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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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ok, i just downloaded the update for this mod, installed it, got it running and... something went funky. Some of the textures for another mod (kw rocketry) were missing, none of the menus for tweaking fuel, etc. were available. and when i tried to launch my plane the game crashed. Should i revert to the older edition of KSPI until later? Any suggestions? I really don't want to have to start my game over.

Delete the mod folders, redownload and reinstall. There is definitely no incompatibility with KW.

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ok, i just downloaded the update for this mod, installed it, got it running and... something went funky. Some of the textures for another mod (kw rocketry) were missing, none of the menus for tweaking fuel, etc. were available. and when i tried to launch my plane the game crashed. Should i revert to the older edition of KSPI until later? Any suggestions? I really don't want to have to start my game over. Oh yeah, it v .10.1

Sounds like you ran out of ram. KSP is 32bit and limited to 3.5ish gigs max.

Try Active Texture Management


Fractal_UK as I keep up with this thread I wonder how you keep your sanity lol.

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I plan to install this mod on my next game, but not knowing anything about it, I thought I'd throw in a completely uninformed suggestion.

Anti-matter Orion drive.

The Orion drive was to use nuclear bombs for propulsion, giving a minimum yield per bomb (fissionable critical mass - a few kg for plutonium). This constraint means massive spacecraft that carry these bombs and withstand the detonations.

With Interstellar's anti-matter collection dynamic, I don't see why small bombs couldn't be used with a small craft. Each bomb need only contain anti-matter in a "magnetic bottle" which after collapsing / dissipating, can react with normal matter. This may be a much simpler design, using microgram or milligram quantities of anti-matter / matter. (Nagasaki's 88 terajoule yield was the equivalent of a 1g matter/antimatter reaction)

Of course, there's Alcubierre, but that requires exotic matter. This would go before that, and of course be sub FTL.

Or is this already in / suggested, but I just couldn't find it in the 600+ page thread?

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Okay so how the hell does the new grav science work.

1. I put 6 stations on the mun at the four cardinal points and on each pole.

2. checked science it was at 820

3. I verified all the grav sensors were recording.

4. I took the deploy ship to max alt within mun soi 2300km it's weight around 20t and deorbited it. It impacted at 769 m/s.

I went back and checked my science and it was still 820. So WTH? How does the grav science work? What did I do wrong? Why am I getting NO science? Is there a log so I can check any of this?

No response? I see nearly two pages of posts after this. Please either explain why I (and others) are not getting science from the grav detector changes you unilaterally decided to change from stock game version.

Seriously I need the science from this device! There are 36 biomes on kerbin, mun, and minmus alone and not only have you made it impossible for me know to get that science but the change you made seriously complicates the process and apparently does not provide science at all!!!! So please explain why I am getting no science. If you think it's a bug please let me know what I need to upload to sort it out.


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No response? I see nearly two pages of posts after this. Please either explain why I (and others) are not getting science from the grav detector changes you unilaterally decided to change from stock game version.

Seriously I need the science from this device! There are 36 biomes on kerbin, mun, and minmus alone and not only have you made it impossible for me know to get that science but the change you made seriously complicates the process and apparently does not provide science at all!!!! So please explain why I am getting no science. If you think it's a bug please let me know what I need to upload to sort it out.


If you're trying to do an impact experiment you need the seismic accelerometer, not the gravity detector.

And earlier someone mentioned how to get back the original stock device, so you can just do that. Its more productive than whining about the change. Mod author has shown that he doesn't really give a **** what you or any of us think about him changing stock systems. (Remember the outcry over his unilateral change of the solar cells to make them produce waste heat?) Sure it's a terrible practice to change mechanics for stock equipment but he doesn't seem to care.

Really, either accept the changes or don't use the mod.

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I already mentioned earlier, if you have nuclear reactors on saved crafts you may need to replace them with fresh copies from the VAB. KSP saves resource totals inside the craft files rather than looking up fresh totals and although there are mechanics in place to auto-upgrade reactors, it's difficult to distinguish between one on a saved craft and one that has just been placed in the VAB.

Since both the amount of fuel on the reactors and the consumption rate has been increased by 1000x, you will run out of fuel very quickly if you have a reactor with an old resource total.

And yet this says nothing about the actual problem of it locking an extremely high power demand which results from running out of fissionable material.

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And yet this says nothing about the actual problem of it locking an extremely high power demand which results from running out of fissionable material.

I've already answered this as well.

If the generator has no power then the megajoules bar will deplete and resource demand will go to maximum.

Only if the megajoules bar is full will the demand be what you need, if the bar is partially empty, the demand is the maximum the generators can produce.

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Version 0.10.2 Released

Hopefully this will resolve the remaining problems.

Version 0.10.2
-Fixed thrust asymmetry issue with fusion and direct conversion generators
-Impactor detection improvements
-Improvement of Thermal UI handling of microwave receivers
-Fixed Antimatter Initated Reactor cfg
-Lithium comes with Lithium tank by default
-Minor Antimatter tank ElectricCharge handling improvements

Download links on the first page have been updated.

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I've already answered this as well.

Only if the megajoules bar is full will the demand be what you need, if the bar is partially empty, the demand is the maximum the generators can produce.

Reality, you just don't give a #%# about problems with your mod. Fine! I won't waste my time ever reporting any fault your PERFECT mod has ever again.

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Reality, you just don't give a #%# about problems with your mod. Fine! I won't waste my time ever reporting any fault your PERFECT mod has ever again.

Just read carefully you will see that the problem is obvious and you just need to stop getting angry about it.

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Thanks for the update :) I have an early tech tree question. What is the water and lithium for? Why is it introduced so early in the tech tree when it presents no viable use?

I know it isn't the best place to put them but in many ways, it's the least bad place to put them, if you see what I mean?

Those things don't require any technological breakthrough to unlock, it's just some materials that you might want to use. There are a few potential uses for those things and I decided that by putting them in a later tech node, it could lead to people missing them if they took an odd route through the tech tree. Basically, it's just to make sure they're available when people want them.

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I know it isn't the best place to put them but in many ways, it's the least bad place to put them, if you see what I mean?

Those things don't require any technological breakthrough to unlock, it's just some materials that you might want to use. There are a few potential uses for those things and I decided that by putting them in a later tech node, it could lead to people missing them if they took an odd route through the tech tree. Basically, it's just to make sure they're available when people want them.

Are you going to be introducing some technology later to make full use of these early tech tree unlocks? Water could be used for life support or generating electricity, or the lithium could be used for electricity as well through a few different methods. What are your ideas?

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Thanks for the update fractal_UK seems to have fixed all the bugs I've found! Yikes some people on this threat are total jerks. I wish they'd realize its not your JOB to do this just a hobby. That and it took you like a day to track down and fix all the problems. Faster than ANY other mod dev I've ever heard of! Keep up the great work bro and take it easy don't let them get in your head

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That is what I have been trying to do lately, though the big problem I always run into is that the wheels keep snapping off under the weight of the reactors. Could you put up a picture of what you have been using?

when in doubt use more wheels. I'm useing a pair of the B9 heavy duties per reactor/generator combo although the guy I got the design from was useing stock as I recall. anyway heres the pic. and as an additional note you dont have to go nearly that big. Untill a bit of it spontaniously deconstructed when I loaded it up that was 27 generators outputing somewhere around 45gw, effective was somewhere in the mid 30s. probably better to not go that large as it takes forever to load and you'll have a hard time not frying whatever your transmiting power to.


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Thanks for the update fractal_UK seems to have fixed all the bugs I've found!

Glad to hear that's finally got all the problems you're having. It's always a problem with big releases, it's almost impossible to test them to the level as is achieved by even half a dozen or so users playing for a few hours.

Are you going to be introducing some technology later to make full use of these early tech tree unlocks? Water could be used for life support or generating electricity, or the lithium could be used for electricity as well through a few different methods. What are your ideas?

I don't really want to get into Life Support, there are lots of good life support mods already but Eadrom has his KESA resource integration mod which integrates Interstellar and TAC water resources. That allows certain life support objectives to be achieved with Interstellar resources.

Water is a very versatile resource though, it could conceivably be used for things like radiation shielding in future. I'd possibly like to make some larger storage systems for it too, having propellant depots full of water is a good storage format.

Edited by Fractal_UK
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How does one switch from a Brayton gas turbine generator to a direct conversion generator in the VAB? Neither using the rightclick menu or selecting the generator part under action groups gives me the option to switch.

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I really wonder why, when asked for a picture of a craft for troubleshooting purposes, 99% of people post the craft in total darkness. I can tell that there are some radiators, a transceiver, and what looks like a plasma engine that's falling off. Maybe some generators, but I wouldn't swear to it.
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A little less dark picture of similar craft:


It is smaller because reactors were upgraded and i do not need that much power. Also used to produce tritium (and craft in front of it is "rover" used to deliver tritium to launchpad).

Just place landing gear under each reactor/generator, any engine and do not try to turn. And it will stay in one piece.

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