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UKS MASEC Mission Logs [Picture Heavy] | UPDATE: Back in business, again!


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I read the whole tread this week. How amazing these missions are!!! I'm doing something similar on my side with the career, using the oks/mks to set up different base. And you're (with brotoro) a great source of inspiration. Maybe some day, I'll make a thread like this!

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Oh my God....

It's been a long time since anything was done here. I'll bring you all up to speed on what's happened for me in the last little while.

In April 2014 I graduated from University with my Chemical Engineering degree. I moved back home and started looking for work and for a while I was unsuccessful. Around the time of the 0.24 update I had a couple of really promising job opportunities that didn't pan out and kind of fell into a bit of a depression, and lost the urge to play KSP for a while.

In September 2014 I got a job offer, at long last, with the company I had interned at earlier (in 2012-13), which necessitated moving out west in November to start work. Yay! Depression went away but still no time for KSP.

In November/December I move west and start work. Living in a new city in my own apartment that I had to furnish.

I had mostly given up on continuing this again because I felt too much time had gone by and that I'd never get back into it again, but today I decided to stop by and see what's up, and was surprised people had bumped my thread as recently as December, so it seems like there still might be some interest. So, should I continue? I've upgraded computers since then, I'd have to see if I've properly saved everything and then check to make sure all my mods are up to date and everything....

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  Cashen said:
Oh my God....

It's been a long time since anything was done here. I'll bring you all up to speed on what's happened for me in the last little while.

In April 2014 I graduated from University with my Chemical Engineering degree. I moved back home and started looking for work and for a while I was unsuccessful. Around the time of the 0.24 update I had a couple of really promising job opportunities that didn't pan out and kind of fell into a bit of a depression, and lost the urge to play KSP for a while.

In September 2014 I got a job offer, at long last, with the company I had interned at earlier (in 2012-13), which necessitated moving out west in November to start work. Yay! Depression went away but still no time for KSP.

In November/December I move west and start work. Living in a new city in my own apartment that I had to furnish.

I had mostly given up on continuing this again because I felt too much time had gone by and that I'd never get back into it again, but today I decided to stop by and see what's up, and was surprised people had bumped my thread as recently as December, so it seems like there still might be some interest. So, should I continue? I've upgraded computers since then, I'd have to see if I've properly saved everything and then check to make sure all my mods are up to date and everything....

First off, congrats on your graduation and job:)

Second, yes please do continue this! This is the best mission log on the forums IMO!

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  FishInferno said:
First off, congrats on your graduation and job:)

Second, yes please do continue this! This is the best mission log on the forums IMO!

Ok, I'm working on it right now actually. I can confirm when I upgraded computers, I saved the old 0.23.5 savegame, and I just booted the game up in Steam and it works perfectly, right where we left off on the last update. I'm working on first updating the game itself, and then I'll work on updating the various mods.

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Game is updated to 0.90 but the game crashes on bootup, I presume because of some incompatible mods. I will be removing mods and adding them back piecewise to nail down which ones are causing issues, and wait for other mods which haven't updated to 0.90 yet to update. My hope is that no parts will have been discontinued which break some of my craft. If that's the case I'll either manually add those parts back, or worst case scenario is I may have to start a new save-game, which may or may not be a reboot of UKS MASEC. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, though.

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  macdjord said:
Could always just keep running in 0.25 or whatever.

That's actually a good idea and I may consider that as an option as well. That's probably the easiest route honestly. And it was 0.23.5 last time.

What I need to do is read the last several pages of reports and get a feel for where I was and where I wanted to go, because I'm so far removed from that frame of reference right now. Shouldn't take long.

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UPDATE: For the time being I'm just continuing to play the savegame with a 0.23.5 install, to try and get the feel of the game back and get excited about MASEC again. This means I can do missions without having to wait for the game update/mod situation to settle. I'm actually in the middle of a mission right now, so expect a report later today.

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  Cashen said:
UPDATE: For the time being I'm just continuing to play the savegame with a 0.23.5 install, to try and get the feel of the game back and get excited about MASEC again. This means I can do missions without having to wait for the game update/mod situation to settle. I'm actually in the middle of a mission right now, so expect a report later today.


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UPDATE AGAIN: Had some issues with the game, glitches/crashing, and I was also testing out a couple mod updates and additions (things I had wanted to add last year and never did) and so the mission report will be delayed. But, I think I've got the urge to keep playing now, so that's good!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Read the entire thread in the past three days (in my breaks between shifts and once during a boring night shift with all the patients asleep to keep me from joining!). It's great, please continue!!!

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