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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Hey guys - I am having a giant problem with the Launch Clamps. They seem to fail to hold the rocket almost every time and rockets just blow up when physics kicks in. I traced it down to this Mission Controller mod - it was the only mod installed and I still saw this behaviour. Without it, I have no clamp problems.

Is this a known thing? Does the mod purposely do this for some reason and I need to account for it somehow? Is it a bug? Surely I can't be the only one that sees this problem.

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please, tell me how can i change the interest value, to make this mod more interesting and hardest.

Its hardcoded right now.. But me and Nathan are working on getting pretty much every aspect of MCE editable in the MCconfig file. I will also be working on this aspect of the game a little later too.. I have some things I want to change. And thought I would run it by you guys first.

I would like to be able to add a value into the config file (again adjustable) that will default at say - 60,000 in money.. (IE in the red for 60,000K) the mod will disable when you try to launch. I can't stop you from launching but I can stop you from running missions if you go to deep in the hole... This will make going into the red more dangerous.

Tell me what you think.

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Its hardcoded right now.. But me and Nathan are working on getting pretty much every aspect of MCE editable in the MCconfig file. I will also be working on this aspect of the game a little later too.. I have some things I want to change. And thought I would run it by you guys first.

I would like to be able to add a value into the config file (again adjustable) that will default at say - 60,000 in money.. (IE in the red for 60,000K) the mod will disable when you try to launch. I can't stop you from launching but I can stop you from running missions if you go to deep in the hole... This will make going into the red more dangerous.

Tell me what you think.

In my opinion, Both of them, so if someone want a game more easly and just want to do missions, he can play without touch anything inside that file.

Then if one of them want more challenge, and try to stay above that limit, they can change the value inside your MConfig file for example.

This is one idea which need to be put in the mod i think.

and later, if u can do that :

put lines of code which play with de red state limit and stock part available or mod part (hum lot of work, B9, KW, Nova). So if you're out of money, you will just have the "START' stock part to try to recover your benefice and your tech tree. In case, write a "summary" and easy mission to do little money for example.

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That's an interesting solution. Perhaps even limit tech tree available at any point depending on how far into the red you go. IE you actually loose tech research (and the ability to build craft with those items) if you go too much into debt.

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That's an interesting solution. Perhaps even limit tech tree available at any point depending on how far into the red you go. IE you actually loose tech research (and the ability to build craft with those items) if you go too much into debt.

Yep, it should be a good idea, at different threshold -> you loose part etc etc

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.32 Update Is Released

Big update for mission builders.. And Space Plane Lovers.

Changes in .32

1. Added a NorSubmissionGoal (None of the subgoals can be completed, for this to be true.) (Nathan)

2. Added a OrSubmissionGoal ( IE Do This Or This) (Nathan)

3. Added science payouts for missions.. Use scienceReward = your number.. Please note, be careful with this.. You could ruin someones game if you start paying out

To much science rewards. The science tree is pretty easy as it is. This is rewarded at end of missions.. So you can add a time event to subgoal to make it take a little

while to finsih the Mission... Just a hint. (malkuth)

4. New recycling options. Nathan has redone the whole Recycling system.. Now you can recycle Planes, space planes for a huge return.. Things are as follows Planes recycle

For a 95% return. Rockets Landed (dry) 85%. And Rockets Landed (wet) 65%. These values can all be edited in the MCconfig file.. Have fun.

This is from nathan on how the new system works.. You can now do missions like the original Shuttle concept (big plane + piggyback orbiter), or Falcon 9's intended

recoverable boosters.

Alas I don't detect wings; I assume if you bother to put jets on, you're going to be flying back.

The requirements are as follows, although tweakable in MCSettings.cfg (as is, finally, parachute drag per ton)

For a rocket landing, you need:

> 1000m/s deltaV remaining (calculated from lowest-Isp engine, with Isp at sea level checked)

a TWR of >= 1.5 (which, if you're using a thrust corrector, will still be enough).

For a jet landing, you need:

a jet (obviously)

this much fuel for the jet: total jet thrust (or enough thrust for 1.0TWR, whichever is less) * 0.5, spread among the fuels the jet uses by ratio. Unlike rockets, the highest Isp jet

is selected as the baseline.

In both cases, you get fuel unused by the engine back (any fuel used by those engines is considered used, so don't expect to recycle half a tank of jet fuel, sorry. But Kethane,

on a LF/OX rocket? Yup.)

For parachutes, we now check twice: do you have enough drag to land the whole stage with fuel? If so, you get the fuel. If not, dump the fuel and try again. This way you can

parachute-land full Kethane tanks and recycle them for megabucks.

Assuming someone suggests a cost for Kethane, of course. Again, OPERATION CROWDSOURCE is in need of your help adding costs for mods! See my post here for details.

5. Minor Bug Fixes. Please note I have not had much time to test all these changes (recycling Mostly) so if you notice anything fishy... Please report ASAP and we get a fix asap.

6. Fixed the Random Mission Flyby Of Minmus (malkuth)

Edit.. Ps forgot Nathan added Recycling Back to Sandbox mode.. So when you play sandbox mode you don't have to research Recycle.. It unlocked already.. still locked in Campaign mode though until you research it.

Edited by malkuth
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That's an interesting solution. Perhaps even limit tech tree available at any point depending on how far into the red you go. IE you actually loose tech research (and the ability to build craft with those items) if you go too much into debt.

If your talking about the In game Tech Tree. Then again things that are hardcoded are out of my hands for disabling. I can disable the MCE Tech Tree though pretty easy.. But if the whole plugin is disabled its basically the same thing. It would be an easy fix for a possible huge exploit (IE people not caring about the 25% Loss to Payouts) since the Plugin disable is already in MCE... Only this way you won't be able to get out of it.. Unless your budget stays above -60,000. This way in theory at least.. Even on first launch your not making a vessel over 100K.

This would include say.. You have not launched yet.. Ie your budget is at 25,000K.. You try to make a vessel for 90,000K.. Plugin would disable right 0n spot.. with a warning that Missions Can't be flown while below... -60,000K.

You could still bypass this.. But at this point if your doing the kind of exploit it would take to get around this.. Then you already ruined the game.

Edited by malkuth
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Great Update good job.

This would include say.. You have not launched yet.. Ie your budget is at 25,000K.. You try to make a vessel for 90,000K.. Plugin would disable right 0n spot.. with a warning that Missions Can't be flown while below... -60,000K.

ok for tech tree, its hard i knew :/

So that will be a good alternative to disable spot or mission below a certain rank

You've got your solution mate ;) good work

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Alright I have seemed to run afoul of something while trying to build my own custom little Mission Package to help me set goals and limits for a Let's Play I'm planning to run. I was able to sort of get what I wanted in for the first Mission correct I think, however after adding in the second mission the file refuses to load in Mission Controller.

Here is a link to a copy of what I have so far, could some one check it over and tell me where I'm screwing up? I think I'm following all the instructions in the mission guide but I have to be doing something wrong.


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New Update Out .33

You can download the update from the front page either from DropBox (.rar) or SpacePort (.zip)

Changes in .33

1. Fixed the annoying Right Click on a MCE GUI Window that would cause the window while in Space Center View to Disappear (actually goes off screen and saves that way!)

2. Research window will now only show in Campaign Mode. In sandbox mode there is no research window (you automatically get Recycling)

3. When In campaign mode and without having Recycling you would not get the Crew Insurance Report window when you recovered your vessel.. That has been fixed.

4. In finance Tab you can no longer change the kerbal insurance rate from this window. It has been moved to the MCConfig.cfg file were it can be edited.. its now defaulted at 5000.

5. Fixed the Dam DOCKING problem where if you had more then 1 docking port on a vessel docking would not be recognized.. And finish the mission. (dam you DOCKING ID'S)

6. Finally added a bunch of new missions to Random Mission Package.. 2 Early missions included are Mun landing and Minmus landing. Also added 4 new Late Era Missions that bring you outside of Kerbins SOI to land in other places. Also added a landing goal to all the missions that should have them.. Back to kerbin.

Thanks everyone have fun. :)

Edited by malkuth
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New Update Out .33

You can download the update from the front page either from DropBox (.rar) or SpacePort (.zip)

Changes in .33

1. Fixed the annoying Right Click on a MCE GUI Window that would cause the window while in Space Center View to Disappear (actually goes off screen and saves that way!)

2. Research window will now only show in Campaign Mode. In sandbox mode there is no research window (you automatically get Recycling)

3. When In campaign mode and without having Recycling you would not get the Crew Insurance Report window when you recovered your vessel.. That has been fixed.

4. In finance Tab you can no longer change the kerbal insurance rate from this window. It has been moved to the MCConfig.cfg file were it can be edited.. its now defaulted at 5000.

5. Fixed the Dam DOCKING problem where if you had more then 1 docking port on a vessel docking would not be recognized.. And finish the mission. (dam you DOCKING ID'S)

6. Finally added a bunch of new missions to Random Mission Package.. 2 Early missions included are Mun landing and Minmus landing. Also added 4 new Late Era Missions that bring you outside of Kerbins SOI to land in other places. Also added a landing goal to all the missions that should have them.. Back to kerbin.

Thanks everyone have fun. :)

Very nice!

Currently working on a tech tree to go along with my missions. Finally an unmanned to manned space program! :D

Awesome that the docking issue is fixed, you rock!

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Can you clarify the new recycling requirements? It seems there are now several ways to do it.

This is what I assume so far:

a) the old style, 75-parachute-drag-per-ton on stages that fall below 25km.

B) if I land a spaceplane I can recycle it for 95% dry cost.

c) if I land a probe/rocket, I can recycl eit for 85%/65% cost depending on where it lands.

d) can I recycle an orbiting, discarded stage as long as it has >1000m/s dV of fuel left AND a TWR of >=1.5.

e) I can exit a flying air-breathing vehicle, in-atmosphere, and when I get far enough away for it to unload, it will be recycled IF it has enough fuel left to satisfy your equation.

Is that about right? So I can recycle a pegasus-style mothership? And no longer have to de-orbit spent stages as long as they have enough fuel remaining?



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BUG REPORT .33, Career mode, mod in "disabled mode"

I launch a rocket, then land back on Kerbin, get my Kerbal out onto the surface to get a surface sample. Then I click the new "recover vessel" button at the top center (mouse over the altimeter) of the screen, the Kerbal still my active "ship". Then when I go into the tracking center and recover the actual landed rocket, I get an empty "Recycle Window" on the screen. This window can't be closed or moved, it only goes away with a restart of the game.

Able to repeat 100%

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Nope, runway detection isn't in yet, sorry. It still caps at 85% for personally landed stages of whatever sort if landed on land, 65% if on water. You do get your fuel back though.

For autorecycle, it assumes a water landing, and you get ~60% * dry cost and ~60% * fuel cost.

All autorecycle still works on the old style: any stage that is unloaded and below 25km. Things in orbits with Pe > 25km won't be recycled, because they're not auto-destroyed (aka unloaded).

So the flow is like this:

Is the stage on Kerbin and under player control? Player can click recover. Then landing type (splashed or landed) is checked, and you get 65*dry and 95*wet if splashed, or 85*dry and 95*wet if landed. (This is back to the original MC values).

Is the stage unloaded when not under player control with a Pe <25km (and thus would be destroyed), and body == Kerbin?

Then check.

Does it have enough parachutes for dry+wet mass? Then you get 60% * (dry+wet cost)

Does it have enough parachutes for dry mass? Then you get 60% * dry cost.

If neither of those is true, does it have jets? Is there enough jet fuel? If so, you get 60% * (dry+wet cost)

If either of those jet questions is false, then check: does it have a high enough rocket TWR, and >1000m/s dV? If so, you get 60% * (dry+wet cost)

Else you get nothing.

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BUG REPORT .33, Career mode, mod in "disabled mode"

I launch a rocket, then land back on Kerbin, get my Kerbal out onto the surface to get a surface sample. Then I click the new "recover vessel" button at the top center (mouse over the altimeter) of the screen, the Kerbal still my active "ship". Then when I go into the tracking center and recover the actual landed rocket, I get an empty "Recycle Window" on the screen. This window can't be closed or moved, it only goes away with a restart of the game.

Able to repeat 100%

That should be fixed.. If you downloaded it right when I released this then you will have that problem.. The new version makes sure the window does not open unless your landed or splashed.

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I'll redownload and test again tomorrow after work and report back.

Playing right now and noticed its still a problem. (man this one is giving me all kinds problems) but I think I finally found the problem and will have a fix up later tonight.. In process of rewritting how repair mission works so once its done. I will upload another version tonight.

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