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[WIP] Compact Rocketry v0.1.1


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This is the development thread. Please go to the "Release Thread" in my signature to go to the download thread/main thread.

Compact Rocketry is an idea I have whenever I see people make tiny launch vehicles. What if this was easier to do? This is where this idea comes in.

It will contain some rocket engines, fuel tanks, SAS modules, decouplers and the like, all in 0.625m size. Also included will probably be 0.45m or so solid boosters to assist the launchers.

EDIT: Thanks, everyone! Especially the modders helping me now. You guys are great! :blush:

Current staff:

Modeler, Draft; Modeler, Concept: Naten

Modeler, Tweaking: Mr. Desmond Tiny, BlazingAngel665

Texturer: BlazingAngel665

Unity and Part "Formatting": Mr. Desmond Tiny

Cfg File Coder: Naten



Initial release!

Now available for download. Release thread up.


Testing SABRE prototype.

License: 88x31.png

Compact Rocketry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

*May not be included in model package or first release of mod. Tell me which of these, if any, you want to see in the final version by sending me a PM.

Edited by Naten
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nice concept for your mod but you should put more time into thinking up what you want the actual engine to look like and put more time into practice for modelling. examples: 1) what is the small sphere 2) an engine part will not have edges angled so harshly (not referring to the amount of sides of your cylinder).

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Take some time to learn how to UV unwrap. You don't need to be a photoshop artist, just google some photographs and cut and paste pieces of them onto a texture sheet then do some color correction, touching up, and suddenly you can do your own textures. Its a good skill to have in your 3d modeling toolbox.

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nice concept for your mod but you should put more time into thinking up what you want the actual engine to look like and put more time into practice for modelling. examples: 1) what is the small sphere 2) an engine part will not have edges angled so harshly (not referring to the amount of sides of your cylinder).

I am working on improving the models right now. I am working hard on smoothing them, this was crudely done because it's the "base" model that I will smooth out and modify slowly.

How do I make the angles less "harsh" and more "smooth" anyways? I'm currently stacking cones atop each other. Read my title, this is why the models are ugly ^-^

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Shouldn't this be in Add-on Development?

Yes, maybe. I get confused between Add-on Development and Add-on Releases and Projects Showcase. The descriptions are quite similar. If you're a staff member reading this, please move the thread. Sorry for posting it in the wrong spot. Thanks :)

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I'd like to join your team Naten, I am a modeler, though, but I'd still like to help.

I know how to use unity, and have been able to get parts into the actual game if you are having trouble,

and I know how to make part.cfgs as well.

Here's the latest part I've made, to show that I am (Hopefully) a good modeler:

Edited by Mr.Desmond Tiny
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I'd like to join your team Naten, I am a modeler, though, but I'd still like to help.

Thanks, I'll put you on the correct jobs soon, im on my tbalet. Sorry for the spellinf erreors, dont have pencil fingers:)

Edited by Naten
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I'd like to join your team Naten, I am a modeler, though, but I'd still like to help.

I know how to use unity, and have been able to get parts into the actual game if you are having trouble,

and I know how to make part.cfgs as well.

Here's the latest part I've made, to show that I am (Hopefully) a good modeler:




Okay, I'm adding you ASAP! Thanks! :D

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Hey, guys! I made a new, smooth(er) model of the Cr-5! This makes the Mini SPS outdated, I'll work on it once the CR-5 is done. Tell me what you think! You can see the new model in my original post.

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Mr. Tiny a compliment to your modeling skills. Naten, I am unwrapping the models right now. I am shooting for some form of stock alike here. Results to follow.

:0.0: It's...you...

he-llo, ss-sir... I'm imp-impress-ssed with uh, your m-modmaking skills...

I didn't know you'd find this!

Yes, I agree. Mr. Tiny is better than pretty much everyone at modelling, I am oh so grateful for him accepting my idea. And for you, too, sir.

Both of you guys, you are amazing.

So, BlazingAngel, do you wish to be our texturer? I would be honored...:blush:

Yes, a stock alike type of thing is what I am shooting for! My concept drawings kinda shoot for the same thing. The only problem is that they're not colored, just sketched, so I have no colors in mind... :sticktongue:

So, you can just go ballistic and cover it in purple lines. If you did that, I would be amazed to have a part that was scribbled on by you...

and parts with models tweaked by Mr. Tiny...

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Small rockets sounds great, but one question: are there currently enough stock objects to make small payloads to put on top of them possible?

Yes. Probes, probes, probes, and Scott Manley's minimalist crafts. :wink:

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Your models are showing promise, Naten. You can get rid of those harsh edges in Blender pretty easily. In Object mode (hit tab to swap between it and Edit mode) look on the left side menu, and find "Smoothing" - it will have a "Smooth" and "Flat" button. hit smooth and the edges go away. now you will notice it has weird shading though.

To fix that you want an edge split modifier. Thats in the Modifier tab, which you can find in the Properties pane (usually on the right side, the one with the small tabs on it for materials and so on) The modifier tab is the one with the Wrench icon. From Object mode, hit "Add Modifier" and then find Edge Split in the list under Generate.

Should add an Edge Split panel right below, with the apply and clear buttons and some angle definitions. By default you'd just adjust the angle measurement until your model looks properly smooth and shaded. Note that you don't want to hit Apply until you are done with the model and ready to export it from Blender (including unwrapping it) This is because its cutting the model at the hard edges to make distinct surfaces, so the light can be applied differently to each surface for shading. It won't actually affect how it looks aside from the shading, but since its severing vertex connections at some edges, it makes it much harder to edit it after applying the modifier. Thankfully, if you just leave the modifier in the panel there and don't hit apply, it will "preview" how it looks without applying it.

If you really need to edit again after applying, you can undo it. Go to edit mode, then select ALL, then Mesh -> Vertices -> Remove Doubles

That does thr reverse, removing any cloned vertices and linking the respective edges back together at one vertex.

Hopefully that wasn't too much info at one there. You can use youtube to find some Blender tutorials on a lot of beginner subjects; just make sure they're for 2.5 or newer (the older versions had a completely different interface and are pretty useless now)

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Again, new model! This time, it's for the Cr-34a Mini SPS! More polygons, more smooth! :wink:


It's now in the model package, download it if you want. :)

(Download it at the original post, see changelog for more update information, and planned updates, coming very soon. [probably in a few minutes] :D)

P.S., Thanks everyone for all of the support I've been given, and the constructive criticism. You guys are great. :)

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Sorry, Already started on this one. Do you mind if we use the legacy model?

I do not mind, and I do not know what a legacy model is. Sorry, I'm new to modding (read my title :wink:) but I wouldn't mind, anyways. I think I used to know, too...

I would like it if you would wait for the textures for now, as I am having Mr. Tiny do the tweaking on the models at the moment. Thanks, though.

What if I sent you a PM when he gets them done, then can you work on them? Sorry.

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The legacy model was the first one you did. I tidied it up (just made the inside of the engine bell) it is now unwrapped and in gimp. I have a color scheme shamelessly eyedroppered (yes a highly technical term) from some of the stock bits. Now I just need warning labels and other intricate details like bolts and bits. I haven't done anything with emissivity or the thermal animation that requires more time and some unity know how that is not something I feel like doing atm. Also if you have normal maps or anything please add those in the download. We will need a proper dropbox that we can all add files to. Previews to come.

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