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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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  malkuth said:
Don't know what mission your playing. But I have mentioned many times to Mission authors that Docking Goals should be by themselves in a separate goal. There is no way around the way KSP works with Vessel IDs. If you dock with a vessel the vessel ID changes. And if it changes to the wrong ID (doesn't take the Original vessel ID) the mission goal won't be complete.

If the goals are seperate then you have a higher chance of not running into that problem. Because the Docking Goal is a separate Goal From the others. If together, then MCE is checking the IDS of every goal in that SubMissionGoal. Its a pain in the ass, but I have tried a thousand different ways around this.. And they all cause just as many problems. Even Knobody had this issue and he was trying to find a way around it. Until KSP changes the way this works in the actual game. Its going to be a problem. If they must keep the Goals together then they need to use either the Special field which turns off the Vessel IDs saving for that Goal (but causes the more then 1 docking port bug) or they can use vesselIndependent which doesn't save any of that goal to file and any vessel can complete it.

Bummer. Didn't realise how in-depth the problem was. Cheers for the answer.


Just saw the note in the OP about "reverting".

Who on Earth reverts mid-mission?! Thats cheating in my book :D

Reverting is for test flights and experimentals.

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I'd like to confirm that the fuel costs in sandbox mode doubled sometime between the .20 and .35 MCE versions. For example the big orange fuel tanks used to cost ~ 23k total, now they cost ~ 46k total. I plan on migrating my save from my KSP 0.21.1 w/ MCE 0.20 to KSP 0.22 w/ MCE 0.35, however I'm concerned about how many of the prices changed between the version updates.

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  NathanKell said:
You can easily edit the costs in MCSettings.cfg

If they doubled, then we might want to halve them again. :]

Actually after reviewing the price differences between 0.20 and 0.35, I can understand why the fuel (and oxidizer) prices would need to be doubled. It seems as if the cost of science parts are significantly lower in the newer version (in an example ~15% of the old price) balancing out the cost of the fuels. I don't know what the specific direction of balancing is supposed to be, however I can presume that is the reason.

  StarLiner said:
Just curious, will saves be compatible with the new version of MCE? Trying to decide if I should wait or not...

I was able to successfully migrate my sandbox game from KSP 0.21.1 w/ MCE 0.20 to a sandbox save in KSP 0.22 w/ MCE and all my mission status in mission packs appears to be intact. I have yet to do any more missions in the newest version, but I can assume it should work fine. You could probably do similar.

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ShimmyTheJJ: Because no one has contributed the Module nodes in the MCSettings.cfg file for properly costing them. :)

If someone actually does the hard part of adding cost nodes for the science parts, I'll commit the file with many thanks.

Instructions are a few pages back; search the thread for MCSettings or MODULECOST, or just read the comments in the MCSettings.cfg file.

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  p1t1o said:
Is it possible to allocate a specific price to a specific part? I'm having trouble getting the Near-Future propulsion pack to play nice, cost-wise.

To be fair, that mod has some fairly imbalanced parts :P. I'm using it too. The auto scale price feature is one of my favorites really, I can add all the mods I want without stress of something being broken. Though does it take EC usage into account? Those engines are insanely power hungry, and that helps balance them out, but MCE doesn't seem to recognize it. So you have a vasimr drive that costs as much as the entire space program.

I'm in love with this mod. Are there any other mission packs not mentioned? There are many in career I can't do simply from lack of science/comm parts. Really though, thank you, awesome work!

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So this weeks version of MCE Im doning Final Test at this time on my Regular Save Game (thats always good when I transport that to my regular game).

Changes so far.

Added 2 new Research Techs.

Payouts Level 2 = a 20% Increase to all Payouts of all Missions (Cost 800 Science)

Payouts Level 3 = Another 20% Increase to All Payouts Of all Missions (cost 1600 Science)

Added a New REVERT BUTTON to MCE. This new button works just like the normal Kerbal Space Program Button.. But it also reverts Mission Controller To Pre Launch Conditions. Works the same way. (not persistent yet) Its a quick and clean fix until we can get the Persistent file save working. Works very well too. Push the button and window pops up with warning. You accept or decline. If accept Mission Controller is Reset To PreFlight and KSP is Reset to Preflight inside the Editor. Please note when I say it works just like KSP Revert Button I mean it. Just like the KSP version if you leave your vessel.. You can no longer revert.. And the button disappears. The button is located in a nice place.. Right on the Main Mission Controller Main window. Below all the other Toggle Buttons. Its also located in the Settings Window and replaces the Rewind Button of OLD. Also to reset MCE you have to use this button, if you use the KSP Revert Button then well you won't revert MCE. Thats why its located right dab in bottom in plain site of MCE Main Window. YOU CAN'T MISS IT.

Small change to how Research works. You now have to research Early Level Techs Before the Higher Level ones.

IE You have to research Construction 1 before Construction 2 can be done.

I will try to get this out as soon as I do more testing. Any complaints? Or ideas? Are the payouts to High? To expensive for science?

The idea about the payouts? For me playing mission controller is not about a grind fest. I don't find it fun to grind 5 missions to make enough money to make a Vessel that is super cool, or does not have an MCE mission to it. So the payouts are to help make it less grind, and more sand. :)

Edited by malkuth
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I like it. Will the new researches be on brand new nodes, then?

The idea of using science to unlock things like higher payouts and recycling is very nice. It lets me run my space program the way I want. Would I rather spend that 300 science on new rocket parts and new shiny things for my landers? Or would I like to go the reusable route and go for recyclable space planes/launchers with the promise of higher profits in the long term? Choices. No right ones, just preferences. Gives my program a personal touch.

I'm liking the new revert functionality. Thanks for doing tweaks like this.

What does Construction do? I'm afraid I've never gotten that far.

Does the research restriction apply only to new MCE tech, or the entire tree? I honestly don't think applying it to the entire tree is a good idea, I prefer the freedom to explore the tree the way I wish. Plus, many missions need certain comm dishes or science equipment that are further along the lower tiers, and I like rushing towards them to increase the number of missions I can take. Though needing Construction 1 before 2 makes sense.

I like the idea of increasing payouts over time. It gives me another place to invest my science, Though at those prices I'm thinking those will be fairly end game.

As for general things... Perhaps changing the auto scale price feature to take EC use into account? I'm not aware if it does already. Would make the price of electrical engines more palatable, as the equipment needed to run them in the first place is pricey as well.

I'm looking forward to the new release, and I'm early enough in my current game that I think I'll hold off playing till the new version. This mod really does breath new life into the game in a way sandbox just doesn't do for me. Thank you for all your work.

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  StarLiner said:
I like it. Will the new researches be on brand new nodes, then?

The idea of using science to unlock things like higher payouts and recycling is very nice. It lets me run my space program the way I want. Would I rather spend that 300 science on new rocket parts and new shiny things for my landers? Or would I like to go the reusable route and go for recyclable space planes/launchers with the promise of higher profits in the long term? Choices. No right ones, just preferences. Gives my program a personal touch.

I'm liking the new revert functionality. Thanks for doing tweaks like this.

What does Construction do? I'm afraid I've never gotten that far.

Does the research restriction apply only to new MCE tech, or the entire tree? I honestly don't think applying it to the entire tree is a good idea, I prefer the freedom to explore the tree the way I wish. Plus, many missions need certain comm dishes or science equipment that are further along the lower tiers, and I like rushing towards them to increase the number of missions I can take. Though needing Construction 1 before 2 makes sense.

I like the idea of increasing payouts over time. It gives me another place to invest my science, Though at those prices I'm thinking those will be fairly end game.

As for general things... Perhaps changing the auto scale price feature to take EC use into account? I'm not aware if it does already. Would make the price of electrical engines more palatable, as the equipment needed to run them in the first place is pricey as well.

I'm looking forward to the new release, and I'm early enough in my current game that I think I'll hold off playing till the new version. This mod really does breath new life into the game in a way sandbox just doesn't do for me. Thank you for all your work.

MCE Research Tree is a separate Tree From the KSP Tree. The only thing that connects them is the fact that they both use Science Points to unlock things. But the MCE tree works just like the KSP one now. With KSP you also have unlock certain things, before you can unlock higher level stuff. MCE never had this fuction before, because I forgot to add it with the last release.

I have the Readme Updated for what all the Techs Do. ReadMe.

I will see about adding some support in the MCsetting.cfg file for some of the popular mods out there. Won't be this release though. In the meantime its pretty easy, but long process you can do yourself with Modules in MCsettings.cfg if you wanna take it on. ;)

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  malkuth said:

Awesome, thank you. I enjoy the algorithm MCE uses to guesstimate a good price, because I'll know that I freaking earned that imbalanced engine when i spend millions on my drive section.

I think I might try my hand at creating missions. Do you think MCE will play nice with the Expanded Planets mod that was just released? Perhaps I could make something like the ISA pack for scansat... If I did, would it be alright if I used your ISA mission pack at a jumping off point? They'd pretty much do the same thing, with the new mod.

I'll go over your link in the OP, any words of advice? :D

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  StarLiner said:
Awesome, thank you. I enjoy the algorithm MCE uses to guesstimate a good price, because I'll know that I freaking earned that imbalanced engine when i spend millions on my drive section.

I think I might try my hand at creating missions. Do you think MCE will play nice with the Expanded Planets mod that was just released? Perhaps I could make something like the ISA pack for scansat... If I did, would it be alright if I used your ISA mission pack at a jumping off point? They'd pretty much do the same thing, with the new mod.

I'll go over your link in the OP, any words of advice? :D

To be honest I don't think Those engines should cost millions.. Talk about a grind fest. LOL. I will see what modules Interstellar drives has in it, and see if I can get the cost down. I have not checked to mod out in long time.. But I know that before you could upgrade a low End Drive to one of the higher ones while still on the vessel.. So in a way if you pay for a huge cost for a vessel.. keep the vessel in orbit (like you would anyway with this mod) then technically your only buying the vessel once. And getting free upgrades to that vessel. (other then the science cost to upgrade them in that mod)

MCE should have no problems at all with the new expanded planets mod. The only thing I could think of that might be a problem is the names of the planets and assigning them in missions.

The directions for making missions is located here.

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New Version of Mission Controller Now Available. Version .36 (The DeGrind Update)

As Always you can download the new version on front page in either .rar (dropbox) or .zip (spaceport)

If you have any bugs please report them at the Github Page

Changes in .36

1. Added 2 Brand new Techs to The Technology Tree.

  • Payouts Level 2 : Increase All Mission Payouts By 20%
  • Payouts Level 3: Increase All Payouts By Another 20% (total 40%)

2. Brand new Revert Button Added: The new Revert Button works Just like the Kerbal Space Program Revert button. But when you use the MCE Revert button you Not only Revert KSP back to PreLaunch. But you also Revert Mission Controller to PreLaunch. When pushed you will be placed back into Editor. You should only use the Mission Controller Revert Button Now. The kerbal Space Program Revert Button Does Not Revert Mission Controller. The New Button is located on the Main Menu GUI, on the bottom. You can't miss it. The button is available as long as the vessel is Able to be Reverted, switch scenes and this will no longer be case.

3. Added a large amount of missions to the Random Mission Pack (it now contains I think 33 missions with more to come)

4. Removed the old Commericalization Of Space and Civilian Space Program Packs. These are no longer supported by me, so I removed them from the main download. I will make them available on the Mission List for download at a later time. If someone wants to take these

over give me a shout.

5. A small tweak to how the Mission Controller Research works. You have to research in a line now. For instance if you want to get Construction 2. You have to research Construction 1.

6. Other Small Fixes and tweaks I can't remember at this point.

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  p1t1o said:
Is it possible to allocate a specific price to a specific part? I'm having trouble getting the Near-Future propulsion pack to play nice, cost-wise.

This wasn't one of the small tweaks at all was it?

This is my absolute favorite mod, if I could only have one, this would be it :D

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Downloaded and installed! Can't wait to take it for a spin. I tried writting a basic mission, though I seem to having a few issues, may I ask for some help? It's a short mission to put a satilite into geostationary orbit. I can see the package listed in the menu, but when I try selected it nothing pops up. Did I do something wrong? Thank you again for all your effort!



name = Map the Skies

description = Before our program can really get off the ground, we need to send probes to these new worlds to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt they aren't stains on the telescope.



name = 01 - Geostationary Orbit

description = Kerbals all across the continent can't watch the rockets launch! Throw up a communications satellite to correct this, so all Kerbalkind can enjoy our explo...sive triumphs..

reward = 45000

category = SATELLITE

repeatable = true

randomized = no



body = Kerbin

minPeA = 286000

maxApA = 289000




partName = longAntenna

partCount = 3



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  StarLiner said:

The first word needs to be "MissionPackage" not "Mission", and a further close bracket, like this:



name = map the skies

description = sky mapping mission package



description = mission 1



etc. etc.





description = mission2







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This could be me misunderstanding the revert button. I just tried it out and it did indeed revert me to pre-launch, as in the very beginning with the 50,000 Krones and all the completed missions no longer show completed. I had assumed it only reverted the current mission you were on back to that specific pre-launch.

Either way, I'm having fun so I don't mind beginning anew. I just wanted to report this in case it's a bug.

Thanks for your work on this mod! :)

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Hi malkuth!

I just wanted to drop by to give to say that I enjoyed MC 0.35 on KSP 0.22 : the dual constraints of the KSP tech tree and money are nicely balanced and really make the game more enjoyable, turning it into a nice and smart puzzle game...

At first, I found it rather hard to gather enough science to keep up with the MC mission constraints (some missions required all the science stuff early on) so I started focusing on the stayputnik core and science instruments in the tech tree.

Then, I discovered the random missions and that I could basically get paid to do science, making it much easier to progress. For example, I estimate that a second unmanned landing in a different Munar biome should let me unlock the gravioli detector, which seems pretty well balanced and does not induce any feeling of grinding for now...

I'm downloading the 0.36 update right now and I'm about to see how well my save file reacts to the upgrade... :D (*crossing fingers*)

Thank you for your hard work!

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  Kethevin said:
This could be me misunderstanding the revert button. I just tried it out and it did indeed revert me to pre-launch, as in the very beginning with the 50,000 Krones and all the completed missions no longer show completed. I had assumed it only reverted the current mission you were on back to that specific pre-launch.

Either way, I'm having fun so I don't mind beginning anew. I just wanted to report this in case it's a bug.

Thanks for your work on this mod! :)

The revert button will only load the last backup save.. Don't use the Reset The Space Program Button in settings. This actually resets MCE back to start. The revert button is located on the Mission Controller Main GUI as a Toggle Button.. Under all the other toggle buttons like Settings, Research, Financing. during FLIGHT ONLY.

And the button in settings that says Reset The Program actually Resets the whole program. I should just get rid of that one. Does anyone actually use it?

When you push the Revert Button you will get a pop up that gives you a warning and tells you what it does, and choice to Revert or To cancel.

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  el_coyoto said:
Hi malkuth!

I just wanted to drop by to give to say that I enjoyed MC 0.35 on KSP 0.22 : the dual constraints of the KSP tech tree and money are nicely balanced and really make the game more enjoyable, turning it into a nice and smart puzzle game...

At first, I found it rather hard to gather enough science to keep up with the MC mission constraints (some missions required all the science stuff early on) so I started focusing on the stayputnik core and science instruments in the tech tree.

Then, I discovered the random missions and that I could basically get paid to do science, making it much easier to progress. For example, I estimate that a second unmanned landing in a different Munar biome should let me unlock the gravioli detector, which seems pretty well balanced and does not induce any feeling of grinding for now...

I'm downloading the 0.36 update right now and I'm about to see how well my save file reacts to the upgrade... :D (*crossing fingers*)

Thank you for your hard work!

Glad you like it. The changes made to .36 are more geared toward late game grinding. You know when you want to put that 5th Space Station Around Laythe. The payout options make it easier to make a large sum of money to afford making large projects like that.

The start of the game, like you explained in your post is pretty much the same. I did increase some of the payouts for the missions in the Random Pack.. But not the Early Years ones. Once you get to start doing the Mid Years Missions, things should be sailing pretty well by then for your program.

The whole Random Mission Pack is based off my current Saved Game play through. And my style. I sure there are tons of people that can make minimum vessels that cost very little, and make a killing off the new payouts.

One thing i did forget to do was add the ability to edit the Payout percentages in the MCSettings.cfg file. That way people can gear the payouts to there play style. I get it running in next weeks update.

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