me since the post was new.

EDIT: No one has mentioned this in the initial post. Hope this helps.

"Place the "DYJMisc" folder in GameData, users of pWings delete one of the DYJlibrary.dlls . Always keep the newest."

Edited by UAL002
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You can actually edit the CFG file with notepad. To open it with notepad right click the CFG file, then hover your mouse over "Open with.." then click "Choose default program" then select notepad, then click OK, if Notepad isn't in the menu click Browse and go to the directory of notepad and click on the exe file that runs notepad, if you cant find a file that runs notepad you probably dont have notepad, you can use other text editors too.

(Tested in Windows Vista/7 OS)

PS: Notepad ++ is awesome

Edited by CrayzeeMonkey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome mod, as always DYJ.

I noticed the gun weighs a ton. According to General Dynamics, the Gau-19 has a mass of 106 lbs, which translates to ~0.053 tons. I would suggest to change the mass to this value, otherwise it's cool. (although, with ammunition, it's maybe more like 0.1 tons)

Anyone who plays with Deadly Reentry should halve the heat production though, as only burst of 1 sec are possible before the gun melts otherwise.

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