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How many kerbals have you killed already?


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Personally, I do realise that I am quite a crazy and insane guy so I set out and recorded how many kerbals I killed on each mission. My total (from the release of 0.21 totaled 4038 deaths (not includingk jeb bill and bob cos they resurrect) anybody got more kills?

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  Spitfiredzwww said:
Personally, I do realise that I am quite a crazy and insane guy so I set out and recorded how many kerbals I killed on each mission. My total (from the release of 0.21 totaled 4038 deaths (not includingk jeb bill and bob cos they resurrect) anybody got more kills?

I don't think that is possible. It's been out for like two days what have you been doing, firing pods into the air one by one for the whole time?

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Sadly 3 D: The fateful day the first shuttle carrying 2 Kerbal contest winners and one of our best pilots parachutes got cut unexpectedly (Bug report time :C) while the controller was watching kerbinspkarlez on his computer when he looked back the capsule was on its way down spinning out of control with 2 cut parachutes still fully attached (and not ripped off) sadly it was too late to eva since the pod crashed seconds after realizing the parachutes had been cut ):

the link here is the pubic burial of the 5 Star Kerbonaut and The two civilians lost in the incident in front of KBC news and KBS Bartney Kerdues Gerdues Bartney and Gerdous being the civilians http://imgur.com/px8g0p0

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  Spitfiredzwww said:
(not includingk jeb bill and bob cos they resurrect) anybody got more kills?

Okay, seriously... do the prime trio actually come back? This is desperately important information.

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I'm actually being really cautious with my new .21 save. Everything I've done has been launch tested with a probe before I put a capsule on there.

So far I haven't killed anyone. That being said, I haven't done a mission outside of LKO yet either.

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I have a total of one kerbonaut killed in action! During a flight of a two seater, high-flying biplane, there was a malfunction during landing. Henfry was the unlucky one, sitting in the back when the plane pitched too high, causing the rear of the craft to crash and explode. The pilot in the front was unharmed.

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I killed Jeb twice in one mission...

I killed Jeb in a jet pack accident on the Mun. He was going really fast just above the surface, and then he hit the surface. On the same mission I only had enough fuel left to get Bill and Bob halfway into Mun orbit, did the rest on RCS. Then managed to head back to Kerbin on RCS and put the periapsis at about 58km. This wasn't low enough to successfully aerobrake so I did a number of orbits attempting this before giving up and sending up a rescue craft led by Jeb re-incarnate and Billy-Boblan. Rescue craft docked and I de-orbited the two while they were docked together as I had assumed the chutes on Bill and Bob's craft would be enough. Unfortunately the snr docking port detached from Bill and Bob's pod when the chutes were deployed, sending Jeb and Billy-Boblan crashing into the sea :(

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  Jarin said:
Okay, seriously... do the prime trio actually come back? This is desperately important information.
All come back unless you change the difficulty setting in the save file.Then none will come back like I did.

To answer the question though I have killed a grand total of 4 Kerbals.

3 died (Bill, Gilming, and Decas)due to a botched rescue mission rolling down the mountains of Kerbin.

1 (Bildas) died from trying to land a plane on the 3 furthest out island. He almost made it too.

I stranded Jeb on the closest Island by accident.

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  Aqua667 said:
I've only killed 2, both of which were not Jeb, Bill or Bob. They magically came back to life later.?!!?

If you want the permadeath enable, you have to edit the persistent.cfg file of your save. There is a line that says "DeadCrewRespawn" or something... change it to false.

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I desperately tried to keep my Kerbals alive but I had my first death on a landing at Duna - I was trying to give a stranded Kerbal something to do and someone to play with by giving him a rover, and on the parachute assisted landing the rover shattered and the Kerbal in the rover plummeted to his death..

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