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What type of Tutorial Would You find most useful? [Tutorial Made!]


Which type of tutorial would you prefer?  

  1. 1. Which type of tutorial would you prefer?

    • Simple rocket design
    • Simple flight controls
    • KSP tips and tricks (hotkeys, glitches, etc.)
    • Orbital Rendezvous and Docking
    • Advanced SSTO design
    • Lander/rover Design
    • Plane design
    • Landing tutorial (plane and rocket)
    • Planetary Transfers
    • Other

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So I have been making tutorials for my youtube (youtube.com/DerpN3rd) and I would like to know what you guys are looking to see in tutorial format. Vote in the poll or reply with your thoughts! It is much appreciated. Mods: Feel free to move this if its in the wrong section.

Edited by buzz66boy
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A suggestion parallel or related to the rover design question: methods of deploying rovers on different bodies (effective skycranes, decoupler mounting etc.) would be good since virtually everyone puzzles at how to get the damned things down on the ground in one piece, especially with a lander and crew at the same time.

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I voted for rendezvous - I've seen a couple tutorials and read up on it but still can't get the hang of it. Docking itself isn't too hard for me.

Honestly, though, I'd happily watch videos on most of those subjects. I'm always eager to learn more about the game, and I learn best by hearing and seeing how it's done before I try it myself. Basically, tell me how to do it, show me how to do it... and then let me try. :)

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  DarthVader said:
Planetary transfers, I suck at them.

Me too. I've been playing this game for a looongg time and I've been to Eve, Duna, Jool system only once each. One because I just don't have the will to sit down for 30+ minutes to try to get to another planet only to find out I forgot something or messed something up etc., and two because I am NOT efficient when it comes to interplanetary transfers.

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I know how to rendezvous and dock but for the good of mankind i urge you to do a rendezvous and docking tutorial, it took me 4 weeks of trying and anything that can help others in this area would be a great addition to the Kerbal world.

Edit* Planetary transfer tutorials are very hard to find.

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I voted other because there's something in particular that I'm awful at. I'd like a tutorial that explains the concepts behind making an interplanetary mission complete with return. I'm having no trouble launching from Kerbin to Laythe etc, but the designs, stages and various parts which will likely need to be docked in space to be capable of leaving a planet, say Eve, absolutely baffle me.

Since I don't like launching Kerbals without an escape plan it's making it difficult to get my flags onto planets.

Edited by Kerbonautical
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Hohman transfers are, unless you know basic orbital physics, completely unintuitive, and I had to spend a lot of time online to find out how to do them at all.

Planning and executing rendezvous isn't exactly clear right off the bat either, so that would also help. My first rendezvous was basically just an accident that came about from playing about with maneuver nodes till I got one.

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interplanetary transfers. I suck at them. I just cannot get the ejection burn down. Just been getting lucky so far by playing with the nodes. Some clear information on how to perform hohman transfers would be nice as well. I'd like to see a lengthy tutorial that covers transfers in general.

Edited by Motokid600
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Kudos to buzz66boy for offering to create a tutorial. Another vote for interplanetary transfers. Kerbal Alarm Clock has been extremely helpful and really should be built into KSP, although I am still having difficulty when the destination planet orbits off-axis from the sun.

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I voted for rover design but now that I think about it, the design of rover's isn't as essential to my space program as the ability to go to other planets. I've seen a couple of tutorials on planetary transfers, but so far nothing that really clicks. Seeing somebody's video on the process would be very helpful. I look forward to watching your tutorial, regardless of the topic.

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