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Do the scene load times keep you away from 0.21.1?


Are the scene loading times keeping you away from 0.21.1?  

  1. 1. Are the scene loading times keeping you away from 0.21.1?

    • Oh yes, definitely! I'm going to stay with 0.20 until they fix it!
    • Not really. I ignore them. I know SQUAD will fix it eventually. Just be patient.
    • I don't know what I feel. (discuss in thread)

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  legoheli said:
I have up to 60 second load times now, mods or no mods, where before I could take even 400 part ships from the VAB to launch in a couple of seconds. I'm not sure why it is, and I see no reason why my computer shouldn't be able to keep up.

I run a 3.1 GHz i5 dual core and 8 GB RAM, and my harddrive speed is fast enough to play Arma2 with no trouble whatsoever, which is highly unusual.

It's not directly keeping me from playing, but it does mean that R&D is bothersome and I often forget the game is running at all because I do something on the internet while the game loads and forget about it.

Same with me.

i7 4.2Ghz, 6gb ram gtx580. In .20 it took 5 maybe 6 seconds to go from VAB to Launchpad, Now in .21.1 takes 15 second and more. 100% stock

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  • 3 weeks later...

It takes noticeably longer for me to get to the scene now, and it bugs me, but not to the point that i would sacrifice all the newly-stock KSPX parts, and most importantly the new SAS, to avoid it. Im just glad to know its not just me :P. I thought KSP was getting too heavy for my system, which is weird. I might not have the best system, but its pretty nice i guess.

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What else is running in your b/g? I had this problem a month ago, saw a thread on the same thing before I had an acc here, but someone said they were getting loading times of 30 seoncds- a minute at times, Hamachi will slow you down, I had this problem.

If you're just complaining about the 2-3 second jitter sometimes, count to 3, spin around, go grab food, write a letter and complain or anything else, but by the time you're done it'll be loaded. My point is, if it takes less time than it'd take you to write up a complaint that "isn't" a complaint, that maybe it's not taking to long :P

Unless of course it's taking minutes, then I understand, you could log multiple turds during that time and that becomes wasted time. Just like the time you won't get back after reading this.

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  TwoHedWlf said:
How bad is your ADD that a 2-3 second pause once or twice a flight is intolerable?

If it were just that, it wouldn't be a problem - but, as you should know, these things vary depending on the specifications of the user's machine, the number of mods loaded, which scene(s) are being changed from/to...

For me, it's sometimes as much as twnty seconds and *then* I have to wait longer for the physics to be loaded. Despite not changing machines and having fewer mods loaded, scene changes are now between five and ten times longer than in .20 for me, and the increased length has been an issue for many ever since .21 came out.

It's not enough to make me stop playing, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying as heck.

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I occasionally have load times in excess of a minute or so. But that's entirely my fault. I fly things sometimes with a part count requiring a comma.

Patience is key. Find your zen, and keep it in a little cage. Feed it sunflower seeds from your pocket like a pet. Teach it to say bad words.

Then the loading screen is no burden.

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  Benie said:
It's hard to enjoy the new update when feeling it seems SQUAD isn't doing anything but sitting on their butts


Seriously? That's a load of entitled crap right there.

Anyway, the game loads as quickly as it ever has for me, and the additions load quickly enough too, maybe you have a lot of mods slowing things down for you, in which case that's your own fault.

And since you didn't leave an option for "I have no load time problems" or something similar, you've conveniently barred anyone who isn't having problems from voting.

Making the results a bit misleading.

Edited by _Aramchek_
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The loading between scenes hasn't affected me whatsoever, and I've found it to be faster than the loading between build and flight scenes prior to the change, but the initial load up of the game for me has become somewhat slower. To be fair, I use several plugins and parts on my main version of KSP which explain this, however I have still noticed a reasonable drop from last update to this one. It doesn't bother me too much, because it's a once-a-play thing and I can easily alt-tab out with no problems, however if Squad were to fix it or find the source of the slow loading, I imagine it would have a considerable effect on other parts of the game, since it's likely inefficient/convenient code, or hard-to-find bugs that have been "digitally duct taped" over as quick fixes, both pretty common in development stages of a program or game... Which reminds me, the game is far from done, so I expect that the level of quality (not in just this aspect, but in all aspects) will increase immensely between now and the finished product. As it stands the game has shaped up quite remarkably the past few updates alone, and I see no reason to believe it will not continue to do so.

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I don't see a difference between the loading times in 0.20 and 0.21 on my PC. With that said, I still think the loading times are ridiculous being that half of the game is waiting and the other half is actually playing it.

I voted "I don't know what I feel" because there isn't an option to concede that this may be a problem that SQUAD may never fix because it appears to be an engine limitation (like the inability to use multiple cores). I don't have a problem with that because there is literally nothing they can do unless the Unity developers get of their asses to patch the engine.

What I do have a problem with is the people saying that it'll get fixed and everyone should be patient, because for one thing; they don't know if it's a problem that is within SQUAD's ability to fix and are making false promises on SQUAD's behalf that it will.

The poll should be re-worded to "I'll just wait and see what happens in the upcoming patches" and stop claiming that it'll "get fixed" because it's just dishonest misinformation.

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The loading times & lags .21 introduced is also getting on my nerves :(

I try to enjoy playing KSP but with those issues my fun litteraly evaporates and I find myself stopping in frustration after 30 mins of game time (so basically not even complete a launch). Because of that I ended up using hyperedit not to wait on the sluggish ascent for hours for ships even under 100 parts. That does not solve the 2 min loading time though.

I really do hope it will be fixed soon so I can enjoy playing again.

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I didn't read the article or the replies. Cause the title pretty much asks it all.

But worrying about the slow loading times is not even worth a mention compared to the fun stealing bugs still in the game.

You want to know what I mean? Take a look at this race challenge.

Drive it around real fast and observe how when the rear wheels just touch the ground at an angle they don't slide any. Each time they hit they act like they hit an immovable object at about rim height. Very frustrating, and there are many bugs in the game like this that affect our flights and operations. The loading time is miniscule compared to those things. Extra loading time is only costing me a half minute at most. But I'm not sitting there all day loading things. But in that challenge I posted above, you will re-load a few extra times BECAUSE of the wheel bug making you crash. Quit bitching about the symptoms, and start bitching about the cause. Maybe then, Squad will put there efforts into what matters.

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Actually the longish pause while reverting gives me enough time to bang my head on something ... "Must*not*for*get*§(%$*parts*every*time!"

I cannot count the times I sat on the launch pad or was already about to dock when I realised the RCS thrusters were missing ... "I will put them on last, so I can align them with the center of mass, because I am clever and so smart!" *BANG*BANG*BANG*

So, they are inconvenient, but I am certain it will not stay that way.

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You know, it still beats having to switch to floppy disk 2 when there is a new level. Up to 10 secs? Heh! Try a couple of minutes and then you are praying that you do not have a disk drive error. Up to 10 secs is a piece of cake.

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  BostLabs said:
You know, it still beats having to switch to floppy disk 2 when there is a new level. Up to 10 secs? Heh! Try a couple of minutes and then you are praying that you do not have a disk drive error. Up to 10 secs is a piece of cake.

"Please insert CD no. 2, than press Enter to continue."

Ah well ... I am a bit young then? :D:D:D

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Guest Brody_Peffley

My laptop can handle ksp at perfectly speeds and loads fine. I haven't got any bugs. I think your just douching on Squad... Its a pretty crappy laptop rating of 3.3. My load tiime is about 4 seconds its not as long as loading up civ 4 or spore, or comparing to lag to other old games. Its well done and very optimized as they can. Its a game thats new and is well done for looking good but getting the performance. I think the performance makes up for the load times.

Edited by Brody_Peffley
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I'm currently running KSP on both a high-end Mac Pro (tower) 3.3 Ghz and 3.8 Ghz PC. It's the only game I play. I like to think of it more as hardcore simulation with a lot of spunk. But I have to agree that the 15 second pause can be a problem when you are building a new rocket or plane since you are constantly switching back and forth from the VAB, Launch pad and Tracking station multiple times. We have grown accustom to millisecond delays with most games, so a 15 second delay with a black screen can seem like an eternity. I wonder if this may have more to do with the Unity engine and not something SQUAD can control at this time.

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