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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Navigating with a solar sail in planetary orbit is really hard! Fractal_UK, would you consider adding markers to the navball for the sun direction and thrust vector? That wouldn't make it easy, but it would help.

My next attempt will be to boost out of orbit on a chemical rocket, and use the sail in solar orbit instead. The sun angle will change much less quickly there.

Oh, and you might want to check the aerodynamics of the sail when deployed. FAR says it's using a 35m^2 reference area, but the sail had a tenth the drag of the IR telescope I had mounted ahead of it.

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Is there anything better in the world that coming back from a month break from KSP and finding a new version of Interstellar to play with? A new version in which we can smash ships into the ground FOR SCIENCE.

Oh and by the way... these reactors are becoming a complicated mess of reactor/generator/radiator sizes and fuels. I LOVE IT

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Hi NeoAcario,

does minmus water mining is already available on 10.3? I don't see a reference to it at the release notes

Fractal announced it when he posted the update. I'm getting about 1/2 mT/h per refinery on the ice lakes. I really like my chosen location tho. It's equatorial, on an ice lake, enough ppm of UF4 to keep my reactors full... it's all golden.



I really like what Fractal is doing with resources. I hope he keeps it up. Kethane always felt like cheating with the 1 resource for everything. This system is both more realistic and more challenging. More please, Fractal!

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I really like what Fractal is doing with resources. I hope he keeps it up. Kethane always felt like cheating with the 1 resource for everything. This system is both more realistic and more challenging. More please, Fractal!

Simultaneously... my optimization crazed brain is being driven mad trying to find the best combination of resources/fuels for various scenarios. This is going to occupy me for quite some time.... If I didn't actually work at a rocket company I would be tempted to call in sick while I mess with this.

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Simultaneously... my optimization crazed brain is being driven mad trying to find the best combination of resources/fuels for various scenarios. This is going to occupy me for quite some time.... If I didn't actually work at a rocket company I would be tempted to call in sick while I mess with this.

You're not the one driving all over the Mun Polar Crater trying to find 60 ppm of UF4. the 33.5ppm I found just isn't going to cut it. If I can find that 60.. maybe even 50 will work... I can set up another self sufficient do it all base on the Mun to go with my Minmus base. Give me two refueling stations, 60 GW of power trasmitted.. etc. They only need to be refueled with Ammonia once a year.



Someone help me scan the Mun Polar Crater? I need 50-60ppm UF4 !!!


FYI... the NE corner has the highest concentrations that I've seen so far.

Edited by NeoAcario
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Starting to really reconsider my choice of Dusty Plasma reactors in my Fuel/Power base on Minmus. I originally planned this because of how much less UF4 they use, and I would want Ammonia on hand for making Hydrazine (monoprop). The problem is that it seems my math was off and they use quite a bit more Ammonia than I thought. Looks like 1 tank of ammonia will only run a 3.75m dusty plasma reactor at 100% for around 150 days... unless I'm mistaken?

What are you all planning for a fuel/power base.. if anything?



They also came with the added bonus of only needing enough radiators to stay below 95% heat... since efficiency doesn't matter for direct conversion gens. One other drawback is that they produce 1/20th the tritium as a standard 3.75 fission reactor.

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There is one problem because i did not use them. When Uranium Nitride storage is full production still consume UF4/Amminia but obviously produce no Uranium Nitride.

This, along with Actinides reprocession not working off-focus make self-sufficient power stations almost impossible, sadly.

Also tritium=>He-3 decay not working off-focus make it almost impossible to produce He-3 without just warping few years with some vessel with lots of tritium stored.

I hope some day this problems will be solved...

Edited by Lightwarrior
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Hey guys,

searched the wiki and thread for this, but after 10 pages nothing came up...

Having some problems with setting up a 3.75 upgraded Fusion reactor transmitter. The reactor has a lower priority than the transmitter, so it constantly displays the "recude power requirements" message. The fusion reactor therefor shuts down in random intervalls when he decided that he doesn't have enough power at that moment. Using enough batteries I'm mostly able to restart it manually, but it's still annoying. Sometimes it even takes a few tries. After some days, the reactor simply refuses to restart, even though enough charge/fuel/heat dissipation etc is available.

Am I doing it wrong?

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The new accelerometer isn't working on both Eve and Gilly for me. I've done the experiment on Eeloo, Moho, Duna, Ike, Mun and Minmus thus far, but for the two mentioned earlier it just doesn't work no matter how much stuff I throw at the surface. Anyone else have any issues with those planets in particular?

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The new accelerometer isn't working on both Eve and Gilly for me. I've done the experiment on Eeloo, Moho, Duna, Ike, Mun and Minmus thus far, but for the two mentioned earlier it just doesn't work no matter how much stuff I throw at the surface. Anyone else have any issues with those planets in particular?

Can you post a KSP.log file please? I added some debug information in there for the impactors which should be able to tell me why it isn't working.

searched the wiki and thread for this, but after 10 pages nothing came up...

Having some problems with setting up a 3.75 upgraded Fusion reactor transmitter. The reactor has a lower priority than the transmitter, so it constantly displays the "recude power requirements" message. The fusion reactor therefor shuts down in random intervalls when he decided that he doesn't have enough power at that moment. Using enough batteries I'm mostly able to restart it manually, but it's still annoying. Sometimes it even takes a few tries. After some days, the reactor simply refuses to restart, even though enough charge/fuel/heat dissipation etc is available.

Am I doing it wrong?

No, you're not doing anything wrong, there is a bug with the enumeration of power from Direct Conversion generators, which is causing this problem. I have fixed it but the fix isn't released yet. Until it is, you should be able to build a working microwave transmitter with fusion power by switching the generators over to the KTEC thermoelectric in the VAB.

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You're not the one driving all over the Mun Polar Crater trying to find 60 ppm of UF4. the 33.5ppm I found just isn't going to cut it. If I can find that 60.. maybe even 50 will work... I can set up another self sufficient do it all base on the Mun to go with my Minmus base. Give me two refueling stations, 60 GW of power trasmitted.. etc. They only need to be refueled with Ammonia once a year.



Someone help me scan the Mun Polar Crater? I need 50-60ppm UF4 !!!


FYI... the NE corner has the highest concentrations that I've seen so far.

I found a sweet spot on Minmus :)


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There is one problem because i did not use them. When Uranium Nitride storage is full production still consume UF4/Amminia but obviously produce no Uranium Nitride.

This, along with Actinides reprocession not working off-focus make self-sufficient power stations almost impossible, sadly.

Also tritium=>He-3 decay not working off-focus make it almost impossible to produce He-3 without just warping few years with some vessel with lots of tritium stored.

I hope some day this problems will be solved...

See, those are all minor issues in my eyes that will eventually be fixed. Also, the Dusty Plasma Fission reactors produce no Actinides... straight to depleted fuels. They also use 1/3-1/4 the amount of UF4 as standard fission reactors. This is part of why I chose to use them. I could not find a flat location with both plenty of water and plenty of UF4.

If yearly trips to refill Ammonia are all it takes... I guess that's the best I can do. I was just wonder if someone found a better way for an all-in-one base.



Fractal... how about Tritium -> HE3 Decay off focus? Huh huh?

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For those of you looking for good spots on the Mun, with both Water and Uranium, I suggest looking beyond the large polar crater. You may find other, smaller, craters around the poles to be more promising. Remember you can scan for the Uranium from orbit.

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Yes, minor probably, and i am sure they will be fixed. It is just frustrating a bit when such issues make otherwise good design totally unusable. Also there is another issue that reactors will only shut down because they ran out of fuel when you switch to this vessel... it is partally compensating reprocession problem, but it just feels wrong to abuse this...

BTW probably Laythe is a good location to place dusty plasma reactors because you can get Ammonia there. You will probably still have to transfer it manually, but it is better than delivering it from kerbin. The only drawback is that you will need more relays and big receivers.

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I think this what Boamere was asking for. I second this wholeheartedly, the only way to do this now is to deliberately off-angle the thing with Infernal Robotics or something.

That's exactly what I was asking for XD

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For those of you looking for good spots on the Mun, with both Water and Uranium, I suggest looking beyond the large polar crater. You may find other, smaller, craters around the poles to be more promising. Remember you can scan for the Uranium from orbit.

My mistake... I thought you meant only the actual Biome of Mun Polar Crater had water.



Scratch that...think I found the perfect spot.

61.51.25 N

179.34.24 E

~1mT/h water and about ~350pmm UF4

Edited by NeoAcario
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Fractal I know this has been asked countless times, but will there be a "limiter" on the amount of power we can receive with our transceivers, I'm trying to use a microwave powered jet and when i switch to liquid fuel it kinda burns all the fuel in one go and goes interstellar :P

On second thoughts and after further experience, now that I have several reactors on my microwave network (~40 GW available) , I support this request. Although I can limit insane accelerations through MechJeb I am having trouble with extremely high rates of overheating during high warp (even with one Huge Radiator for each small size Microwave Beamed Power Receiver) which cause my receivers to shut-down and then all my batteries go flat. With RemoteTech2, this is a real problem.

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Hi Fractal,

would you like to change you "LqdWater"-resource to "WasteWater" and? If you do so, you plugin can interact directly with the TAC-Life-support plugin, and we have a little more uniform resource-namespace that others can use also.

The same goes for "Carbon Dioxide" (your term) or "CarbonDioxide" (TAC term), but i don't know if there can some mess with the whitespace in the namestring.

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Hi Fractal,

would you like to change you "LqdWater"-resource to "WasteWater" and? If you do so, you plugin can interact directly with the TAC-Life-support plugin, and we have a little more uniform resource-namespace that others can use also.

The same goes for "Carbon Dioxide" (your term) or "CarbonDioxide" (TAC term), but i don't know if there can some mess with the whitespace in the namestring.

No, if I did this by default I'd have to provide a WasteWater resource definition, which is fine for anyone without TAC but those with it would have two definitions of the same resource and that is not safe.

Most of the resources in Interstellar that can overlap with other mods are defined in the WarpPluginSettings.cfg file, if you edit the name in there along with the all the RESOURCE{} nodes but not the RESOURCE_DEFINITION{} node, you can make any of the resources compatible with other mods.

If you want integration with TAC, look up KESA resource integration on the forum, it has all the module manager definitions to integrate Interstellar and TAC.

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Hi Fractal,

would you like to change you "LqdWater"-resource to "WasteWater" and? If you do so, you plugin can interact directly with the TAC-Life-support plugin, and we have a little more uniform resource-namespace that others can use also.

The same goes for "Carbon Dioxide" (your term) or "CarbonDioxide" (TAC term), but i don't know if there can some mess with the whitespace in the namestring.

PLEASE NOT. Oh my. LqdWater = water. Let's say "relatively pure". WasteWater = unpure water. Your ****, plus possibly more.

Coordinating with TAC - great. Please. Carbon Dioxide for example. THere is IIRC a catalog of common definitions some people work with. But LqdWater is not WasteWater. Not before some recycler works on it ;)

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