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Funniest/Coolest Kerbal Names


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Here's how kerbal names are generated:

First, it's decided whether to pick a pre-made name or to build a new one. If it picks a pre-made one, it takes one from this list:

Adam, Al, Alan, Archibald, Buzz, Carson, Chad, Charlie, Chris, Chuck, Dean, Ed, Edan, Edlu, Frank, Franklin, Gus, Hans, Jack, James, Jim, Kirk, Kurt, Lars, Luke, Mac, Matt, Phil, Randall, Scott, Scott, Sean, Steve, Tom, Will

If it doesn't, then it takes one of these strings:

Ad, Al, Ald, An, Bar, Bart, Bil, Billy-Bob, Bob, Bur, Cal, Cam, Chad, Cor, Dan, Der, Des, Dil, Do, Don, Dood, Dud, Dun, Ed, El, En, Er, Fer, Fred, Gene, Geof, Ger, Gil, Greg, Gus, Had, Hal, Han, Har, Hen, Her, Hud, Jed, Jen, Jer, Joe, John, Jon, Jor, Kel, Ken, Ker, Kir, Lan, Lem, Len, Lo, Lod, Lu, Lud, Mac, Mal, Mat, Mel, Mer, Mil, Mit, Mun, Ned, Neil, Nel, New, Ob, Or, Pat, Phil, Ray, Rib, Rich, Ro, Rod, Ron, Sam, Sean, See, Shel, Shep, Sher, Sid, Sig, Son, Thom, Thomp, Tom, Wehr, Wil

And adds one of these behind:

ald, bal, bald, bart, bas, berry, bert, bin, ble, bles, bo, bree, brett, bro, bur, burry, bus, by, cal, can, cas, cott, dan, das, den, din, do, don, dorf, dos, dous, dred, drin, dun, ely, emone, emy, eny, fal, fel, fen, field, ford, fred, frey, frey, frid, frod, fry, furt, gan, gard, gas, gee, gel, ger, gun, hat, ing, ke, kin, lan, las, ler, ley, lie, lin, lin, lo, lock, long, lorf, ly, mal, man, min, ming, mon, more, mund, my, nand, nard, ner, ney, nie, ny, oly, ory, rey, rick, rie, righ, rim, rod, ry, sby, sel, sen, sey, ski, son, sted, ster, sy, ton, top, trey, van, vey, vin, vis, well, wig, win, wise, zer, zon, zor

Then it adds Kerman and the name is done.

Now figure out the most funny possible combinations!

Yes, Billy-Bobemone is possible and Bobzor too

Edited by Zeblote
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  SkyRender said:
It's unlikely, but you could get Bilbo, Samwise, and/or Merry Kerman. Then you'd be obligated to have them launch the One Decoupler into the heart of the sun.

OMG this. I can just picture resident-stowaway Gollum Kerman desperately clinging on as it hurtles into Kerbol, laughing maniacally before popping in a cloud of smoke :D

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