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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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So I did some pad testing. Granted this is in sandbox mode so all upgraded tech but still...

With only about 61% utilization on the fusion reactor I show 62.1kn of thrust from the thermal turbojet in atmospheric mode. In liquid fuel mode I get 8kn of thrust.

62kn of thrust is more than enough to get a jet off the ground. I'm now working out a flyable design.

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I used one of the spaceplane designs that came with the lazor mod and just swapped in a generator, fusion reactor and the turbojet. I then attached a small nuke+generator on a decoupler to get it started and this thing is going at 600m/s at an altitude of 20km right now!



Edited by forsaken1111
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I'm trying to make a microwave relay in space, but every time I switch to another rocket or got to the space center, the relay goes to transmit mode instead of relay mode. Not sure if this is a bug, or maybe I'm doing something wrong or what.

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Installed it some time ago but didn't get to really use any of the new stuff as I started new campaign.

But looks really great and gets upgraded quite often.

Keep up the good work.

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  Gnarly said:
I'm trying to make a microwave relay in space, but every time I switch to another rocket or got to the space center, the relay goes to transmit mode instead of relay mode. Not sure if this is a bug, or maybe I'm doing something wrong or what.

Have you updated to 0.8.2? This was a bug with 0.8/0.8.1, it should be fixed in the current version.

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  Fractal_UK said:
Have you updated to 0.8.2? This was a bug with 0.8/0.8.1, it should be fixed in the current version.

Well, I was an update behind, and relay mode stays on now, but it appears that the relay still isn't working. I have a generator beaming 300MW with line of sight to the relay, which has line of sight of the receiver, but the receiver isn't receiving power.

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  pantheis said:
I tried to build a fission powered airplane using the thermal turbojet and could never get it producing enough thrust to get enough speed on the runway to take off. I tried all three sizes of nuclear reactors, multiple reactors with multiple turbojets, large and small wing sizes, etc. I got this idea after seeing Scott Manley do it in his KSPI youtube series, but wasn't able to come even close to duplicating the plane with science.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it because he was using FAR and I'm not?

Strange, they fly quite well.

I just bult "5-minute test craft" and it got to 90km orbit easily and with ~50% fuel left. The ascend was so easy that i think bigger fuel tank and science instruments can be added if needed.

And i dont use FAR.



Edited by Lightwarrior
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  IrishBandit said:
I'm not getting any EVA actions concerning the UF6 tanks and the reactors, is there a new way to refuel reactors?

Check the decay heating, you can't do anything with it when it has just been turned off. Or try, standing closer.

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BTW may be we can have smaller UF4/ThF4 tanks? May be 1/4 or even 1/10 of current size. For now its easier to replace reactor (or carry 2 of them instead of 1 reactor + fuel tank) then to refuel it if you use 0.625 or 1.25 reactor...

Edited by Lightwarrior
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I took a look at distance penalty calculation code for Microwave transmission and made some interesting observations:

  • Depending on receiver's collector area for each receiver there is a distance up to which there is no distance penalty to efficiency at all.
    If I'm correct these distances are from largest antenna to smallest:
    27,16 million KM
    6.06 million KM
    2.37 million KM
  • If we put multiple large receivers on single vessel we can eliminate distance penalty at all so transmission from Jool to Kerbin's orbit would be as efficient as transmissions withing Kerbin's sphere of influence.

Judging by what's happening in my game this looks correct.

Edited by Myrten
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  Lightwarrior said:
BTW may be we can have smaller UF4/ThF4 tanks? May be 1/4 or even 1/10 of current size. For now its easier to replace reactor (or carry 2 of them instead of 1 reactor + fuel tank) then to refuel it if you use 0.625 or 1.25 reactor...

Yes, there's probably a need for some different sizes.

  Myrten said:
I took a look at distance penalty calculation code for Microwave transmission and made some interesting observations:

  • Depending on receiver's collector area for each receiver there is a distance up to which there is no distance penalty to efficiency at all.
    If I'm correct these distances are from largest antenna to smallest:
    27,16 million KM
    6.06 million KM
    2.37 million KM
  • If we put multiple large receivers on single vessel we can eliminate distance penalty at all so transmission from Jool to Kerbin's orbit would be as efficient as transmissions withing Kerbin's sphere of influence.

Judging by what's happening in my game this looks correct.

I haven't checked those figures but I certainly expect it to be along those lines. This is one area where I very much threw out reasonable transmission losses for the sake of trying to make the large amounts of power available near the sun accessible to vessels in the rest of the Kerbin if you put the infrastructure in place, without making it overpowering.

Some other type of power transmission is probably more reasonable over extremely long distances, you could imagine having a direct transmission range cap and then needing relays with a different type of power (maybe some kind of laser) for long range transmission but I don't really want to overcomplicate it.

If people really like that idea though, I'd obviously look at it in more detail.

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I just installed this and the WarpPlugin is causing my rockets to experience 400+m/s wind while sitting on the launchpad. I have FAR, Real Solar System, and Realism Overhaul installed, if that makes a difference. (The problem goes away if I remove the WarpPlugin folder from GameData/).

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  jrandom said:
I just installed this and the WarpPlugin is causing my rockets to experience 400+m/s wind while sitting on the launchpad. I have FAR, Real Solar System, and Realism Overhaul installed, if that makes a difference. (The problem goes away if I remove the WarpPlugin folder from GameData/).

Can you provide more details? Particularly screenshots and KSP.log files are most useful.

I have a testing install with FAR, RSS and MFS and that works fine.

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  Fractal_UK said:
Can you provide more details? Particularly screenshots and KSP.log files are most useful.

I have a testing install with FAR, RSS and MFS and that works fine.

Log File

Here's the screenshot. Haven't launched; this is how it appears on the pad:


Does make for an interesting massive hurricane simulator, though. :)

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  Fractal_UK said:

I haven't checked those figures but I certainly expect it to be along those lines. This is one area where I very much threw out reasonable transmission losses for the sake of trying to make the large amounts of power available near the sun accessible to vessels in the rest of the Kerbin if you put the infrastructure in place, without making it overpowering.

Some other type of power transmission is probably more reasonable over extremely long distances, you could imagine having a direct transmission range cap and then needing relays with a different type of power (maybe some kind of laser) for long range transmission but I don't really want to overcomplicate it.

If people really like that idea though, I'd obviously look at it in more detail.

Yes, that could be a nice feature when coupled with ability to re-transmit this energy at shorter distances so not every vessel would have to carry long-range transmitter. Currently thermal receiver + generator can act a bit in this fashion but this can lead to infinite energy :D

On the other hand if distance doesn't really matter that much now and angle is way more important I guess I'll have to rewrite that multi-relay algorithm once again and this time use combined angle and distance penalty to determine optimal route lol but since it won't affect complexity (It's basicly capped at O(Nr * (Nr + Nt) + Nt)) I think it's a good idea

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  jrandom said:
Log File

Here's the screenshot. Haven't launched; this is how it appears on the pad:

Does make for an interesting massive hurricane simulator, though. :)

Your problem appears to be occurring when the B9 intakes load - the same B9 intakes that I use on almost all my ships. A modification is made to all the air intakes in the game to permit them to make them produce IntakeAtm in addition to IntakeAir, after that you're getting a whole load of NullReferenceExceptions. I fly those same intakes constantly with no problems.

There are a lot of errors in your log file though in other places, particularly all this stuff, so I think Interstellar is highlighting a problem for you, not actually making one.

[ERR 20:24:07.705] Cannot load Module FARControlSys because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module
[WRN 20:24:07.706] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.707] Part B9.Cockpit.S3 cannot load module #17. It only has 17 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.707] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.715] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.715] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.723] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body.Fuel cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.724] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.730] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.731] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.745] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body.Tail.2 cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.746] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.749] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.750] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.753] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.754] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.757] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.758] PartModule is null.
[ERR 20:24:07.774] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module
[WRN 20:24:07.775] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.775] Part B9.Aero.Intake.RBM cannot load module #3. It only has 3 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.776] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.821] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #6. It only has 6 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.822] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.822] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #7. It only has 6 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.823] PartModule is null.
[ERR 20:24:07.839] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module
[WRN 20:24:07.840] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.841] Part B9.Aero.Intake.RBM cannot load module #3. It only has 3 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.841] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.886] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #6. It only has 6 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.886] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.887] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #7. It only has 6 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.887] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.908] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.908] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.909] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.910] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.930] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.931] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.931] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.932] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.944] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1A cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.945] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.945] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1A cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.946] PartModule is null.
[ERR 20:24:07.961] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module
[WRN 20:24:07.962] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.962] Part B9.Aero.Intake.DSI cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.963] PartModule is null.
[ERR 20:24:07.979] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module
[WRN 20:24:07.980] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:24:07.980] Part B9.Aero.Intake.DSI cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined
[WRN 20:24:07.981] PartModule is null.

If you're using a saved ship that was designed with an old version of one of your mods (B9 looks particularly likely), I'd recommend rebuilding it - it could be a problem with the ship you have saved.

You'll note that the B9 intakes are some of the parts that can't be loaded but Interstellar has tried to load modules on to them - that's why it's breaking.

Edit: It could be a leftover craft somewhere around KSC too, the same B9 intakes being loaded onto a different vessel in the sequence with no issue.

Edited by Fractal_UK
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Hrm. I'm not using any intakes on the... OH WAIT! I have a spaceplane still out on the runway that uses those intakes. I recently installed the Taviaro's Pizza and Aerospace mod. Might that be causing the issue? I know it messes with the intakes and engine values.

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  forsaken1111 said:
So I did some pad testing. Granted this is in sandbox mode so all upgraded tech but still...

With only about 61% utilization on the fusion reactor I show 62.1kn of thrust from the thermal turbojet in atmospheric mode. In liquid fuel mode I get 8kn of thrust.

62kn of thrust is more than enough to get a jet off the ground. I'm now working out a flyable design.

I don't have fusion reactors yet, just fission, and with a plane consisting of the smallest single person cockpit, a 1.5m inline radiator, a 1.5m fission reactor, a thermal turbojet, stock delta wings with stock control surfaces added, three landing gear (two back, one forward), two radially mounted stock air intakes and one center rear tail fin, I get 12kn of thrust and barely can get above 60m/s, it just barely flies, barely.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

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It may have been discussed before, but... well, four hundred pages on this forum.

There is a problem: nuclear reactor+electric generator work as they should, providing an abundance of energy, but sometimes if you leave the craft and then come back to it electric generato won't work, leaving spacecraft with no electricity. Leaving to Spac Center and going back won't fix this.

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  pantheis said:
I don't have fusion reactors yet, just fission, and with a plane consisting of the smallest single person cockpit, a 1.5m inline radiator, a 1.5m fission reactor, a thermal turbojet, stock delta wings with stock control surfaces added, three landing gear (two back, one forward), two radially mounted stock air intakes and one center rear tail fin, I get 12kn of thrust and barely can get above 60m/s, it just barely flies, barely.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

Add a couple (or even four) more intakes, fission reactors are very very greedy when it comes to air and can be limited even at very low altitude, especially when stationary or moving very slowly. Once you get them moving, they will cope better.

  AtilaElari said:
It may have been discussed before, but... well, four hundred pages on this forum.

There is a problem: nuclear reactor+electric generator work as they should, providing an abundance of energy, but sometimes if you leave the craft and then come back to it electric generato won't work, leaving spacecraft with no electricity. Leaving to Spac Center and going back won't fix this.

Do you have the latest version? I fixed, as far as I was aware, the only two ways this could happen in the 0.8.2 update.

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  pantheis said:
I don't have fusion reactors yet, just fission, and with a plane consisting of the smallest single person cockpit, a 1.5m inline radiator, a 1.5m fission reactor, a thermal turbojet, stock delta wings with stock control surfaces added, three landing gear (two back, one forward), two radially mounted stock air intakes and one center rear tail fin, I get 12kn of thrust and barely can get above 60m/s, it just barely flies, barely.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

Wait, unupgraded fission reactor? Have you tried to swap fuel to ThF4?

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