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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Small Update 19.1

1. Fixed the Wrong Inclination on the Random Missions.. Thanks Snillum101

2. Returned Docking to its original format.. (nothing was wrong.. Its just that what I did... Did nothing)

3. ALSO Added. There is a kerbal Hire Count now telling you how many kerbals you have hired. The number does get saved.. But it saves it to the config file.. Which means it will not carry over to another Campaign game and reset.. (it will be the same as last campaign) This is something im working on.. But i figured you guys would like to know how many times you pushed that button. .;) Ill get it to save to the Campaign saves next version..

The versions have been added to the current download. You can download the new version, or keep the old one if you don't care about the Random Missions Problems.. :)

Thanks everyone for the info.

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Small Update 19.1

1. Fixed the Wrong Inclination on the Random Missions.. Thanks Snillum101

2. Returned Docking to its original format.. (nothing was wrong.. Its just that what I did... Did nothing)

3. ALSO Added. There is a kerbal Hire Count now telling you how many kerbals you have hired. The number does get saved.. But it saves it to the config file.. Which means it will not carry over to another Campaign game and reset.. (it will be the same as last campaign) This is something im working on.. But i figured you guys would like to know how many times you pushed that button. .;) Ill get it to save to the Campaign saves next version..

The versions have been added to the current download. You can download the new version, or keep the old one if you don't care about the Random Missions Problems.. :)

Thanks everyone for the info.

Happy to help :D

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Hey, its fun making my own mission pack but I really miss one thing. Disabling some items. It should be the same way as required parts. But make it otherwise. For example in early stages disable solar panels or some kind of engines, etc. That would help to create even better missions.

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Is it possible to synchronise with the save/reload system of KSP? I know it makes cheating out of a doomed flight really easy, but because it isn't synched, I keep encountering weirdness that arises from the de-synchronisation. So far I have raised my budget to 200k, but of that I probably netted 100k from missions, lost 150k due to weirdness and gained 200k due to weirdness. It gives me the feeling that how much budget I get is not related to how well I plan and evaluate, but whether I'm lucky with glitches or unlucky.

I guess the feeling will disappear when I start to understand what causes these discrepancies, and how I can avoid them, but for a beginning user it makes the mod feel pointless.

A loss example: I create a craft and launch it. The cost is deducted from my budget upon going to the launchpad, but may be deducted again upon lift-off. It is not refunded upon returning to the VAB either. (maybe deduct partial fuel loss from the de-fuelling process, but not everything).

A gain example: I create a craft and launch it. Spent stages are de-orbited on parachutes and are recycled. I complete the mission and land the craft. I go to the tracking station and recover the craft. The recovery money is close to the entire cost of the craft including fuel (and the stages that were already recycled.)

Edited by Ghostbird
Added clarification on defuelling.
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Is it possible to synchronise with the save/reload system of KSP? I know it makes cheating out of a doomed flight really easy, but because it isn't synched, I keep encountering weirdness that arises from the de-synchronisation. So far I have raised my budget to 200k, but of that I probably netted 100k from missions, lost 150k due to weirdness and gained 200k due to weirdness. It gives me the feeling that how much budget I get is not related to how well I plan and evaluate, but whether I'm lucky with glitches or unlucky.

I guess the feeling will disappear when I start to understand what causes these discrepancies, and how I can avoid them, but for a beginning user it makes the mod feel pointless.

A loss example: I create a craft and launch it. The cost is deducted from my budget upon going to the launchpad, but may be deducted again upon lift-off. It is not refunded upon returning to the VAB either. (maybe deduct partial fuel loss from the de-fuelling process, but not everything).

A gain example: I create a craft and launch it. Spent stages are de-orbited on parachutes and are recycled. I complete the mission and land the craft. I go to the tracking station and recover the craft. The recovery money is close to the entire cost of the craft including fuel (and the stages that were already recycled.)

Cost does not get deducted until you push the space button on the launch pad. Going to the launch pad is totally free and no charge.

Recycle cost are only 85% of the total dry weight of the craft and only 65% if landed in water. So if your getting the full cost back. (which I have not seen) then something is wrong and I will have to take a look at the program make sure I did not mess it up.. But Ive been playing for a few days and have not noticed this.. I will check right now though. If you are landing the whole craft.. Then the recycle cost will be pretty high.. I do suggest mods that make KSP harder.. Because Vanilla KSP is easy.. Way to easy with what you can return to the ground.. I have been thinking about reducing these though.. Maybe 70% Landed and 55% water.

Not sure if The UI is confusing you or not, but your current budget is on the top under budget. When you go to the launch pad nothing is charged.. But you have a cost breakdown of all the parts and fuel.. (again nothing is charged). When you push the spacebar to launch the vessel your budget is finally charged. You do the mission.. Finish it.. A new button will end up being on the UI called Finish Mission.. (as long as all objectives are done) push the button get payout.

In fact I have been thinking about a total rehall of the Recycle options (not changing it) by making a lower recycle cost for Rockets.. And making a better system for Space Planes.

Edited by malkuth
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Khalashnikovf, you can set max # of a part to 0 to disallow it. Check the old missioncontroller thread, nobody44 outlines how to do that.

Regarding save/load: when I have time (currently helping my parents move) I want to move all the data into a confignode in the persistence file, like Kethane does now. That will fix all issues regarding sync.

For now, here's how it works.

As malkuth says, you're not charged until you hit space. So you're free to revert until then. Once you start getting charged or getting rewards, and you want to revert, you have to go to configure->rewind BEFORE you revert. That will rewind all costs since the scene last loaded (i.e. VAB->pad), so it will also rewind any payouts you've had.

That also works for loading games. If you load a game, complete a mission, and want to reload to before you completed it, rewind BEFORE you quickload.

Regarding spaceplanes: it's the same issue for powered landings generally. Need to add a check for if there's >1.5 TWR (or so) and, say, 1000m/s deltaV remaining in a spent stage for it to do a powered landing. Can do a similar check for spaceplanes, but if the object has some number of wings, allow a lower TWR.

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Maybe I'm being pedantic, but I think that the pack system is being used ineffectively. Every pack I've gotten, besides the random missions, require you to start with probes to space, then orbit... They all take the same basic steps of orbit -> Mun -> Planet Exploration -> Duna. I like KIS because of the spaceplane set, I like stock because of its quality, and I like NT for the space station... But I need to keep doing those little bunny hops to get high enough on the tree.

Wouldn't it make more sense to turn each of these into their own pack? Like a pack that's just the 'Gemini' Missions (ie, getting into orbit, basic probes, etc.), one that's just Mun prep and landing, one that's just a Duna mission set...

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I have looked around for mission packs. are there none that require space station construction or similar longer term type missions? I have seen the probes for a year missions but I would like something with a bit more meat behind it. Any suggestions?

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Enjoying this (update to the) plugin, but I have a couple of usability suggestions.

First, can there be a radiobutton for toggling flight test and normal flight on the base mission controller screen? Having to go into config every time adds what I feel are unnecessary clicks.

Secondly and along the same lines, having to go to the tracking station to recover is really, really slow. I've found myself just leaving stuff in landed until I need the money and then harvesting it all in one go - that's silly.

Can we not have a union of the two systems for recovery? A button on the mission controller panel that says "recycle immediately" and credits you the cost (then you can revert to VAB just fine, for the typical case of a failed and half-salvaged flight), but leave in the recovery from tracking station? You would presumably need some sort of boolean value set on the craft to make sure people didn't recover things twice.

Either way, it feels clunky to actually go through the normal "test, rebuild, test, rebuild, test, rebuild, fly, complete" cycle, because many of the steps take quite a lot of work.

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Cost does not get deducted until you push the space button on the launch pad. Going to the launch pad is totally free and no charge.

Recycle cost are only 85% of the total dry weight of the craft and only 65% if landed in water. So if your getting the full cost back. (which I have not seen) then something is wrong and I will have to take a look at the program make sure I did not mess it up.. But Ive been playing for a few days and have not noticed this.. I will check right now though. If you are landing the whole craft.. Then the recycle cost will be pretty high.. I do suggest mods that make KSP harder.. Because Vanilla KSP is easy.. Way to easy with what you can return to the ground.. I have been thinking about reducing these though.. Maybe 70% Landed and 55% water.

Not sure if The UI is confusing you or not, but your current budget is on the top under budget. When you go to the launch pad nothing is charged.. But you have a cost breakdown of all the parts and fuel.. (again nothing is charged). When you push the spacebar to launch the vessel your budget is finally charged. You do the mission.. Finish it.. A new button will end up being on the UI called Finish Mission.. (as long as all objectives are done) push the button get payout.

In fact I have been thinking about a total rehall of the Recycle options (not changing it) by making a lower recycle cost for Rockets.. And making a better system for Space Planes.

I think I figured out what I misunderstood: The Kerbal insurance cost. It is first deducted when the Kerbals are loaded (before launch already), and returned upon vehicle recovery.

Thinking more about my problems, I realised that I may have been unfair in my disappointment with the mod, since it exponentially increased the difficulty for me. I later realised that this applies to my install more since I have Deadly Re-entry and RemoteTech mods installed.

- The deadly re-entry gives slight additional difficulty, since I have a slightly higher starting cost for my vehicles (heat shields) and I have to plan re-entry and aero-braking manoeuvres far more carefully to avoid burning up in the atmosphere. This gives my rockets generally a higher ÃŽâ€v requirement for atmospheric insertion manoeuvres. This can be anything from 30 to 600 m/s ÃŽâ€v.

- RemoteTechy makes the mission pack unsuitable. Any unmanned mission going outside the line-of-sight of, or more than 10 Mm away from, the KSC will become non-functional. To be able to do most missions unmanned, I first must place a few satellites that can cover any angle, and greater distances from the KSC. Since the standard mission pack doesn't give me enough of a budget to do extra launches for this purpose, the latter missions must be manned. This however makes the missions harder since landing back on Kerbin becomes mandatory. I managed to figure out several ways¹ to do most of them, but it definitely increases costs.

I'll look at the other mission packs I have, to see whether there's a mission pack that has missions that allow me to place a relay of satellites in KEO as part of a mission. I'll probably blow quite a chunk in my budget by adding communication antennae from the RemoteTech parts. The basic antennae are ridiculously expensive compared to the stock Commutron 16s, but the Commutron 16s break away from the craft when deployed in atmosphere.

In the end, I think this mod makes a valuable addition to the game, and stresses the importance of a good career mode, since a limited budget adds another dimension to the rocket building process.

One last thing: Since the Mission Controller Extended state doesn't synchronise with the game saves, it is possible to gain a lot of money by saving before landing, recovering the craft, reloading and repeating the cycle. Every repetition you'll not only recover the craft, but you will receive the Kerbal Insurance as well. If you don't realise this, and you do this accidentally with a 3 Kerbal craft it's a strangely huge increase in budget since you'll get 85% of the landing vehicle cost + 165kK.

1. There are two options:

- Move a three Kerbal crewed craft with Remote Command module and antennae close to the target and launch an unmanned probe (with antennae) from it. The three crew members and Remote Command module will allow it to remotely control a probe that has radio contact. You don't need to relay it back to the KSC for contact. Requires a far larger launch vehicle. Return home to Kerbin with the crewed craft after the mission goals have been achieved.

- Place a single Kerbal crewed craft on course with the target (for example the Kerbolo and Minmus I missions) and detach a small probe from it. Return to Kerbin with the crewed craft while the probe is flown (albeit uncontrollably) to complete the mission. This method is cheaper than the above-mentioned method, but requires more timing, and cannot be used on missions where the probe has to be controlled after being detached.

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I'm getting an error with docking missions. When I attempt to select one, the selection box gets massive, goes blank, and locks up the plugin. Any idea why that's happening?

which mission is it your trying to do?

Ive gone through all the docking missions I can think of nothing is happening like you describe.. The only thing I can think of is that you have an earlier version of .19 which I had a GUI option wrong.. And The GUI would mess up... This version was only up for like 5 mins when .19 came out..

My suggestion is to redownload the pack and try the current .19 version see if that helps.

Edited by malkuth
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which mission is it your trying to do?

Ive gone through all the docking missions I can think of nothing is happening like you describe.. The only thing I can think of is that you have an earlier version of .19 which I had a GUI option wrong.. And The GUI would mess up... This version was only up for like 5 mins when .19 came out..

My suggestion is to redownload the pack and try the current .19 version see if that helps.

KIS, docking mission. I looked through the pack code and didn't find anything glaringly wrong. I re-downloaded, overwrote everything... it's still happening.

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Once you start getting charged or getting rewards, and you want to revert, you have to go to configure->rewind BEFORE you revert. That will rewind all costs since the scene last loaded (i.e. VAB->pad), so it will also rewind any payouts you've had.

That also works for loading games. If you load a game, complete a mission, and want to reload to before you completed it, rewind BEFORE you quickload.

You can't actually do that though - there's no config option in the flight scene, so you can't revert, and you can't switch to/from test mode before you launch.

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Erase the config.xml see if that helps or not. It will make a new one once you reload with default settings. its in the same folder that the mission packs are stored.

Just tried AKSF 11 Docking.. No issues on this end. This is from the KIS pack..

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You can't actually do that though - there's no config option in the flight scene, so you can't revert, and you can't switch to/from test mode before you launch.

Thats my fault.. I removed the Config Button from the flightScene options to clear up clutter.. And to stop a potential cheat thats been bugging me for awhile.. I will return it back now that I remember that the rewind option needs to be done in the same instance before revert.

Also a little note... But say you get a bug... And for somereason you want to set your money back, but you can't.. Close out KSP.. Going into the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController and open your save file. It should be the NameOfGame.sp. From inside this you can edit your MC account Amount.. Change it to what it should be. (since you can't revert it, or it bugged out). Save the file. Close it reload KSP and have fun.

Edited by malkuth
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Updated 19.2

1. Only fix added the Config button back to flight mode.. So you can actually revert and Rewind Your Space Program and keep it in the same instance.. Please note that if you Revert KSP you will not be able to rewind last cost. You have to rewind before you Revert KSP.

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Hey malkuth, so as I said previously Im working on my own Mission pack and I just got stucked at this my peace of work.

name = MOM - Part 1 (Katia 1)
description = MOM. It is not only sound which kerbonaut will scream when launched into space but it also stands for Mission Orbiting Kerbonauts. But first: We need to find out how does low gravity affects a living body. And once Kerbalkind never learned to test anything on animals (really, they even tested new medicine, submarines, etc on them self) we have to use Kerbonauts.
reward = 18000
category = ORBIT, MANNED
packageOrder = 8
requiresMission = OOF - Part 4 (Kamzyk 3)

description = Launch a rocket to at least 100 000m.
reward = 5000
body = Kerbin
minAltitude = 100000
maxAltitude = 120000
maxVerticalSpeed = 10
crewCount = 1

description = Once we have no animal on our planet, Kerbonauts are expensive, especially for their Insurances, bring our hero back to home at KSC!
reward = 2000
body = Kerbin
splashedValid = false
minLatitude = -1
maxLatitude = 1
minLongitude = -78
maxLongitude = -74
crewCount = 1

I set Hiring of Kerbals for 10000 and Insurance for 30000.

From unknown reason (to me) once I started the prelaunch screen the cost of vessel disappeared and I just only earned money for that goals. Is there any reason for it inside my code or was it some kind of bug?

Thanks again for good job, already applied that tip with maxPart (did not even thought about it - so obvious :) )

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Hey malkuth, so as I said previously Im working on my own Mission pack and I just got stucked at this my peace of work.

name = MOM - Part 1 (Katia 1)
description = MOM. It is not only sound which kerbonaut will scream when launched into space but it also stands for Mission Orbiting Kerbonauts. But first: We need to find out how does low gravity affects a living body. And once Kerbalkind never learned to test anything on animals (really, they even tested new medicine, submarines, etc on them self) we have to use Kerbonauts.
reward = 18000
category = ORBIT, MANNED
packageOrder = 8
requiresMission = OOF - Part 4 (Kamzyk 3)

description = Launch a rocket to at least 100 000m.
reward = 5000
body = Kerbin
minAltitude = 100000
maxAltitude = 120000
maxVerticalSpeed = 10
crewCount = 1

description = Once we have no animal on our planet, Kerbonauts are expensive, especially for their Insurances, bring our hero back to home at KSC!
reward = 2000
body = Kerbin
splashedValid = false
minLatitude = -1
maxLatitude = 1
minLongitude = -78
maxLongitude = -74
crewCount = 1

I set Hiring of Kerbals for 10000 and Insurance for 30000.

From unknown reason (to me) once I started the prelaunch screen the cost of vessel disappeared and I just only earned money for that goals. Is there any reason for it inside my code or was it some kind of bug?

Thanks again for good job, already applied that tip with maxPart (did not even thought about it - so obvious :) )

Nope should work fine.. I loaded you code into a temp mission on my end and had no issues. Make sure your in flight mode.. And the Mod is not disabled.. Only reason that the cost should be disappearing.

Also download the latest update. Which just about 5 mins ago was .19.2.

Also once you launch the vessel.. And the vehicle is charged to the account.. The cost of vessel is no longer displayed. .Since you already bought it.

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Erase the config.xml see if that helps or not. It will make a new one once you reload with default settings. its in the same folder that the mission packs are stored.

Just tried AKSF 11 Docking.. No issues on this end. This is from the KIS pack..

That did it. Thanks!

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