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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I get about 160 AM per day, I ran on another ship for 1-5 days and kept checking and it never changes, I cant see how a few hundred AM is breaking it.

A few versions ago I had a 150 Collector sat.....

ArgonGas is from the Near Future Propulsion Pack, and I have a reactor from the same pack that is producing 2k EC/s.

NFPP makes a good in-between from stock KSP and KSPI.

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I get about 160 AM per day, I ran on another ship for 1-5 days and kept checking and it never changes, I cant see how a few hundred AM is breaking it.

A few versions ago I had a 150 Collector sat......

Funny thing is, I haven't changed this code at all for quite a few versions. It's possible a recent KSPI update or the 0.22 update affected it in some way, do you have any idea at what point it stopped working for you?

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It's some kind of incompatibility with the propellers, I believe. I think I have it fixed ready for the next version.

Thanks Fractal_UK, I'll hold off on Jeb's exploration of Kerbin in his old plane from his test pilot days then :) Was thinking of it as a interlude prior to the Duna mission. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to get some of these in the Colonisation AAR. It'll take a while to research.

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It's some kind of incompatibility with the propellers, I believe. I think I have it fixed ready for the next version.

If you need some small change in the FS code to make this work better, let me know.

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Funny thing is, I haven't changed this code at all for quite a few versions. It's possible a recent KSPI update or the 0.22 update affected it in some way, do you have any idea at what point it stopped working for you?

Its actually the first AM station I have done since 0.22 came out so I am not sure whats going on. The hardest part is actually getting those silly things into orbit in large numbers, they arent exactly feathers. The career I am using has existed since 0.22 came out I have been replacing old version with new. Ill try a fresh install of KSPI.

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When I research using the Science lab in Kerbin Orbit. It says 0.105 science per day but I don't see any science gain after a few days in my r&d center? Is this suppose to happen?

You need to load the science lab and then go back to your r&d center.

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What do you mean by load?

Switch to the science craft. In order to get the science you have to load the craft, the code then figures out how long the ship has been doing science since the last time you loaded it and adjusts your science accordingly.

Also Fractal_UK,

I have tried reinstalling KSPI, I changed tugs from a 2 AM tank to 1 AM tank tug, and then changed to another tug with a 1.25m reactor instead of the NFPP reactor. No joy on anything so far:/

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Hey fractal, I have a kiwi reactor but it says it's offline. What causes that? I have a reactor,then generator , then science lab.

Do you have any radiators? Generators need one to function, and reactors won't run for long without one.

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I am having a strange problem when using the modular fuel system patch with the thermal turbojet. When it is in hydrogen fuel mode, the rightclick dialogue claims that the engine is using 0.00032 units per second, but the actual usage is 0.86 units per second, which is incredibly high for such a low thrust and high isp.

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Nice mod! I like to play around with it.

Unfortunately, I found that your plasma thrusters (I haven't checked the other drives) don't do well with Mechjeb.

I guess this is because it seems that you set the actual thrust where the max. thrust is expected.

It would be nice if that could be corrected. Max. thrust can change dynamically according to the medium selected (Argon, Xenon etc.) or if antimatter is available or not, but it should not change with the throttle. Throttle is a % of the max. thrust.

Also, you should consider if using 'MegaJoule' is a good choice. Joule is a unit of energy, but energy never exists as such, but always in one of many forms like electrical, thermo, potential (positional) etc. energy. If you would only store it as electrical energy, it could be more useful also for other mods and uses. Now, you can only use this power within your mod, but of course this is your decision.


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A question:

Why the hell, does the fusion Engene need Liquid fuel?

I mean...

To power it you need yet to put on at least 5 normal Reactors and 6 Electro generators (and even than it does not support it stable). (I play with the R&D Tree and there are Antimatter Reactors far behind this engene so... no Antimatte rReactor to power)

And than additional it needs too (additional to Tritium and Deutherium) Liquid fuel?

Makes the whole engene a bit useless.

(At it`s power)

Because I can too simply use the normal 1600 power Stock Engene and do need ONLY Fueltanks, and get 500 power more.

this is no blaming... I want only point out, that the supply conditions for these engene are to high to be real a usefull choise at the spaceship.

And I get it technical not why a Deutherium Tritium Fusion engene needs Liquid fuel.

As far I know, it should use the generated fusionplasma for porpulsion.

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Okay but why cant I restart it then...

You have to have a Kerbal EVA and get near or grab onto it, and then right click to get the info window to get the repair reactor option.

Is that right, guys? I haven't busted a reactor yet, so I'm not totally sure.

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A question:

Why the hell, does the fusion Engene need Liquid fuel?

I mean...

To power it you need yet to put on at least 5 normal Reactors and 6 Electro generators (and even than it does not support it stable). (I play with the R&D Tree and there are Antimatter Reactors far behind this engene so... no Antimatte rReactor to power)

And than additional it needs too (additional to Tritium and Deutherium) Liquid fuel?

Makes the whole engene a bit useless.

(At it`s power)

Because I can too simply use the normal 1600 power Stock Engene and do need ONLY Fueltanks, and get 500 power more.

this is no blaming... I want only point out, that the supply conditions for these engene are to high to be real a usefull choise at the spaceship.

And I get it technical not why a Deutherium Tritium Fusion engene needs Liquid fuel.

As far I know, it should use the generated fusionplasma for porpulsion.

As I understand the concept, the deuterium and tritium are just to create a little burst of energy to ignite a cloud of hydrogen expelled from the engine nozzle. Throttle controls the amount of hydrogen released for that purpose. As thrust goes up with the throttle, Isp drops.

Since KSP doesn't distinguish between jet fuel, rocket fuel, and liquid hydrogen, all "liquid fuel" in the game is assumed to be hydrogen.

So, you have to have the deuterium and tritium, but that's for ignition, not thrust. And you need the liquid fuel as the actual propellant. And it takes a massive amount of power to control the reaction enough to get anything useful out of it, so you essentially almost do need an AM reactor and generator just to power a fusion engine.

That said, I do think maybe it's time to include fusion reactors for that purpose, acquired about the same time as the DT Vista...and otherwise probably as complicated to run.

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Hm the point is, the userability of the fusionengene is not real given.

Because the ship is 3 times heavier with a supporting combination, than when you would use the biggest only Stock Engene :-)

(A bit overcomplicated in comp to the effect) :-)

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Hm the point is, the userability of the fusionengene is not real given.

Because the ship is 3 times heavier with a supporting combination, than when you would use the biggest only Stock Engene :-)

(A bit overcomplicated in comp to the effect) :-)

I don't necessarily disagree, but I'm sure Fractal will adjust it as he thinks necessary.

Keep in mind, too, that I'm sure he's already considering how to make KSPI either mutually compatible, or modally adjustable between the standard planetary system scale, and the soon to come "Realistic" scale being done in a mod by NathanKell.

So almost everything is bound to change rather radically sometime over the next year. For the time being, I get the feeling that with all the other options available, the DT Vista is a bit shelved for the time being as he works on things with higher priorities. I could be wrong.

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