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OMG, we're not worthy!


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This guy is a regular at the forums here too. But yeah it's the most inspirational mission I've seen yet. Music choice was awesome too. If you happen to be around Katate I'd be interested to know if you plan on expanding upon this mission one day or perhaps sending it to another planet? I need to download the craft and give it a shot myself sometime too since it would take me weeks to build anything like this.

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This is an amazing video, and mods make the video better, IMO. Whether or not it would have been more impressive is up in the air for me, and Frankenstein's stock rocket is not really my forte. Good job man!

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I think the use of mods is impressive because more parts means more complexity. Also realize that mods dont always play well together and I would have to believe he has his share of frustrating bugs.

And if the storyline itself wasnt enough, he finished it off with a crash reel at the end. Bravo!

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I liked all the contingencies that were prepared and the KAS stuff was impressive, most especially the cargo module unloading. Did he have any life support mod installed? I didn't see one.

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That doesn't mean it's not impressive. Granted, it would be more impressive if it was all stock, but it's still amazing.

It's elaborate and interesting, but not impressive to the point where everyone else is "not worthy", according to the thread title. If every KSP player was given the same set of mods, manipulating joints, attachment systems, custom fuel and engines, and MechJeb to fly it all, the OP's challenge to "top this" would have been beaten in the first 30 minutes by others. So to answer the thread's title is: No, you are worthy, you just lack the mods to accomplish this in the first place.

You can really only regard something as impressive when everyone is on an equal footing in terms of mods and starting equipment, and someone rises above that to make something nobody else could.

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NASA has mechjeb too

except nasa aren't playing a game

The video is all very impressive, but I couldn't help but think I was doing as much work getting it to Duna as he was. Asides from building the rockets and playing around on the surface, there wasn't any actual gameplay.

It was a demonstration of perseverance and magnitude of free time rather than skill. There is nothing from stopping other people doing this, so we are all worthy.

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What version was this performed with? Lot of mods I don't recognise

Here's the post on the Spacecraft exchange subforum from the maker:


You can download the craft, see an in debt explanation of how everything works and down the bottom you can see all the mods used. It was done in 0.20 but it is apparently 0.21 compatible by now.

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It's elaborate and interesting, but not impressive to the point where everyone else is "not worthy", according to the thread title. If every KSP player was given the same set of mods, manipulating joints, attachment systems, custom fuel and engines, and MechJeb to fly it all, the OP's challenge to "top this" would have been beaten in the first 30 minutes by others. So to answer the thread's title is: No, you are worthy, you just lack the mods to accomplish this in the first place.

You can really only regard something as impressive when everyone is on an equal footing in terms of mods and starting equipment, and someone rises above that to make something nobody else could.

One could also argue that the vision required to take multiple mods and combine them into something so clever actually increases the impressiveness of the achievement. And since we are all on equal footing, in that we all have equal access to these mods, I think that what you're pointing out makes it more impressive instead of less.

The only exception I take is the quantum struts he's using to maintain the integrity of his second vessel, since those are in no way grounded in reality and sort of cheapen the achievement of the spacecraft. I accept though that it was likely a neccesary evil in order to accomplish what he was aiming to accomplish. Also MechJeb is cheese for reasons that most people state. Yes NASA uses it, but thats because they don't want to waste America's tax dollars trying to cowboy up. Although its use doesn't take away from the technical impressiveness of the video, I would find it personally less fufilling to know that I used the AI to complete the majority of the most difficult tasks. (Although regardless of how it was done, that descent stage landing INTO the original landing vehicle is pretty damned impressive)

All in all though, this video has inspired me to grab KAS Kethane and DR for my own version of the game... It gives a mission like that a point.

Cheers, thanks for sharing.

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