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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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That's officially amazing.

Well, I spent a couple hours maxing out the new tech tree. Nostalgic. It was like reliving the development of KSP since 0.7.

Now that I'm back in my sandbox game... I have yet to see anything broken with 0.22 and KSP Interstellar 6.2. Anyone find any problems?



Anyone else having trouble with the large lander legs (they actually made them weaker than standard legs), I highly recommend changing the spring and damper values to 10+ (mine are at 15)... or am I the only one that had a severe problem with this?

Edited by NeoAcario
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...I really REALLLLYYYY don't want to go through 200 pages of forum just to find out how to install this mod correctly. It looks awesome, but I don't think I installed it correctly. ive tried everything to figure out where install notes might be online, but google suddenly sucks (got like, 3 results for "how to install interstellar mod on ksp" and various derivations of that, only related result was a random page on this thread that didn't actually have anything about installation on it), youtube didn't find anything, and the only place I can think to find install notes is here, amongst these 200 pages. although you guys did well on this mod, its not on ksp spaceport (many modders don't bother uploading or updating their mods to spaceport, which is really annoying, cause then they're harder to find or out of date on spaceport), and there is no readme document in the folder like in most mods. I think at the very least, that should be added.

anyway, my main problem is this: I dumped the entire gamedata folder from the mod into my gamedata folder for the game. that's usually all it takes to get mods to work for me. but in this case, it doesn't. none of the hexcans show up in vehicle assembly. and while all or most of the interstellar parts are there, when I try to launch a ship using engines from it, weird stuff happens. firstly, it launches with engines already running, secondly, exhaust doesn't just point downwards, for some reason, all the engines have a second exhaust texture thing coming out the side of the engine at 90 degrees from down. ?????????? also, when I compare exhaust to pictures I find online, the texture of the exhaust looks wrong. they also spark constantly like all the engines are continuously flaming out. stuff seems to be missing from the options when I click on them. finally, the engines in general seem to be super inefficient, despite what my VAB says.

how do I install this mod? do I have to do something specific to the hexcans and the plugin .dll's?

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This is how the tech tree stands in my development build at present.

Things in brackets are technologies that will upgrade for free in the VAB once you reach that tech. Old models that you already have out in space will carry on as they were before until you upgrade them, just like you did in the old days of 0.21.

All the other technologies, until I can figure out how to add new nodes will never upgrade automatically and you will have to pay to upgrade each component as you did before. This is unfortunate but the tech tree is just not really long enough for this mod.

Note that some of this may change before release.

Advanced Electrics

Inline Radiators

Advanced Science Tech

Science Lab


Computer Core


Dual Technique Magnetometer

Experimental Electronics

Phased Array Microwave Receiver

(Electrical Generator Upgrade)

(Radiator Upgrade)

Experimental Rocketry

Antimatter Reactors

DT Vista Inertial Fusion Engine

(Nuclear Reactor Upgrade)

Experimental Science

Antimatter Collector

Antimatter Tanks

Warp Drives

Heavier Rocketry

2.5m Liquid Fuel Tank

High Altitude Flight

Atmospheric Intakes

Thermal Turbojet

Hypersonic Flight

Atmospheric Scoop

Ion Propulsion

Plasma Thruster

Argon Tank

Large Electrics

Electrical Generators

Deployable Radiators

Nuclear Propulsion

Nuclear Reactors

Thermal Rocket

Deuterium/Tritium Tank

Specialised Electronics

Microwave Beamed Power Receiver

Phased Array Microwave Transmitter


Lithium Tank

Very Heavy Rocketry

Aluminium Hybrid Rocket

3.75m Liquid Fuel Tank

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All the other technologies, until I can figure out how to add new nodes will never upgrade automatically and you will have to pay to upgrade each component as you did before. This is unfortunate but the tech tree is just not really long enough for this mod.

Did you not look at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-22-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-0

Does it let you make new nodes or just change them around? I don't even know...

Also... damn. Can't decide if I should keep a game goin or not... so much fun stuff coming down the pipes from all my favorite modders!


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Cheers. Eeloo is a great destination for developing science infrastructure, good luck with the mission!

Oh and by the way, just wanted to share a cool little imagine I produced during development. When I was saying to be careful of antimatter explosions, well, I meant it :)

Goodbye Kerbal Space Centre and thanks for all the rockets!


Nice! Now what you need to add now is to make that same explosion happen when the antimatter tank hits something, and suddenly the prospect of putting the antimatter reactor with the storages outside the ship with sepratons is really good

And it makes a really nice missile btw...

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At this stage it's just reorganisation of the existing tree, not entirely new nodes.


Not entirely true.

Granted, it did require editing the file stated in the picture.

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What isn't the purpose, to be simple? I didn't say the game was suppose to be simple, I just see no reason to further complicate the game with 'yet another resource' that does pretty much the same thing as something we already have, and no need to get rude.

Not really getting rude yet. In any case, no, the game isn't supposed to be "simple". And it is true that you didn't say it should be. But you are suggesting simplifying a mod intended to make the game significantly more complex. That's a major point of this mod...the perspective that the game is not complex enough, and has to be mucked around with to make it more so.

Yes, the game is suppose to be challenging, and it is. What it isn't suppose to be is a boring grind. So it's just a fact you'll have to accept. (This phrase is rather hostile for me, but I hope you realize it yourself and decide to say things in a nicer way from now on.)

Most of us who enjoy this mod as it is, don't find it a boring grind. It's unfortunate that you seem to, but to each their own, so they say. It's not the obligation of modders, though. to tailor their work to suit any of us, or you. That's only the purview of those doing it for money. Modders make what they personally like, and make it available to others who might also enjoy it. For anyone who doesn't, too bad, but it's not for them.

Not being hostile, just honest. But, I'll be more mindful because of forum rules.

Of course it would be a large array, that is, if you want to get anywhere in any useful period of time. But there is no reason you can't just charge it up for a year before use and then fire away.

Correct. Though my point is that using solar power to charge a warp drive should require a special new tech and module, something also near the end of the tree, near warp drive itself, perhaps just before antimatter. Though in that case, it shouldn't take any longer than an upgraded nuke in charge time...whatever that would end up being. And such a special collector will probably still produce something other than electric charge, so that it continues to prevent "hogging" and promote design diversity.

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What isn't the purpose, to be simple? I didn't say the game was suppose to be simple, I just see no reason to further complicate the game with 'yet another resource' that does pretty much the same thing as something we already have, and no need to get rude.

I told you one reason... Electric Charge is a stock resource and cannot be used with the mod's custom resource handler. The stock resource handler is a bit... quirky? Doesn't always work right, and doesn't work with what the mod's reactors do which is to modify their output based on overall energy draw.

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Most of us who enjoy this mod as it is, don't find it a boring grind. It's unfortunate that you seem to, but to each their own, so they say. It's not the obligation of modders, though. to tailor their work to suit any of us, or you. That's only the purview of those doing it for money. Modders make what they personally like, and make it available to others who might also enjoy it. For anyone who doesn't, too bad, but it's not for them.

Of course it's not the mod builders obligation to cather to everyone's desires. However, it's perfectly acceptable to share your opinions in a thread designed for exactly that purpose as chase has done.

There's often a fan boy mentality where the slightest perceived insult to a favorite mod is taken as a cue to climb the barricades. I'm not speaking about you of course Tharios, it's just a general observation, totally irrelevant to the current discussion, no idea why I mentioned it...

And considering the free sharing of opinions so that our mutual interplay of ideas could benefit the mod that all of us here are using to great pleasure and content. I'm with Chase on the subject of the grindyness, i posted my observations a few pages ago but was ignored...

Both science systems both of .22 and of KSP interstellar have good and bad sides.

.22 really ties effort to results. So if you put in effort you get results where KSP interstellar ties timewarp to results. Basically your willingness to timewarp determines your results. That's not a challenge and it isn't fun either. If you put one science lab on the launchpad and let it research and timewarp a few years hey presto you have science. So .22 is superior in that account.. Timewarping for success is lame.

.22 doesn't motivate you to build outposts. An outpost doesn't give additional science benefits where ksp interstellar becomes pretty much pointless without semi permanent outposts. So KSP Interstellar is superior on that count!

.22 doesn't motivate you to re-use craft. In fact it motivates you to ditch and recover crafts (and the science bonus). Where in KSP interstellar it's a waste to ditch a craft once it's upgraded. And I really enjoy the idea of re-using my spacecraft. Only using cheap ditch crafts for kerbal ascent and landing and keeping most of my fleet in orbit and in constant use. KSP interstellar is superior there. The idea that you can incrementally improve performance of your vessels is simply awesome and the primary reason to use this mod as far as I am concerned.

So KSP Interstellar adds improvements to the original game as any mod worth it's salt should. But there are valid alternatives to using the timewarp button as an "I win" button. I already proposed a solution that makes science labs shutdown after a certain amount of science is researched forcing the player to keep sending out new science labs. In return the speed of research could be improved so it stops being such a grind, it's quite allright to need a science lab to be in orbit for a few days to weeks. A compromise could be that any mod upon it's initial activation produces a dose of science quickly and then does not shut down but slow down. Obeying the law of diminishing returns. And then perhaps goes back to quick speed once the lab is moved into a different biome or area of space. You know, something the user does. And I'm not suggesting this is the be all end all for science labs. But it's a starting point for constructive dialogue.

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Rather than making science labs 'shut down' after a certain amount of research, how about introducing a resupply and logistics support aspect? Science labs doing research require samples and data as well as supplies, perhaps?

So instead of landing on Duna and grabbing a surface sample then returning to Kerbin, you could land on Duna and get your sample then return the sample to the lab. The lab would then research the sample over time to get 100% of the science potential for that sample plus a bonus based on the stupidity of the kerbals doing the research.

Similarly, science labs could research stored data (reports, goo observations, etc). There could also be new experiments to do in the science lab.

Really I'd like to see the science lab be an additional 'home base' for returning science experiment data so that having an outpost IS useful. It offers an alternative to either transmitting your science and losing most of it or returning everything all the way to kerbin.

Also I'd like to point out that I believe you can re-use craft just fine in .22, just have the science components on docking births so you can undock them and dock new ones for new science experiments.

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anyway, my main problem is this: I dumped the entire gamedata folder from the mod into my gamedata folder for the game. that's usually all it takes to get mods to work for me. but in this case, it doesn't. none of the hexcans show up in vehicle assembly. and while all or most of the interstellar parts are there, when I try to launch a ship using engines from it, weird stuff happens. firstly, it launches with engines already running, secondly, exhaust doesn't just point downwards, for some reason, all the engines have a second exhaust texture thing coming out the side of the engine at 90 degrees from down. ?????????? also, when I compare exhaust to pictures I find online, the texture of the exhaust looks wrong. they also spark constantly like all the engines are continuously flaming out. stuff seems to be missing from the options when I click on them. finally, the engines in general seem to be super inefficient, despite what my VAB says.

how do I install this mod? do I have to do something specific to the hexcans and the plugin .dll's?

Sounds like you have a [KSP]\GameData\GameData\WarpPlugin set up, that is why you are having problems. All you need to do install the mod is unzip it into the base KSP directory, most mods are set up like that, that's why they have an included GameData folder. You should have two folders in GameData then: [KSP]\GameData\WarpPlugin and [KSP]\GameData\HexCans.

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I like those ideas forsaken. That way science really becomes a reason to build outposts.

It'd be nice if there was some kind of law of diminishing returns. Where 10 science labs on one site is less effective than 3 spread out across the kerbolsystem. Right now it's easy to put 4 science labs on the mun. Getting the same results from duna or one of Jools moons isn't worth the time if you're thinking efficiency. But it should be!

And of course you can re-use the craft in .22, my point was that you're encouraged not to do it. You can do difficult things to accomplish that your crafts stay in orbit while de-orbiting the science I prefer how KSP Interstellar handles that. :)

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Of course it's not the mod builders obligation to cather to everyone's desires. However, it's perfectly acceptable to share your opinions in a thread designed for exactly that purpose as chase has done.

There's often a fan boy mentality where the slightest perceived insult to a favorite mod is taken as a cue to climb the barricades. I'm not speaking about you of course Tharios, it's just a general observation, totally irrelevant to the current discussion, no idea why I mentioned it...

And considering the free sharing of opinions so that our mutual interplay of ideas could benefit the mod that all of us here are using to great pleasure and content. I'm with Chase on the subject of the grindyness, i posted my observations a few pages ago but was ignored...

It's perfectly acceptable to share valid opinions, which are supported by at least some degree of evidence. Anything else is just standing on a soapbox, which is neither productive, nor tolerable. The very concept of "grindyness" is teetering on the border, but I'll touch on that later. And there is often a barricade of fanboy-ism against potentially good ideas, though the only self-proclaimed "fanboys" of this mod haven't really gotten into this topic, so that's obviously not the case here, and I don't know why you mentioned it either.

Both science systems both of .22 and of KSP interstellar have good and bad sides.

.22 really ties effort to results. So if you put in effort you get results where KSP interstellar ties timewarp to results. Basically your willingness to timewarp determines your results. That's not a challenge and it isn't fun either. If you put one science lab on the launchpad and let it research and timewarp a few years hey presto you have science. So .22 is superior in that account.. Timewarping for success is lame.

I could partly agree with that sentiment. But then, KSP by default does exactly what you just said about time-warping for success. Everyone time-warps to reach the other planets. Pretty much everyone time-warps just to reach the Mun and Minmus. The game is too large in scope not to. KSP Interstellar doesn't necessarily reward people for time-warping, though it appears that way because, like any mechanic, it can be abused.

KSP:I instead lets you do more things while you're doing your normal time-warping anyway, which is neither abusive, nor "grindy" in anyway. .22 is somewhat superior in that regard, yes, but it won't be for long. Fractal has already begun work on integration (too early, if you ask me...play the game Fractal! Take a vacation! lol), and once finished, .22 will have no advantages in its favor in that regard.

In any case, "Timewarping for success is lame" is a bit of a red herring, since any mechanic in any game can always be abused, and everyone time-warps in KSP to get things done much faster than they should.

.22 doesn't motivate you to build outposts. An outpost doesn't give additional science benefits where ksp interstellar becomes pretty much pointless without semi permanent outposts. So KSP Interstellar is superior on that count!


.22 doesn't motivate you to re-use craft. In fact it motivates you to ditch and recover crafts (and the science bonus). Where in KSP interstellar it's a waste to ditch a craft once it's upgraded. And I really enjoy the idea of re-using my spacecraft. Only using cheap ditch crafts for kerbal ascent and landing and keeping most of my fleet in orbit and in constant use. KSP interstellar is superior there. The idea that you can incrementally improve performance of your vessels is simply awesome and the primary reason to use this mod as far as I am concerned.

Agreed, and hopefully that mostly stays true, though if everything auto-upgrades with each tech in the next version of the mod, that may not be so. It'll be alright either way in the grand scheme.

So KSP Interstellar adds improvements to the original game as any mod worth it's salt should. But there are valid alternatives to using the timewarp button as an "I win" button. I already proposed a solution that makes science labs shutdown after a certain amount of science is researched forcing the player to keep sending out new science labs. In return the speed of research could be improved so it stops being such a grind, it's quite allright to need a science lab to be in orbit for a few days to weeks. A compromise could be that any mod upon it's initial activation produces a dose of science quickly and then does not shut down but slow down. Obeying the law of diminishing returns. And then perhaps goes back to quick speed once the lab is moved into a different biome or area of space. You know, something the user does. And I'm not suggesting this is the be all end all for science labs. But it's a starting point for constructive dialogue.

See...and here's where I get the notion that improvement in gameplay isn't the real issue. If it were, that wouldn't have been suggested, because it doesn't accomplish the goal at all. There are two "easy" fixes to change the nature of science gathering in the mod.

First...take it out of the time-warp effect. It gains science at the same rate, or not at all, during time-warp. But retain the unfocused gains so that one doesn't have to babysit every lab individually just to get them to work.

Second...adjust the upgrade costs accordingly so that it takes roughly the same amount of overall play-time, including time spent sped up for travel purposes. No more supposed "I win" time-warp button. Everyone gets what they want that way...supposedly. We get to keep our complex resource infrastructure management, and others get to have the goodies without as much apparent repetition or "time-warp, I win".

Now we come to "grindyness". It does exist...it really does. Online gaming is utterly saturated with it. But here's what a grind really is...it's actively repeating the same task in an attempt to make progress. It's Sisyphus rolling his boulder up the hill. If people could time-warp through the half a million "Kill 10 rats" quests they have to do just to gain a level, that would kill the grind instantly, but it would also make the game pointless. A grind is not what happens when one simply has to take some extra time to get a wide variety of things done. Grind is not specifically time-sensitive, grind is about repetition.

The key here isn't to bypass the time it takes, it's to diversify the activities enough that it feels like actual progress, and not repetitive tedium. It should take years to cap one's level in an online game. But every single level of the journey should feel as exciting and unique as the endgame content. That's the problem. That's the grind. Obviously, different types of games express the grind in different ways.

KSP's sandbox didn't really have a grind because it wasn't really a game, it was a toy. Now with the first chunk of its career mode, it's become something of a game, and it still doesn't grind because there are different things to do. But, it's cutting it close. Unfortunately, the trade-off of this has been that most players have already reacquired all of the tech in that mode, and so it's just a sandbox again. And the update has only been out for less than a day. That's...pathetic.

To want the progress of a game to take less time, rather than more, is just childish "gimmie-gimmie" thinking. It's a sense of entitlement to instant gratification that borders on the obscene. But not everyone's that way, and there's a simple test.

If one would prefer a game that offers all of its benefits in large chunks of achievement, versus one or two bits at a time...then they just want to be handed victory on a silver platter, rather than actually investing skill and effort. And that's how the grind is born. People want the gigantic gains, but since the industry MUST make money off of it, they have to get people to keep playing. So they spread out the chunks. Spread it too far, and people complain about grind because there's not enough to fill the space between. Don't spread it far enough, and people complain that they got to the endgame content in a week, demanding more new content.

So...do you want it in little bits, frequently over a long time...or all in big chunks, forcing the curve to steepen and create huge dead spots of nothing to do?

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I like those ideas forsaken. That way science really becomes a reason to build outposts.

It'd be nice if there was some kind of law of diminishing returns. Where 10 science labs on one site is less effective than 3 spread out across the kerbolsystem. Right now it's easy to put 4 science labs on the mun. Getting the same results from duna or one of Jools moons isn't worth the time if you're thinking efficiency. But it should be!

And of course you can re-use the craft in .22, my point was that you're encouraged not to do it. You can do difficult things to accomplish that your crafts stay in orbit while de-orbiting the science I prefer how KSP Interstellar handles that. :)


With my idea, you would infact get diminishing returns from labs if you keep researching the same samples. The labs would simply give you the full value of the sample, whatever that is. If its the 10th sample from the same area that 100% may be 0.1 science because the science system itself offers diminshing returns for repeated experiments.

This could be tied into the ISRU system as well, so you can perform experiments to determine what resources can be collected or refined from the current environment and it could even be broken down by biome now that biomes are in!

Just a suggestion, but when you update this for .22, have the upgrading of the parts require a Kerbal EVAing to do it. :)

So you can never ever upgrade parts on an unmanned ship without getting someone there? I'm not sure if I like that or not since I tend to use unmanned probes for distant missions and often like to reuse them later on. With your suggestion I would have to bring them back to kerbin or get a person out there, which renders the point of unmanned probes kind of useless.

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With my idea, you would infact get diminishing returns from labs if you keep researching the same samples. The labs would simply give you the full value of the sample, whatever that is. If its the 10th sample from the same area that 100% may be 0.1 science because the science system itself offers diminshing returns for repeated experiments.

This could be tied into the ISRU system as well, so you can perform experiments to determine what resources can be collected or refined from the current environment and it could even be broken down by biome now that biomes are in!

That works.

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It's perfectly acceptable to share valid opinions, which are supported by at least some degree of evidence. Anything else is just standing on a soapbox, which is neither productive, nor tolerable.

You're begging the question. Your presumption is that obviously evidence is needed for opinions. It's not, evidence is needed for science, we're not being scientific here. We're talking about a game. Even touchie feelie opinions would count.

To want the progress of a game to take less time, rather than more, is just childish "gimmie-gimmie" thinking. It's a sense of entitlement to instant gratification that borders on the obscene. But not everyone's that way, and there's a simple test.

If one would prefer a game that offers all of its benefits in large chunks of achievement, versus one or two bits at a time...then they just want to be handed victory on a silver platter, rather than actually investing skill and effort. And that's how the grind is born. People want the gigantic gains, but since the industry MUST make money off of it, they have to get people to keep playing. So they spread out the chunks. Spread it too far, and people complain about grind because there's not enough to fill the space between. Don't spread it far enough, and people complain that they got to the endgame content in a week, demanding more new content.

I'm sorry I find your style of communication rather tasteless. You're just poisoning the well here. Our opinion doesn't count because we're gimmiegimmie instant gratification types. Which isn't just poisoning the well, you're also completely strawpuppeting or misrepresenting my point of view because we want to do stuff other than hit the fast forward button to get our gratification.

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First...take it out of the time-warp effect. It gains science at the same rate, or not at all, during time-warp. But retain the unfocused gains so that one doesn't have to babysit every lab individually just to get them to work.

Second...adjust the upgrade costs accordingly so that it takes roughly the same amount of overall play-time, including time spent sped up for travel purposes. No more supposed "I win" time-warp button.

Then you just have people leaving the game open overnight, which is a boring way to play the game. I think what we need is to give time a value so that people don't waste decades just timewarping, this could be done by giving the kerbals salaries, or something similar. That way people would be encouraged to actually play the game (to pay for the kerbals or w/e) during the in-game time they would normally spend timewarping.

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I also have to point out that if you're just timewarping with a lab sitting on kerbin, you're doing something really really silly. Getting that lab to literally any other science location would be better.

You also have to consider that while you're timewarping for years, all of your other craft which run on nuclear reactors or antimatter are burning up resources. Its kind of a stupid thing to do tbh.

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You're begging the question. Your presumption is that obviously evidence is needed for opinions. It's not, evidence is needed for science, we're not being scientific here. We're talking about a game. Even touchie feelie opinions would count.

If opinions were always merely opinions, I would agree. But that hasn't been relevant from the start. It's an entirely different topic to be had, that few really have the stomach for, anyway. But it's my fault for dragging it out in the first place, in this case.

I'm sorry I find your style of communication rather tasteless. You're just poisoning the well here. Our opinion doesn't count because we're gimmiegimmie instant gratification types. Which isn't just poisoning the well, you're also completely strawpuppeting or misrepresenting my point of view because we want to do stuff other than hit the fast forward button to get our gratification.

Well, for one, don't say you're sorry unless you're actually apologizing for something. Secondly, it is tasteless, as intended. I don't do kid gloves or social niceties. I adhere just enough for the sake of the forum rules, and that's all. Excessive politeness is just mild dishonesty.

Actually, I didn't say your opinion doesn't count because you're, "gimmiegimmie instant gratification types." I didn't say at all that your opinion doesn't count. What I said was that not all opinions carry equal merit, because opinions without evidential (or even logical) support mean nothing. I also didn't call either of you, "gimmiegimmie instant gratification types." I said desiring faster gameplay for its own sake was an indicator of it, and I didn't assign the trait to either you or Chase.

If you want to do something other than hit fast-forward for your gratification...then go do it. Nothing in KSP:I ever obligated you to abuse the time-warp in the first place. It is not a prerequisite to spend extra play-time, time-warping to get research done. There are myriad other things to do in the meantime, and your resource build-up will go right along while you time-warp to other planets and whatnot just as you were going to in the first place. You're making a problem that doesn't exist. And that's what set me off in the first place.

I'm sure you'll come up with an awesome response, and that's all well and good. But for both our sakes, we'd best just drop it here, since there's no headway to be made if we continue, and a banhammer waiting for us both at the end if we do. And no, you're not "safe" in that regard. They don't discriminate. All participants are generally judged equally guilty. No "self-defense" clause, so-to-speak. I have a personal interest in not getting banned from one of the few forums I actually slightly like.

So...moving on then from the non-issue.

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If you want to do something other than hit fast-forward for your gratification...then go do it. Nothing in KSP:I ever obligated you to abuse the time-warp in the first place. It is not a prerequisite to spend extra play-time, time-warping to get research done. There are myriad other things to do in the meantime, and your resource build-up will go right along while you time-warp to other planets and whatnot just as you were going to in the first place.
I agree with this. The system in Interstellar was specifically made to work even while you are not focused on a vessel so that you can continue playing the game while things happen in the background. Go to duna, drive around, fly home. Maybe launch some other crafts. Check back on your lab and you have accumulated some science. Yay
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