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What Would KSP Be Like In 3 Years?


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In three more whole years? Believe it or not I foresee KSP being ported to a new engine. Or, equivalently, "KSP 2" being made with said new engine. If progress and expansion continue at the rate they have the past year, I could imagine KSP having most of the basic functionality of Space Engine, e.g. multiple solar systems, procedural celestial bodies, humongous interstellar ships.

In 3 years anyway. I'll keep my fingers crossed it's still a thing then.

Oh and maybe they'll even finally slay the Kraken...?

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MechJeb will absorb more and more functionality until it is driving your car, paying your bills, making investment decisions and cooking your breakfast for you. Eventually it will become self-aware and divert all of Earth's resources to expanding to other planets and solar systems.

Don't think it's true? Use the MechJeb command pod in a craft and stare into its all-seeing eye for a few minutes. It will penetrate your soul and reveal its disdain for your amateurish piloting skills.

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With the way its going... we'll be up to maybe .23 in 3 years... this game was released in the summer of 2011 and we only got handfull of parts to work with. :/ 2 years so far and very little has been added.

Looks like someones wrong. :)

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In ten years NASA will use KSP to test their rockets. (Mainly the abort systems for their rockets-what with all the explosions and whatnot)

But the action of the LES is hardcoded. if your staging is correct, it will work.

In real life, there are far more variables.

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I believe 64bit support may come sooner than we thought because smartphones are started to use 64bit cpus,I know it just a gimmick but,Things will change.

in other hand,I really would like to see kerbals in other games,Or even movies,They are really cute,and have lot of potential..

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I believe 64bit support may come sooner than we thought because smartphones are started to use 64bit cpus,I know it just a gimmick but,Things will change.

in other hand,I really would like to see kerbals in other games,Or even movies,They are really cute,and have lot of potential..

I wouldn't say it's a gimmick, it's just the way everything is going, I reckon 32 bit will be obsolete within 2 years.

A lot of the triple A titles this years have been 64bit only

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I wouldn't say it's a gimmick, it's just the way everything is going, I reckon 32 bit will be obsolete within 2 years.

A lot of the triple A titles this years have been 64bit only

I agree, not a gimmick. Multiplatform engines (like Unity) will benefit from having the same bitness on all platforms. And we're probably only a generation or two from phones having >4GB of RAM, for which 64-bit is very beneficial.

Which stuns me in some ways, my first real PC had 1MB of RAM.

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We will be able to have estimates of rocket launch safety, with more accurate readings due to Science!

We will be able to have an increasingly detailed weather forecast for our launches, starting from a Kerbal standing on top of the VAB yelling stuff to a network of satellites to beam real-time info to wise Kerbal scientists who will predict the weather with 99% accuracy.

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Year 1: All parts are procedurally generated and tweakable.

Year 2: KSP API released, and SQUAD encourages community to develop stock content.

Year 3: KSP goals vastly expanded because modding community equally vastly accelerates development.

Year 4: UN notices KSP and funds it in order to encourage and inspire space exploration. SQUAD therefore makes KSP open source and free to play.

Year 5: Other such wealthy benefactors as NASA and SpaceX follow suit, giving not money but technology that greatly betters both casual and hardcore gameplay.

Year 6: Ambitious programmers develop weak AI for Kerbals and mission control, enabling computer-controlled ships to perform such basic tasks as station keeping and refueling.

Year 7: Ambitious research departments and the aforementioned benefactors and programmers notice KSP's potential for technological and scientific development and therefore create KSP+, an organization for making KSP accurately, precisely, and resolutely simulate reality.

Year 8: KSP+ ports KSP to each new supercomputer and uses an upgraded version of their Kerbal AI to help them code. Development greatly accelerates, and KSP becomes known worldwide.

Year 9: KSP+ AI is modified to write basic programs and turned on itself, creating an ever-better artificial programmer that nearly surpasses human comprehension.

Year 10: KSP+ asks the world's greatest philosophers to raise it: KSP+ AI becomes self-aware and godly intelligent, benevolently solving mankind's problems and eventually committing a Zeroth Law Rebellion that brings paradise to Earth.


Edited by Duxwing
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2014: KSP 0.24 is released and brings new features to the game. Soon, KSP 0.25 is released and brings the first embryo of multiplayer to the game. The "Stockalike" mod style trend gets more popular and many packs and minimods are released which mimic the original game style. As such, many stock-only players start using this new category of mods because they both help retain the feel of stock parts but also fill in missing niches such as Monopropellant engines. Squad starts releasing it's own mods; one of them includes the old 0.13-style parts.

2015: There are over 3000 various mods for KSP now. The render distance is now almost infinite, allowing for discarded boosters of rockets to land safely on Kerbin.

2016: 0.35 is released. Many of the former WNTS features are in-game now. KSP now runs on it's own engine. It is possible to build megastructures now; especially with the 500+ stock parts. The parts are obviously ordered in a new category system. The "patched conics" system is upgraded to allow for language points to exist and also for aerodynamic drag to be simulated in the map trajectories; allowing for more precise landings on atmospheric bodies.

2017: KSP is a very famous game now; almost as famous as Minecraft and one of the best Indie games to ever be developed.

2018: KSP 0.50 is on the way assuming the speed with which new versions are released. The Kerbolar system has 13 bodies and many more moons that can be explored; other solar systems are being developed. Career mode is very realistic. Stock game AI systems are in progress due to the better programming technology.

2019: Spin-off games start to appear; the first is a mobile version of KSP (KSP Mobile obviously); other ones include shooters such as The Medwedian Crisis and so on. A popular modder releases a Kerbal Roleplay Universe mod for Civilization VII.

2020: KSP 1.0 is not very far now. Many new members are in the Squad team.

2021: Squad itself starts working on other games which use similar techniques than KSP.

2022: A famous modded releases an expansion pack which brings Combat and Weapons along with an enemy AI to KSP. It is now possible to "dress up" kerbals that go to EVA and as such Kerbal Soldiers with Kerbal-style guns are not a rare thing to be seen.

More coming soon.

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